Chapter 41

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Amber had cried the entire way home and was now snuggled up against the window seat in her room. She did not know who she was anymore. What had living here with Luna done to her? Before, she would have politely told that chick that she was not interested in her. At least the girl wasn't upset about a one time kind of deal, but Amber still hurt deep inside.

She had drawn a duplicate of the girl she had so rudely used. She drew the exact way she looked when Amber had turned around in her chair: leaning over her with those large breasts hanging out of her tank, her lips plump as they gripped the toothpick pushed between them, her hair a sexy mess in its long tail.

Joel had promised not to say a word to Luna about it, but he did bitch at her the whole ride back to the place. She had stayed silent through it all and had fully accepted his scolds; knowing she deserved each and every one of them.

The night time had finally rolled around and Amber sat still, just staring at the half moon above her with that drawing sitting beside her.

Her father randomly entered her thoughts. Where was he? Was he thinking about her?

Amber shook her head to answer her silent questions. No, of course not. He had given her away. He didn't want her. He was not coming to save her.

Amber was no longer in the mood for more tears, so instead of sitting there and crying more, she undressed and pulled on black shorts and a long t-shirt.

She proceeded to tuck herself into her bed. Amber was half thankful she was not a full vampire. She could not imagine life without sleep. Although she was not terribly tired and it was not terribly late, she needed a way to get out of her own head. Sleep was the only answer and solution she could come up with.

She soon fell into a slumber; a desperate but fairly successful attempt to escape her thoughts even if just for the night.


Sunday was slow.

It seemed like whenever a day needed to go fast, time decided to be rude and do the opposite of Amber's wants and needs.

Eventually, though, Monday rolled over. Amber was eager to get to school, half the reason was her want for any distraction offered to her.

That girl was still on her mind. Was she affected at all by Amber? Probably not, she was clearly the slutty type. So if Amber knew this...if she knew that girl did not care at all and had no understanding of love, then why did Amber care so much? If the girl didn't, then why did she?

"Because that's not me," she answered herself out loud.

"Huh?" Luna asked with a dark eyebrow curiously raised.

Amber blinked. "Oh, nothing. Sorry."

"You worry me, Amber. If I didn't have such sharp supervision on you, I would assume you were doing drugs," Luna commented as she pulled into Dark Shadows Academy.

Amber found herself chuckling at this. She wished she were on drugs, just to have a descent excuse for acting the way she had.

Once they pulled into the drop-off line, she peeked over at Luna who had a frown sitting on her lips. Amber was curious as to why her lips were always so angry.

"Well, have a good day," She told Amber through her frowning.

Amber grabbed her backpack and stepped out of the car. "Bye."

Amber strolled into the school and just as she was opening her locker, someone jumped up to her, causing her to let out a quiet squeal in shock.

"Hey, bud!" Lucy beamed as she swung her hips back and forth in front of Amber's locker.

Amber automatically laughed. "Get out of my way!"

Lucy had opened up so much more throughout the days Amber had gotten to know her. She was clearly super comfortable around Amber now, so comfortable that she had belched right in her face Friday.

Right now, her dark hair rested on her shoulders in straight locks, as a few pieces were held back by a clip. Amber had gotten pretty used to her strange eye color, and no longer paid much attention to it.

Lucy giggled and did as Amber told, stepping to stand by her side instead. "How was your weekend?"

" about we talk about your's instead?" Amber groaned in disgust at the thought of Saturday.

She looked over at Lucy as she pulled her first class' book out of her locker.

"You wanna talk about it?"

Amber looked down. She had only known Lucy for several days, and the girl had her all figured out. She already could tell when Amber was upset about something.

"Maybe later..." Amber told the floor.

"Alright, well my weekend was boring. Soooo, at least something happened during your's."

Amber glanced back up to her and chuckled. That was true.

She shut her locker just as the warning bell went off.

"Man. I'll see you in math!" Lucy said as she bolted out of sight.

Amber smiled to herself as she watched Lucy make a run for her French class. She was terrified of being late to that class, because the teacher would make the kids who showed up late do some sort of excises in front of the class as punishment.

Amber made her way through the other kids in the hallway so she could get on to English class.

"Yes. Oh! Ms. Hunting!"

Amber whirled around at the call of her name. She found her principle standing before her, clipboard in hand. Her principle was an older lady who Amber found to be absolutely adorable. Definitely not in the sexual way, though. She had to be a good eighty years old, which confused Amber since she thought all vampires were suppose to look young.

"Hi, Mrs. Welt," Amber greeted her with a polite smile.

"You have Calculus second period, is that correct?"

"Yes ma'am," Amber approved her question.

"Wonderful! Well, here..."

Amber's heart stopped. Her ears seemed to block out anything else Mrs. Welt had to say along with any other distractions. Her palms were moist and her eyes were wide.

Mrs. Welt had stepped to the side mid-sentence to show off the woman who hid behind her.

It couldn't be...Hailey.

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