Chapter 6

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"Luna," Joel called out softly as they entered the room.

Amber stayed back, afraid to enter the room. Joel urged her on, though. 

She was soon, too, in the room. She glanced around, taking in its appearance. 

The walls were painted a dark blue and there was a large circular bed in the middle of the room that appeared to be larger than Amber's entire upstairs back at home.

Amber heard Joel curse under his breath. "Luna," he called out at bit louder volume than before.

Suddenly a woman turned the corner and Amber's heart stopped. 

She was gorgeous. She was clad in a short black dress, which flowed down from the back. Long black gloves that ran up to barley touch her shoulders matched the dress. Her dark hair fell past her waist and Amber could see her pink-tinted eyes from several feet away. Her red lips seemed to stick out almost just as much as her beautiful eyes.

Luna had her hand placed on her heart and seemed to let out a sigh of relief. " startled me."

Joel chuckled lightly. "Sorry 'bout that. Did you not smell us?"

Luna shook her head and rubbed her temples. "No, I was not really paying attention."

Amber heard Dave snicker. "Same old Luna; never paying attention."

Luna made a face at him and Amber heard the sound of Luna's heels tap against the floor as she walked closer to them. Her body appeared to be in the perfect shape, and Amber could not help but admire the way her breasts were pefectly hugged by the dress.

The sound of her heels came to an abrupt stop as her eyes met Amber's.

Luna stared at her for a moment before taking a step back and clenching her teeth as she moved her gaze to the men.

"Why is that thing in here?"

Amber was afraid she was going to lose her temper when the woman referred to her as a 'thing,' but Joel was already on it. 

He took several steps towards Luna. "Hey! You wanted her, did you not?"

Luna's eyes darted at Amber before narrowing at Joel. "Yes, yes I did. But a forewarning would have been terrific."

Joel tightened his fists. "So you're telling me we did all this work to get her here, and you don't even want her yet?!"

Luna rolled her eyes.  "Listen, Joel. I just said that I wanted her. I only wish you would have told me. Plus we told her father we'd give her eighteen years. I don't have her age wrong, do I?"

Amber's heart raced more at this but she could not seem to find her vocal cords. What were they talking about?

Joel gave Luna a look. "She was suppose to be a surprise.  And I did not see the point for the wait. What's the difference between now and a year?"

Luna hesitated and glanced back between Amber and Joel. She then threw her arms in the air and walked in the other direction. "Get out. I don't want to see her...Not yet."

Joel let out an obnoxious groan and looked as if he was about to speak, but Amber cut him off. 

"So...does this mean I can leave now?" She then raised her voice, "and find my father?!"

Amber's breath was cut short when Luna was suddenly atop of her. Amber was pressed roughly against the wall and had a hard time breathing as Luna's hand was tightly clutched around her neck.

" will not be leaving. Not anytime soon," Luna growled into her ear. "Possibly never."

Amber kicked at the woman and tugged at her hand which was still around her neck. She wanted to speak, but could not due to this. Who was this girl anyways?

"Luna! Seriously," Amber heard Joel say. 

Luna sharply turned her head back to Joel. "You really need to stay out of this."

"But I'm the one that brought her here!"

Luna ignored him as she returned her focus to Amber. She must have noticed Amber's sickly appearance. Even Amber herself knew how awful she must have looked.

She felt as if she was going to pass out, and was doing her best to hold back her tears. Despite her attempt, several had already rolled down her cheek.

Luna loosened her grip, but still kept Amber close.

"She looks tired. Take her to her room that we've set up and let her rest," Luna commanded, not removing her eyes off Amber.

Amber fell nervous under her stare. One reason being the woman was beautiful, and the other the fact that she was clearly strong.

Joel shoved past Luna, clearly angry, before gently grabbing Amber and heading her out of the room. 

The other two men stayed back with Luna as Amber and Joel walked up a long staircase. Amber had nothing to say; out of shock, exhaustion, anger, and lack of breath.

Joel opened a door to another room and led her inside.

Amber did not get too much detail of the room as she was layed down on a soft bed.

"Get some sleep," Joel said softly before leaving.

Amber did as told and immediately fell asleep. 

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