Chapter 46

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The school day was over and Amber was packing up her backpack. She was nervous and excited to go to Hailey's room. Nervous because she did not know what to expect, especially since she knew Hailey wasn't afraid to do naughty things to her. Amber was at the same time excited since there was hope she would get some answers. If she didn't today, it was no big deal. She would be seeing Hailey everyday after school. She could win this, she would eventually pull it out of the woman.

She hiked her backpack over her shoulder and shut her locker. She almost fell back as someone stood on the other side of her locker. It was the mysterious boy again, and he grinned creepily at her from under his long, dark bangs.

After letting out a quiet squeal of shock, Amber narrowed her eyes at the boy despite the fact that goosebumps lined her arms. She had no clue who this boy was, he would just be all over the place. And he was always wearing a creepy smile on his pale lips.

"Who are you?!" Amber bravely demanded, slightly frustrated with the boy.

"Me?" He asked through his grin which was still held tight.

"No, the wall behind you," Amber spat out, the sarcasm dripping from her sentence. She had grown impatient with this boy. He was 'discretely' following her around, and had not even properly introduced himself.

She watched as the boy smirked. "I'm Asher," he finally informed her with a flip of his bangs.

"Asher," she repeated quietly, letting the name roll over her tongue.

"That be me," he told her before quickly bowing.

When he returned back up-right, his creepy smile had turned into a playful one, causing Amber to raise an eyebrow in confusion. What was he getting at with her?

"Yeah, well...I have somewhere to be," Amber said with a light shrug of her shoulders. Despite the fact that she really did need to get going to Hailey's classroom, she was feeling uncomfortable being with this boy. He gave off a bad, bad vibe.

"Oh, of course. Have fun with Ms. Deprey," Asher said with a light chuckle as he turned on his heels and walked the other direction, leaving Amber to stare after him.

After a moment of pure confusion, Amber twirled on her own heel to make her way to Hailey. She forced Asher out of her mind; she would have to figure him out later. Right now was her first task.

Hailey's door was already propped open when Amber had reached the classroom. She slowly peeked her head in and found Hailey rummaging through her purse.

An unexplained smile appeared on Amber's lips and she gently tapped against the wooden door in hope to receive the woman's attention.

She watched as her attempt turned into success. Hailey whirled her head in Amber's direction.

Her expression stayed blank as she stared at her for an instant. Amber took this as an invitation, and slowly maneuvered her way into the classroom, being sure to shut the door behind her. She hoped Hailey wouldn't ask why she did so, since she had done it so their talking would be heard at a minimum.

Hailey eventually yanked her bright brown eyes off Amber, and returned them to her purse's intestines. "I found the perfect chore for you to do for me," she stated bluntly.

Amber felt her lips immediately flip over. They went from a light smile to a deep frown. No way. She was going to get answers.

"Why were you at that party?" Amber asked with a sharp tone in her voice.

"Amber! Did I not already explain to you that I have no clue what you're speaking of? I swear, you're confusing me with someone else," Hailey told her with an annoyed voice. "Come here," she demanded after she reached her whiteboard.

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