Chapter 39

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Amber had officially made friends with Lucy by the time school was over and it was finally time for the weekend.

They found to have many common interests: they both excelled in science, had the same taste in rock music, and Lucy even loved to draw. The two of them even realized they shared their math class together.

They walked out of the school together laughing about a joke Lucy had cracked. She had seemed so awkward and shy beforehand, but she appeared to have gotten comfortable with Amber as she spoke more and didn't move around in such awkward movements as she had previously.

Her new personality was nothing shy as Amber found her to be quite hilarious. She had made several jokes that practically had Amber on the floor.

Amber's current laugh was snapped off as she recognized the black car which sat in the parking lot waiting for Amber. She already knew who sat inside of the car even if the windows' blackness blocked off any visibility to seeing inside of the car if you stood from the outside. She groaned out loud in replacement of her laughing. She had hoped Luna would have been terribly sick instead of having a small sickness that only lasted several hours.

"What's the matter?" Lucy asked her as she followed her eyes to Luna's car.

Amber sighed. "I was just hoping someone besides my...stepmother would pick me up," Amber told her, even though she was thankful it was not Joel sitting in the parking lot. Either way, Amber would not have been happy, so she might as well go on and be thankful she would at least survive the way back home. "That's all," she reassured Lucy as she turned back to face her.

"Well alright," Lucy commented as she hoisted her backpack up higher on her back, obviously not being aware of how badly Amber did not want to leave with Luna. "I'll see you tomorrow then, Amber."

Amber nodded to her as she slowly backed away. "Bye."

Lucy gave her a small wave before turning and heading the opposite direction.

Instead of making her short way to Luna, Amber stuck by and followed Lucy with her eyes. She watched her as she climbed into a silver jeep, an older man seated in the driver's seat. Amber narrowed her eyes in attempt to get a better look at the man.

He did not look too old, as he had a small beard and light brown hair. She knew he was not old enough to be Lucy's father. He could possibly be her older brother, or uncle maybe. For all Amber knew, he might not be related to her at all.

She was still watching closely as they drove off, but jumped at the blare of a car horn.

Without moving her eyes to the parking lot, she already knew it was Luna. She was so impatient and it embarrassed Amber as several of her classmates watched her take the walk of shame towards her mistress' car.

Again, without being able to see inside the windows, she could imagine Luna's facial expression: bright red lips pulled into a deep frown, seductive clothing held tight around her small figure, beautiful dark hair swept to the side, folded arms, red eyes, and Amber could even hear her reprimanding voice inside her head.

As Amber pulled open the car door, she almost laughed out loud. Luna sat in the driver's seat looking exactly the way Amber had imagined.

She must have gotten over whatever she had, because she looked great. A navy blouse hung low to present some cleavage and her black pants were held tight around her waist by a large white buckle.

"What were you doing?! Don't you know how much I hate waiting?"

"Ah...and there it is..." Amber mumbled from under her breath at Luna's predicted reprimanding.

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