Chapter 36

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Before Amber knew it, her alarm clock was screaming at her, demanding she get out of bed.

Yes, she was ecstatic to go to school, but she despised waking up early.

Ignoring her negative thoughts, Amber crawled out of bed and immediately went to get dressed. Dave had  brought the shoes and socks in the other day, and Amber gave them a warm welcome into the uniform.

It did not take her long to get dressed and do her hair, and she was soon in the kitchen helping herself to breakfast. As she made herself a little something, and proceeded to scarf it down, she wondered what the day would be like. She, of course, had never been to a 'vampire school'. Would it be any different from a human school? Would the people themselves act differently? Would Amber not fit in since she was only half vampire?

Her thoughts were blown away as she watched Luna enter the kitchen. She wore a simple purple dress with a zipper going down her breasts. Her hair was pulled to the side and her black heels contained of small silver sequins.

Her eyes roamed the kitchen, and her lips formed into a smile once she spotted Amber. "Ah, you ready for school?"

Amber quickly took the last bite out of her toast before standing up and nodding.

She found herself to be shocked, though, when Luna frowned deeply at her.  Amber tilted her head to ask what was wrong, and in response, Luna shook her hands towards Amber's empty plate, used napkin, and cup which sat on the table.

After the silent communication, Amber took the hint and gathered her dirty dishes and went to wash them. They had servants for this, didn't they?

Once Luna was satisfied, they finally made their way up to the front door. Amber followed Luna outside to find a fancy, black car waiting for them.

Amber's heart stopped as she recognized the man who stood by the car. It was the butler from her very first day here!

Not expecting him to remember her, she silently slid into the passenger seat as he held the door open. He must not have, as he shut the door after him and looked away once Luna had taken off.

The majority of the car ride was silent, and Amber was thankful for this. Luna had only offered one compliment about her uniform, and had given her several 'tips', of that which Amber did not pay much attention to.

After around twenty long minutes, the two of them finally came into view of the school.

"And there it is..." Luna muttered as they approached the building.

The school looked huge from the outside and made Amber wonder if it was actually as big as it appeared. The school colors were obviously red even if one had not seen the uniform. The building stood wide with its dark red bricks and flags. Multiple of these flags surrounded the school and Amber attempted to read them as they swayed in the wind. After successfully doing so, Amber came to know the flags wore the same logo that she wore on her vest. Only two flags read something different: 'Taking a bite out of education.' Amber chuckled aloud. What a cheesy vampire school motto.

Amber expected Luna to follow the flow of cars to lead to the drop-off, but she did not. Instead, Luna pulled around the school and headed to a parking spot.

After parked, Amber questioned her. "What are you doing?"

"Excuse me?" Luna asked with a warning signal in her tone.

Amber worked on lightening her attitude for her next question. "Are you not dropping me off?"

"No, silly. You're new here. I have to sign bunches of papers and all that shit," she informed her as she opened the door.

Amber let out a sigh as she, too, opened her door and stepped out. She was a bit irritated Luna had to come with her. She was not her mother and she would never be her mother. No matter what her dad had written down and agreed to.

At the thought of her dad letting her go so easily, her eyes filled with tears.

Luna was staring at her as Amber finally turned to face her.

"Is everything alright? Your eyes look shiny."

Amber quickly wiped at them with the back of her hand. "I'm fine," she assured Luna as she walked her way.

Luna smiled in relief and turned to head towards the front of the school.

Amber, who followed close behind, spotted other kids around the building.

They all copied her uniform, except for the guys, who she had seen wearing long black pants and dress shoes instead of her skirt and doll shoes. The tops were the same for the males as they were for the females, though.

Once they reached the front door, Luna took a step back, clearly waiting for Amber to get the door for her. Holding back the temptation to roll her eyes, Amber yanked the door back and held it open as Luna entered the building. Amber quickly scurried in after her, but stopped once she had entered the school.

The ceiling was a tad low, but the hallways on either side of her were massive. There were signs of red fangs decorating the walls, and other kids swarmed the lobby she had walked into along with the hallways. She spotted kids organizing their lockers for the new year, and Amber kept her eye on one of them.

A male, the same size as her was packing his stuff into his locker, and Amber did not know why, but she found him to be very intriguing. Maybe it was his bad ass hair due, which laid straight down into medium-length, black locks including blue highlights which trailed down along with the black strands. Or maybe it was his combat boots that he wore, which Amber already knew were not allowed to be worn here. Or maybe, it was the black tint his eyes gave as he stared at Amber.

Stared at...Oh!

Amber shook her head and blushed as she came to realize how she was staring at him like a creep. He must have seen her reaction, as he smirked then unexpectedly and viciously flashed his fangs at her.

Amber gasped loudly and quickly ran off, not used to that kind of action. What did it mean?! Was it like giving someone the bird?


Amber traced the direction of the voice calling her name, even though she already knew it belonged to Luna, and finally spotted her impatiently standing in front of a desk.

Amber scurried her way over and noted the very large woman who hid behind the desk. 

"Amber, this is Cindy Windcot, the attendance administrator, slash secretary," Luna said as she indicated to the woman behind the desk.

"Hello, Ms. Hunting," the woman said with a small smile as she reached out a pudgy hand to Amber.

Amber smiled back as she shook the woman's moist hand. Her hair was short and blond. It sat in a bob and outlined her fairly large face.

"Mrs. Windcot here, has got you all plugged in to the system and ready to go," Luna said after the two had shook hands.

"Yes, yes," Mrs. Windcot chirped as she handed Amber a sheet of paper. "There's your schedule, and your book should be sitting in your locker. Your locker number is noted at the top left of your schedule."

"Alright, thanks," Amber said as she scanned over her schedule. All the classes were what she would have been going into at her old school. She wondered how Luna knew what classes to sign her up for, or maybe those were the only classes offered for seniors and it just happened to be a coincidence.

Amber jumped as a loud bell went off.

"Ah, that's our cue. Go and quickly find your locker then head onto first period, Ms. Hunting!"

Amber nodded as her and Luna backed away from her desk.

"Thank you," Luna told Mrs. Windcot as she waved.

"My pleasure, and have a nice first day here at Dark Shadows Academy!"

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