Chapter 52

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Amber's wishes thankfully came true as the next day she was escaping the hospital. In her short stay, she had came to the conclusion she despised the hospital. She was proud of the way she had acted, though, by not throwing a fit every time she saw a doctor. Maybe it was only because her mind was too occupied with other things to worry about the doctors.

Joel had visited her late the other night, which made her happy. They hadn't actually spoke in quite sometime, and he made the stay a whole less horrid. He didn't even ask about the collision with the tree, they just had a normal conversation like normal people with completely normal lives. Too bad it was all an act. Amber was anything but normal, as was her entire situation.

Luna held onto Amber's hand to steady her as they made their way to her car. She had been told she would have to wear the cast around her foot for approximately a week.

She hadn't seen Hailey since the last time they talked, and she was so curious as to how she was doing, and when she would be back at school.

Once in the car, Luna silently stared at Amber; intimidating her. She knew she was furious, and had already prepared herself for all her questions and reprimands. She would leave out all the sexual factors when she explained everything, as they were mainly irrelevant anyways, and would only anger Luna even more.

"Why would you lie to me when I asked if you had any memories before being drugged?" Luna asked to begin the list of questions Amber knew she had conjured up.

"I honestly don't know. You wouldn't have taken it well," Amber told her, slowly maneuvering to the farthest edge of her seat away from Luna just in case she lashed out.

"Well am I taking it well, now?!"

Amber kept her eyes on the angry woman and shook her head.

"Why were you in the car with her?" She asked more gently.

Amber felt her palms grew moist as they always did when she lied. She couldn't tell her. Hailey was trying to help Amber, based on what she had said, and Amber was not interested in Luna getting in the way and stopping Hailey from doing so.

"I was going to question her on why she did what she did, and she was being difficult, so I followed her to her car." This part was actually the truth, but she followed it with a lie. She knew what Luna's next question would be, so she did not bother giving her a chance as she went ahead. "She said she was just thirsty for blood, and I smelt the best. But she felt guilty to make an innocent girl go through pain. So that's why she drugged me."

Luna arched an eyebrow and sat back in her seat. "That's all?"

"That's what she told me," Amber said, feeling ecstatic Luna was buying it.

Luna slowly nodded and started the car. "Alright then."

In a matter of ten minutes, the two were back at the house. Amber would have done her usual burst inside if it weren't for her broken foot. Luna had to help her climb out of the car, but once she did, Amber limped off.

It was difficult walking up stairs, but she eventually made it to her room. She was about to enter, but something small jumped in front of her. She squealed and almost fell back, but was caught by two hands.

She gasped and looked up to find Eva holding her several inches off the floor. "Amber!"

Amber scowled. She was pissed at Eva, and was not afraid to show it. She roughly squirmed out of her arms and stood in front of her with her arms crossed. Eva had forced her to talk to Luna, and now had gotten her in trouble by telling Luna everything. Amber knew Eva was most likely upset with her, since she had lied about talking to Luna, but still!

Eva blinked several times before speaking. "Amber?"

"What the hell, Eva?! Why would you tell everything to Luna?" Amber roared.

"What? Oh, I already thought you did..." Eva's eyes then went from a confused and innocent look to a narrowed, accusing look. "And you told me you had, so what's up with that?!"

Amber sighed dramatically. "You would not listen to me. I didn't want to tell her, and it was my decision, not your's."

Eva now looked hurt. Amber did not know what to do or say to please this girl, she was never happy! This is why it would never work between them.

"Luna needed to know," Eva simply stated, only infuriating Amber twice as much.

"Yeah, I'm feeling alright, the car crash didn't hurt me too much, thank you for asking," Amber said with major sarcasm. She was furious! Eva had not even bothered mentioning the actual bad thing that had happened. Instead, she was too caught up and busy with telling Luna everything Amber did.

Eva quickly moved her gaze to the floor without a word. Amber scoffed at her and bumped past the girl to get to her room. Without one hint of guilt, Amber slammed the door shut behind her- right in Eva's face.

Amber face planted with the bed and forced Eva out of her mind. She was much more concerned about Hailey, especially the words she had spoke to Amber. Where was her father? Did Hailey know? What was her plan?

Amber soon let out an obnoxious groan into her pillow. If she had thought things were complicated before...boy, was she wrong.

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