Chapter 42

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It was, though. There she stood, clad in black pants and a loose zebra print shirt. She wore small black heels and held a book in hand. Her hair was just as large and curly as before, and her skin was as tan as Amber remembered. The most chilling part, was that her lips were held in a small grin.

"Amber! Dear, are you alright?"

She was aware of Mrs. Welt talking to her with clear concern, but Amber's eyes were glued to Hailey.

What was she doing here? She wasn't in the uniform...Had she come for Amber?

"You look as if you're going to pass out!" Was the chirp from Mrs. Welt that finally caught her attention. She was well aware the statement was probably true- she was freaking out.

"Yeah...yeah, I'm good," she attempted to assure her, even though she could hear the shakiness of her own voice.

She watched as Mrs. Welt hesitated. "Did you hear what I said?"

"No, I'm sorry," Amber quickly apologized, mortified about the way she was acting and the way Mrs. Welt was looking at her as if she were a psycho.

"I introduced you to your new math teacher...Ms. Deprey."

New math teacher?! If Amber had looked like she was going to pass out before, she was sure she was going to actually pass out now.

"Hello, Ms. Hunting," Hailey said with a polite nod as she acted as if they were just meeting for the first time.

Amber could only stare at her in utter silence.

"I talked to your English teacher, Ms. Hunting, and he said it would be fine if you missed his class to give Ms. Deprey a tour of the school. I know you have such a wonderful sense of direction," Mrs. Welt said between her lips which were held firm in a wide grin.

Amber was still being suffocated in shock and needed a minute to take all this in and consume it before saying a word. Hailey was now her teacher...but why? What had happened to her old one? And wasn't Hailey like...twenty at maximum?

The sound of the second bell ringing cut off Amber's thoughts.

"Perfect timing! I'll let you two get started with your tour. Have a nice day, Ms. Deprey," Mrs. Welt beamed before walking off.

Amber stared at Hailey as if she were a ghost.

Hailey strolled closer her way with a smile. "So where to first?"

Was she seriously about to act like this? Amber had loads of questions for her, and the tour was really the last thing on her mind.

"How about this, this looks interesting," Hailey suggested as she brushed past Amber and began to enter the school library.

Amber couldn't blame her, the library was outstanding. It was large and was completely packed with books.

Amber silently stalked over to Hailey, not taking her eyes off her. She blinked as Hailey peered at her.

"Is this a silent tour or something?" She chuckled.

Amber could feel herself growing warm, she was suddenly furious. She roughly placed a hand on Hailey's chest and shoved her around a corner right in front of the library.

Hailey let out a yell as Amber did this and Amber dropped the books she held in her hands to grip at the girl's shirt.

With Hailey's squeal and the clatter of books dropping, including Hailey's book, they had just made a ton of noise, and Amber hesitated for an instant to be safe and sure that no one came to see what was going on.

"What the hell did you put in that drink?" She growled once certain they were in the clear.

Hailey stared at her with wide eyes, but her lips were still tugged into a smile. "Now, Ms. Hunting, I don't think any of this is very appropriate. You have me shoved up against this wall, and now you're cussing, I just-"

Amber cut her off by roughly yanking her back only to slam her against the wall once more, just as rough.

"I'm not joking around here, Hailey!" Amber yelled, although in a whisper. She did not want to take any chances of getting in trouble.

Hailey's smile was now completely gone. She gripped her hands on Amber's elbows tightly. "Amber Hunting. Get off"

The tone of her voice scared Amber, and she slowly dropped her hands down. She didn't understand. She knew this was Hailey, why was she not telling her anything? She needed answers!

"Hailey..." Amber warned her without completely explaining anything. Hailey already knew what she wanted, it all now depended on how she would get that from her.

"Amber, your eyes are purple. You need to calm down," she told her as she bent down to pick up Amber's books from off the ground.

Amber gasped inwardly. Her eyes were purple again?

She slowly took the books from Hailey's hands as she offered them back to her.

Hailey sighed deeply before speaking. "May we proceed with the thing which was suppose to be a tour, now...Ms. Hunting?"

Amber was fuming inside again.

She once more lunged for her and gripped her hand around Hailey's throat. Hailey was so shocked, she mimicked Amber's previous action by dropping her own book again.

"Look, I don't know what you're up to...but I will find out, you can't just drug me and then-"

"Ms. Hunting!"

Amber snapped her head in the direction of the demanding voice and found Mrs. Windcot approaching them.

"Shit," Amber muttered under her breath, but was devoured in too much shock to make her hand let go of Hailey, who was currently panting under Amber's grip.

"Remove your hands from Ms. Deprey at once!" She commanded, a look of total distaste on her face.

Amber quickly let go of her and moved her hands behind her back as she could only imagine how much trouble she was going to be in.

She watched as Hailey leaned against the wall and was now the one to grip at her throat. Amber must have really cut off her breathing, as she was still desperate for air. Amber knew herself...whenever she was mad, she completely lost control. Not that she exactly felt bad for Hailey, but still, she did not intend to kill her or anything.

"My...are you alright?" Mrs. Windcot asked Hailey as she ran up to hold onto her as if to support her instead of letting the wall do so.

Hailey glanced viciously at Amber before gazing back at the floor. "Yes, I'm alright," she said before finally fully standing up on her own.

Amber let out a light chuckle, and Mrs. Windcot simultaneously whipped around to glare at Amber. "And for Now!"

Amber cringed as the woman snapped at her. She wondered what had happened to the sweet, fat lady she had seen behind the desk the first day of school.

Amber slowly backed her way out of the scene as she watched Mrs. Windcot turn to face Hailey. "I'll be right back, okay? Just...just hold on."

After turning back to Amber, Mrs. Windcot once more glared at her and pointed a large finger to the office. Amber already knew where it was located and began to make her way there, with Mrs. Windcot close behind.

She glanced behind her back only once to catch Hailey standing there looking like a lost puppy, and Amber wasn't sure how she felt. She only knew that by tomorrow, that girl was giving her answers. No matter what it took.

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