Chapter 61

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It was now Sunday, and Amber had found Saturday to be a complete waste of time. Nothing had happened besides the episode with Luna. Her finger was now swollen as could be, and continued to hurt like a bitch. After throwing up twice, Amber had finally recovered from her hangover. Her butt was still sore, but her finger is what really had her attention. She could hardly move it, and had it wrapped in a wad of kleenax.

She laid on her bed wondering what Hailey was doing. She knew the girl felt awful about what had happened, but Amber didn't like that. It was her own fault- she was the one who hadn't stopped drinking. She then thought about Lucy, and knew the girl would be suspicious just by the way Amber acted. Should she go ahead and admit to everything? She decided just to confess what was going on between her and Hailey. She hated lying to her friends.

Luna had locked her bedroom door the other night, so Amber was surprised when it creaked open. She had kept Amber trapped like an animal in a cage, and she was dying to come out.

A head soon came into view as the person peeked around the wood. Amber immediately recognized it as Eva. A grin flew on her face and she jumped up, ready to tackle the girl.

"Eva!" She said excitedly as she made her way over to the door.

Eva's face was emotionless, and Amber stopped her tracks to watch her slam the door shut behind her. Amber didn't know if Eva knew what had happened, but she was freaking Amber out.

The girl soon turned back to face her, and Amber's heart skipped a beat. There was something along her mouth. It looked to be multiple black strings along with blood stains.

Confused, Amber slowly walked closer to her. "Eva...?"

Eva's eyes filled with water for an unknown reason as Amber stepped up to inspect her mouth. She felt like she was going to pass out when she realized what had happened. Eva's lips had been sewed together. The black strings were the stitches which kept them closed, and dried blood stains surrounded her mouth.

"Oh God, Eva! Who the hell did this?" She demanded in a complete panic. She could not imagine the amount of pain Eva was in. If she thought her own injures were bad, she didn't even know pain. Just looking at the sewn mouth made her own mouth sting.

Eve only blinked at her and Amber remembered she couldn't answer her question. Her mind ran with thoughts on who could have done this. Her master? No, Joel would never do such a thing. Amber couldn't even see him hurting a fly. Luna? Most likely.

Amber quickly darted over to her bead where her sketch pad comfortably sat. The pad was opened to reveal the picture of the girl from the ice cream shop, and Amber shook her head. She flipped the papers until she came to an empty page. Then, with pencil in hand, she darted back to Eva.

"Here," she said as she shoved the pad and pencil in her tiny hands. "Write who did this to you."

Eva hesitated, but eventually scribbled something down on the paper. She turned it so Amber could read. She had written: 'Your aunt.'

Amber tilted her head to the side. "My aunt?" She softly questioned. She only knew of one aunt, and was sure Eva did not know her since the woman wasn't involved in her family's life. "Eva," she said with a nervous chuckle. "Seriously."

Eva turned the paper back and jotted down something else. She then revealed the paper once more to Amber. She noticed what she had added at the bottom.

"Luna," she read out loud. What? Luna wasn't her aunt. She was just an evil lady who wanted power and control...right?

Amber looked to Eva and the girl nodded to her before flipping over to a clean page. She soon showed Amber what she had written: 'She's your aunt and she was mad that I gave you the necklace. How did she find out, Amber?'

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