Chapter 5

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Amber awoke to low voices. She blinked several times and took in her surroundings. 

She was still in the car and Joel was peering close to her face. "Mornin' sunshine."

She only glared at him and glanced out the window. They were passing a large forest of what appeared to be nothing but trees. They seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. What were they going to do with Amber? Drink all of her blood until she was only skin and bones?!

Amber groaned. She wanted to ask how far away they were from where they were headed or even where they were, but remembered that she really needed to stay silent.

She bit on her inside cheek as punishment for falling asleep. Something terrible could have happened; she trusted no one she was accompanied by. 

"Almost here," Joel muttered and Amber immediately looked out the window.

Her mouth dropped open at the large house they were pulling into. It was a dark grey with several white parts and looked to have around five stories. 

"Is this...where you live?" Amber asked as she still stared in awe at the place. 

She heard the passenger chuckle. "It is."

She was shocked that he answered her question instead of scolding her again. 

They pulled up closer to the house and the three of the vampires unbulckled and proceeded to climb out of the car. Butterflies filled Amber's stomach as she stayed put.

What was going to happen now?

Her side of the car was suddenly opened as a man dressed as a butler grinned down at her.

"Welcome to the Crimson family home."

Amber could not help but smile back at the man.

Her smile faded though as Joel suddenly lunged into the car and began to unbuckle Amber.

She frowned at him and slapped at his hands. "I think I can unbuckle myself, but thank you!"

Joel chuckled, clearly not catching onto the seriousness, and pulled her out of the car.

The butler shut the door after her as the four of them walked off, Joel not letting her out of his hold. Did he think she was going to run off? Where would she go? Plus, she shouldn't even dare to do so with all these vampires.

 Amber looked back at the butler as if pleading him to help, but he only smiled and waved at her.

Her attention was pulled away as she was yanked into the giant house.

Once again, Amber's mouth dropped. The inside was even more regal than the outside.

The ceiling seemed to reach up to the sky and there was a large staircase before her. There were paintings hanging all around and Amber inspected several people walking around the place.

This was a home? How many people were in their family?! 

Amber did not have much knowledge on vampires, but she did know a few things. She knew they usually all lived together forver, unlike humans. Humans usually end up moving out, but vampires always stick with their family.

Amber also knew they were usually pale, tall, and they were much, much stronger than the human race.

She also knew, just like everyone else, that they drank blood. Human blood. Amber shivered and glanced around at the few other families who gaped at her arrival.

Did they expect her? Did they know who she was?

Amber looked up at Joel who held onto her then to the vampire on her other side who glared down at her.

Oh, Amber also knew that vampires had a bad temper. That, she had learned today.

Joel led her up the wide, long staircase. The walls were mostly painted grey, as several of them were black as well. 

Amber admired the place's goth look but was soon distracted as all three of the vampires stopped before a pair of double doors.

The one who seemed to despise Amber looked down at her through his white locks of hair. "Alright, so let's get some things straight. You must be respectful to Luna. She won't take your attitude like we have. And from here on out, you will do as you're told."

Amber narrowed her eyes at him before feeling Joel tug her behind him.

"Leave her alone, Dave," Joel hissed.

Amber was happy that she now knew this man's name. She was also happy that Joel was standing up for her. He seemed to be the only one who did not hate her besides the man that had drove them here who never spoke a word.

Dave flailed his arms up. "I was just warning her!"

Joel growled and turned back to Amber. "Ready?"

How could she be ready when she did not even know what to expect?

Not knowing what to say, Amber just stared up at him.

Joel gave her an encouraging smile before placing his hand on the door nob.

Amber held her breath as Joel pushed one of the doors open.

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