Chapter 38

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By the time Friday rolled around, Amber was exhausted. She didn't care if she hadn't been attending this school even a week yet; it was much more challenging than her old one. She already had a paper assigned for the soon-to-come weekend, as well as piles of homework each afternoon she returned home.

She was currently enjoying herself to a bowl of cereal for breakfast. She had learned from the first day she needed to eat more in the mornings, and so she carried that plan out.

She whipped her head to the side when she heard a tap against the wall of the kitchen. The swinging door was being held open by Joel, who rested against the door frame.

Amber gave him a warm smile. "Hey, Joel."

"Hello, Amber!" He beamed loudly, seeming too excited and awake for someone this early in the morning. Although, he was a vampire. Amber might understand what it was like to never feel tired if she were a real and full vampire, but she was not, so therefore, she cringed at Joel's loud voice.

He almost looked terribly worried at Amber's reaction. "Sorry, I'm still not used to having to keep a lower voice in the mornings. One, because I never see you in the mornings," he said in a quieter tone as he pulled a chair out to join Amber at the grey table.

Amber chuckled and patted his back, feeling slightly bad for causing him to feel so guilty.

"Well, you almost done there, squirt?" Joel questioned, as he glanced at her half-eaten cereal.

Amber arched an eyebrow at him. "Almost. Why?"

Joel cleared his throat as he fiddled with his colar on the green polo he wore. "Because Sir Joel is taking Miss Amber to school today."

Amber broke out into a giggle at the way he spoke, knowing he was attempting to sound proper. She wondered what sparked something inside him to make him wish to speak in proper third person sentences, since he did it all the time to Amber.

After laughing, she questioned him in the same tone. "And that would be a wonderful pleasure, Me Lord, but may Miss Amber question his doings?"

She could tell Joel was holding back a laugh just as she was.

"Oh, yes, of course she may know. Miss Luna is quite ill and is unable to drive. Sir Joel hopes this won't be too much of an inconvenience for his lady."

Amber hesitated as she wondered if he was being serious or not. In the meantime, Joel arched one eyebrow waiting for her obnoxious response and sitting with his back straight against the chair.

Amber prayed he was being serious as she came up with her response. Just one day without Luna was like a blessing for Amber.

"Ah, ah. No, no, that is just fine, it happens to everyone. I'm sure Miss Amber would be just delighted to have a break from her horrid mistress to spend the drive with her lovely Sir Joel."

Now was the time Joel decided to let his laughter free. In seeing him laugh, Amber did too. Nervously, though. Every time she talked negatively about Luna, the woman seemed to show up staring needles into Amber's back.

After a quick glance around, and a large hesitation filled with laughter and waiting for Luna to show up, Amber was relieved to find she was no where to be seen.

Joel stood and proceeded to hop over to Amber and pull her chair out for her. "Miss Amber must take a glance at the time, for it is now time for her to be heading off. Sir Joel apologizes for her being unable to finish her meal, but she musn't be late, especially during the first week. He hopes she will understand."

This made Amber want to laugh and whine at the same time. She knew her stomach would be hating her again today, but Joel was right, they needed to hurry if she wanted to get there on time.

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