Chapter 35

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Exactly a week later, Amber was busy drawing in her sketchpad while humming quietly to herself.

Ever since Luna had made out with her, she had locked herself up in her room, almost terrified to come out. She did not want to be used again. It hurt her, and it just reminded her of how weak and trapped she was.

Every time she got undressed, she was able to witness the mark Luna had left on her leg due to biting her so hard. The scratch was surrounded by a purple bruise. It always provided her with a nice reminder of how much control this woman now had over her. The bruise had faded a bit since then, but the scratch was still looking fresh.

Luna had fortunately only spoken to Amber a handful of times since the incident, and Amber could just feel her own self shrinking from Luna in hopes to escape her each time they talked. She, of course, had not forgotten to reprimand Amber for leaving her without permission once more, but had not taken action to actually punish her for it.

She couldn't wait for school to start. It gave her something to look forward to as well as got her out of the house and away from Luna for some time.

Someone knocked on the door, and Amber jumped up to see who might want her attention, but stopped once she was on her two feet. Looking down at herself, she cringed. She was wearing Joel's sweatpants she had practically begged him to borrow and a t-shirt she found in her closet. Her brown hair was pulled up into a high, messy bun, proving she had done nothing productive all day.

Another knock was heard and Amber muttered something about impatient people, before opening the door to find Dave.

She was taken aback by his presence. She hadn't talked to him since the large dinner.

He stood at her door wearing an unpleasant face and held a stack of clothes in his hand.

"Um...hey Dave," Amber said with a tiny wave.

He only grunted in response and shoved the clothes out to Amber. "Here. Uniform."

Amber snarled at him as she took the clothes. He sounded like a baby, only saying short, one-word sentences to her.

Deciding to ignore the grumpy man, she held up the clothes he had given her. She first yanked up a dark red skirt. It had pleats and looked to touch an inch or two above the knee. There were also four of the same shirts, all being a plain white. Then there were five red vests, with a small logo of a school book with fangs on the top left, where your heart would be. Amber narrowed her eyes to read what the words around the logo said.

"Dark Shadows Academy," Amber read aloud, deciding she liked the way it sounded.

"Yeah, yeah," Dave whined coolly. "Your shoes and socks will be in by tomorrow."

Amber could not help but smile even though Dave was being such a bum to her. She was excited!

"So it's a private school?"

"Well, clearly, since I just gave you the uniform," Dave said with a roll of his eyes.

Amber narrowed her eyes at him. "What is your problem?"

"My problem? I don't have a problem," Dave told her as he shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned forward.

"Oh? You might need to check that again."

Dave smirked. "What's your problem, Amber? I don't have a problem," Dave said as he swung back and forth on his leather shoes.

Amber began to wonder what he was up to as she reset her posture in attempt to look more intimidating. "Look, ever since the day you," Amber cleared her throat to emphasize her point, "kidnapped me, you've hated me. I've done nothing to you."

"What? We never even talk!"

"Would you children stop arguing?" Came a voice Amber was much too used to.

She turned her head along with Dave to look at Luna who just stepped up from the top step of the staircase so she was on the same story as them.

Amber silently bowed her way, even though she thought Luna had forgotten about Amber being supposed to bow every time she was in Luna's presence. Amber wanted to play it safe for some time before standing up to her again.

"I was just giving her her uniform," Dave informed her.

"Oh! How do you like it, Amber?" Luna said while walking closer their way.

"I like it," Amber told her honestly.

"Good," Luna said with a soft smile. "I feel as if I'm more excited for you to start school than you are."

Amber chuckled. "If only you knew..." She mumbled.

Luna arched an eyebrow. "What? Sorry, I didn't hear you."

"Nothing," Amber said quietly as she shook her head.

Luna looked as if she were going to further question her, when Dave clicked his tongue. "Well, I'll see you later..." He said before turning on his heels and walking away.

Amber began to grow nervous once he was gone. She was now alone with Luna, and she never knew what to expect when they were alone.

Despite all her worrying, Luna only flashed her a smile before tracing Dave's steps and leaving her alone by her door.

Amber did not linger there long, though. She darted back inside her room and dropped her clothes. She was eager to try on this uniform of her's.

After pulling it on, she went to see the result in her full-length mirror. The skirt was shorter than most uniform skirts, which please Amber. The vest fit nice with the undershirt and skirt itself. She wondered what the shoes and socks looked like, but even without them, she came to the conclusion that she approved of the uniform.

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