Chapter 68

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Okayyy, here is Luna's point of view again!


Luna's POV:

Luna growled from behind her closed lips. She stood on the top stair of the staircase and stared intently at Amber's back. This girl had done the unimaginable: she had healed what Luna destroyed. How dare she?!

Luna had woken up and just happened to stop by the library. She needed a book for research for work. She had spotted Eva, and was going to let her be, until she noticed her lips. They were no longer sewn, and she immediately grew furious. At the moment, she thought Joel had went and fixed them, but then after some force, Eva confessed to her it was Amber.

After she thought about it, she found it to actually be quite humorous. The two girls were telling on the other nonstop.

But now Amber stood several feet away from her, and nothing was funny. This girl was brave to challenge Luna like that. She didn't know any of the details since right after Eva had told on her, Luna left her to sought out Amber. She didn't know when they left or how they got there or how they even afforded it!

Luna had called after Amber, but the girl only froze in place. For some reason, she had not yet moved. Luna wondered if this was because she knew what was coming.

Growing angrier just by looking at Amber, she began to make her way down the stairs. As she approached her victim, her heels clicked against the tile. She swore Amber took a step forward, but still had not bothered to turn and face her.

She snickered at her obvious fear, and continued to walk up to her from behind. She now stood against her body, and she leaned around her to see her terrified expression. The girl's face was a tad paler than normal, and her eyes stood out of their sockets.

"I know what you did, Amber," she softly whispered against her ear.

She felt Amber's body flush with goosebumps although most of her skin was covered.

Once the girl continued to stay quiet, Luna lashed out; getting sick of being ignored. She forced the girl to face her by grasping onto one side of her neck and roughly turning her.

"How did you get to the hospital?" Luna demanded as she stared into Amber's eyes. She knew the hospital was not too far from them, but it wasn't close either. It would surely make for a long walk.

"I...I...someone drove us," Amber said in a timid tone.

Luna found herself to be in slight shock. "Someone drove you? Who?"

Amber darted her eyes around the room as if she was searching for some sort of way out.

"Tell me," Luna growled, regaining Amber's focus. Luna could feel and sense how rapidly Amber's heart was beating from inside her chest.


This frustrated Luna. Getting answers from this girl was like pulling teeth. "Amber, if you know what is good for you, you will-"

"One of the teachers from Dark Shadows," Amber finally confessed as she interrupted Luna's warning.

Luna tilted her head in confusion. "One of the teachers?" She repeated, but did not give Amber a chance to speak. "Which one?"

There was a long hesitation from Amber, and right when Luna began to grow impatient, she finally answered. "My math teacher."

Luna scanned her brain to remember who it was that taught her math class. Oh! It was Hailey? Her childhood friend? "The one that you got in the wreck with, yes?"

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