Chapter 13

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Luna's heels clicked loudly as she made her way to Amber.

Too afraid to move, Amber stood still- as if frozen- with her phone in hand. She figured Luna was about to murder her once she noticed the phone, but it was too late to attempt to hide it now.

Luna simply pulled the phone from Amber's grasp and Amber held back tears as her last hint of hope was taken from her.

"I don't think you'll be needing this," Luna said before hurling Amber's phone directly into one of the nearby glass windows.

Amber watched wide-eyed as her phone broke the window and fell out into the forest that surrounded the house.

Amber sighed and stared at the ground helplessly, but refused to cry. She could not give in to Luna! She had to be strong.

Amber did not expect to feel Luna's nimble hand to suddenly creep under her dress, but when it did happen, Amber felt goosebumps run up and down her legs and arms.

Once reaching her upper thigh, Luna leaned into Amber's hair and seemed to whisper to it, "Yah know...for a weak little slave girl, you are mighty attractive."

Speechless, Amber stared ahead as Luna brushed back her hair and began to lightly suck on her neck. Amber felt Luna pushing against her thigh and this caused Amber to take a step back. This being the purpose of Luna doing so, Amber continued stepping back due to her pushes and was finally pushed onto her bed.

Amber grew nervous about what was about to happen as Luna began to slide off her heels. After doing so, she climbed atop of Amber and used her hands to pull down her dress.

Amber let out a sigh of unexpected pleasure as Luna leaned down to kiss Amber's breasts which were now exposed to her.

Luna pulled down the straps of Amber's dress and nuzzled her head into her chest.

Without thinking, Amber placed light kisses on Luna's forehead. No matter how much of a bitch Luna was, she was still sexy as hell.

Luna finally lifted her head and Amber felt her push her knee against Amber's inner thigh, causing her mouth to fill with saliva.

Luna slowly slipped off her shirt as she dug her knee deeper into Amber's thigh, causing her to grow wet from the teasing Luna was doing to her.

Luna suddenly lunged forward and began roughly tousling Amber's dark hair. Amber responded by running her hands down her mistress' body. She stopped at her butt, and quickly squeezed it tightly.

Luna let out a yelp and lifted her head to stare down at Amber. She looked to be extremely shocked by Amber's action. Amber knew she was just as shocked as she was- she did not even expect to do that.

Luna then shifted her weight so she was more comfortably straddling Amber. She leaned down once more close to Amber and shoved her tounge into Amber's mouth.

Amber instantly took a hold of it with her own tongue and enjoyed herself as the two played with each other's tongues.

Luna's tongue was out of Amber's mouth too quickly as it was now traveling to her neck. Luna licked at her neck continuously and caused a soft moan to escape Amber's lips.

Amber was enjoying herself until she felt a sharp tingle against her neck. Luna had her fangs exposed and was running the tip of them down Amber's neck.

Amber grew terrified of the thought of being bitten, and immediately began to squirm from under Luna.

Luna hissed lightly against Amber's neck, but Amber did not take the warning as she continued to confidently struggle.

When Luna learned that Amber was not giving in, she pressed her legs more firmly against Amber to hold her down.

Amber somewhat surrendered as she could tell it was now too late. She let out a terrific scream as Luna's fangs tore through her skin.

Amber could feel Luna smiling against her neck as she sucked the blood from her.

She found herself having trouble breathing and came to be aware of the blood trickling down from her neck and onto her exposed breast.

"Ooooh!" Amber exclaimed; in pain and in pleasure.

Having never been bitten before, Amber expected there to be more pain then there was. So, maybe she was a vampire? Is that why it did not hurt as bad?

As if to purposely contradict her theory, Amber yelped as Luna pulled her fangs out of Amber.

She stared down at Amber as she panted and twitched slightly.

Luna kissed Amber's nose before crawling off her.

Amber watched as a now blurry Luna pulled her shirt and heels back on and left.

Amber expected to pass out, but surprisingly kept her conscience.

She did not move from her posittion though. In fact, she lay where she was and stared up at the ceiling; wondering what in the world had just happened.

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