Chapter 25

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Amber was watching TV in the living room a few hours later. It happened to be playing a show her and her father used to love watching together. It made her miss him, but at the same time, made her feel as if he were there with her somehow.

She still wondered what he was doing and where he was. Or better yet, where she was. She still hadn't a clue if she were still in the state she should be in.

"Amber Marie Hunting!"

Amber perched up on the couch at the sound of the sharp and ringing call of her full name. Luna quickly stepped into view and Amber could feel herself squirming under her gaze.

Her mistress did not look like a happy camper. Her arms were set on her tiny hips and her face was turned up into an angry scowl. She looked as if she could attack Amber at any moment.

Despite her angry posture; all her other features to make up her appearance only equaled to one word: sexy. Her hair was messy and its dark waves flowed down so half her clothes themselves were covered. She wore a low grey shirt along with high red shorts.

Amber shook her head and gulped. "Uh...hello Miss."

Amber assumed she was upset over Amber abruptly leaving her and Samuel, and she had expected Luna to be angry with her, but nothing like this rage.

Luna stomped over to Amber and before she could squirm into the couch to protect herself, Luna had a strong hold on her hair and yanked her up off the couch; causing her to let out a yelp in pain.

Luna pulled her so her ear was pressed against Luna's lips. "You do not leave me without my permission. Do you know how foolish I looked when I spoke to you, to only turn around to an empty room?"

Amber gasped as Luna shook her head. She felt tears sting at her eyes from the pain as she was shaken by Luna's grip on Amber's roots.

Luna finally stopped before she pressed her lips against Amber once more. "Never let it happen again," she demanded coolly.

Not thinking she was suppose to say anything, Amber stayed silent and prayed Luna would let go of her hair before she ended up pulling it all out.

To contradict her silent wishes, though, Luna shook Amber by her hair furiously once more, earning several whimpers to escape Amber's lips.

"Answer," Luna growled.

"Yes, ma'am!" Amber squeaked before finally being roughly let go.

She did not dare rub her head after being set free, so she cowered in front of Luna as her head throbbed.

Luna kept her eyes pinned on Amber sharply. Amber was just growing the courage to look up at her mistress as the two of their heads shot towards the corner of the living room as a low chuckle was heard from that direction.

Amber bit her lip to hold back a smile as she saw it to be Joel. For some reason, he always made everything seem to be so light and hysterical. Amber could be in any terrible situation, but with one smile from Joel, everything would seem to be only a simple joke. She loved that about him.

Luna obviously, on the other hand, did not. "What's so funny?" She barked at him.

"You're doing it again," he said lightly as he approached them with a bounce in his step and his hands shoved in his black jean pockets.

"Doing what again?" Luna spat out, angry and irritated as ever.

"You're being overly-dramatic," Joel stated as he jumped playfully in front of the two of them.

Amber turned to Luna and caught how narrowed her eyes were. Those beautiful pink eyes of her's were much more terrifying when they were throwing daggers at you; Amber already knew this from person experience.

"You don't even know the situation."

Joel gave her a 'are you serious?' look before replying. "Hello...we're vampires," he said before gesturing to his ears. "Wonderful hearing. Or did you forget that side-note about your own kind due to the need to cause unnecessary drama?"

Amber did her best to stiffle in her laugh, and at the same time tried to keep her eyes from popping out of their eye sockets. She felt ecstatic to know Joel was standing up for her, but was shocked at the words pouring out of his mouth. He had great courage to stand up to someone as terrifying as Luna.

"Just shut up, Joel. I don't need this from you."

"Ooh!" Joel gasped as he dramatically grabbed at where his heart would be. "That hurts," he said with a fake pouting face.

Amber could not take it anymore. She burst into laughter and bent forward as she held her stomach.

Her laughter was cut short, though, when she felt a terrible smack against her head which was already bruised and throbbing before the additional smack.

She grunted and looked up to find Luna now glaring at her, but her eyes were now a dark red. She was clearly furious and Amber knew she had crossed the line.

She muttered an apology and glanced at Joel who held a smile on his face; looking back and forth between Amber and Luna. He leaned back casually with his arms loosely crossed.

Luna shot several more glares at the two of them before turning on her heels and storming off.

Once the two of them were sure she was not in hearing distance, they broke off into loud bursts of laughter. They laughed together as if they had been friends for several years, and Amber came to realize how ten times more terrible this whole experience would be if it worn't for Joel.

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