Chapter 8

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Amber had been laying with her head shoved into the pillow for quite sometime before jumping up to the sound of someone entering the room. She jumped up to find Joel at her doorway. For some unknown reason, she smiled at his presence.

He gave her a half-smile in return as he shut the door behind him. "Luna told me things did not go over so well..."

Amber sighed as she nodded. "They didn't. She made me her slave, Joel!"

Joel crossed his arms. "Look, I'm on your side. None of this is right."

This made Amber smile. At least someone in this place wasn't against her.

Joel then chuckled. "Were a fit?"

Amber's eyes grew wide. "Fit? What?"

Joel shook his head and laughed softly before explaining. "I heard bunches of pounds and yells coming from your room while I was talking to Luna."

Amber's cheeks immediately flushed. Oh man...Now he thought she was a freak. "I was just upset, okay?" Amber said in defense as she plopped back down on the bed.

Joel laughed again and joined her. "You okay?"

No, she wasn't okay! How in hell could she possibly be okay?

Amber knew he was just trying to be nice, so instead of yelling at him, she stayed quiet.

After a moment of silence, Joel stood. "Well, if you're up to it, I'd be happy to give you a tour around the place."

Amber smiled up at him at his kindness. She stood and motioned towards the door. "Lead the way, kind sir," she spoke in a British accent.

He furrowed his eyebrows as he laughed at Amber. She let out a chuckle as the two of them left the room. 

It took around an hour for Joel to give Amber a simple tour of his home. The place was even bigger than Amber had thought! There were multiple 'secret' passageways that did not even account for a third of the place.

She had managed to stay out of the other family members' way and now the two of them were standing outside of the house; admiring it's fantastic view of a large waterfall.

"Why does Luna hate me so much?" Amber spoke aloud her thoughts before thinking.

Joel chuckled. "Yah know that since you're now her slave, you ought to refer to her as 'Miss Luna.'"

Amber frowned and was about to snap at him when she noticed something pecilur. It was clearly daytime outside, but what had happened to the night? She had only slept for an hour since she arrived here. And she had arrived in broad daylight!

But the thing was...she was not even tired.

Joel must have saw her thinking hard and interuppted her train of thought. "What's up, Amber?"

Amber blinked. "Joel...I'm not human, am I?"

Joel ran a hand through his hair but did not say a word.

It made sense though! What Luna had told her, her father's sudden change of eye color, the reason her father looked so darn young for his age.

Amber gasped dramatically as realization hit her. "If my father is a vampire," she muttered, "then my mother must have been a vampire...which means..." 

She trailed off as she looked at Joel who hung his head but had his eyes lifted to peer at her through his hair.

"Joel. You have to tell me if I'm right. I know you know."

Joel's head suddenly darted up and he glanced around curiously. Amber was about to ask what was wrong when he explained. "Ah! Someone is calling my name!"

He glanced around once more. "Oh. Coming! I'll see you later, Amber!" 

And then he was gone faster than Amber could blink.

She grunted and kicked at the ground with her shoe. How could he do that?! He just did that to avoid her question.

Amber knew things were being hidden from her. And she planned on finding out everything.

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