Chapter 15

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Once refreshed, clean, and dressed, Amber stepped out of the bathroom. Eva had given her a strapless loose red dress that stopped mid-thigh. It was similar to the black dress she had worn beforehand.

She frowned as she saw that Eva was nowhere visible to her. She needed to talk to her, though. The both of them needed answers.

Sighing, Amber began to search the home. She thought it would take forever to find her, but surprisingly came onto the girl in a matter of several minutes.

Amber was passing one of the many living rooms when she caught the little thing seated on one of the couches. She was staring straight ahead at...nothing.

Amber slowly approached her, but Eva did not move an inch until Amber sat down next to her. She finally turned her head and looked at her with those large green eyes.

Not knowing what to say, Amber just gave her a half-smile.

Eva hesitated before mirroring her smile back to Amber.

"Can you please tell what happened to you? I only want to help," Eva said; keeping that smile on her lips.

Unlike Eva's, Amber's smile faded. She still wasn't sure if she should tell, but she had her own questions for Eva, so she figured a trade might be possible.

"My...mistress just bit me, that's all," Amber stated; attempting to sound casual.

Despite this, Eva's eyes grew even wider than they naturally were. ", are you okay?"

Amber chuckled. "Thanks to you, I am."

Eva blushed lightly and shook her head but kept her lips sealed.

Amber took in a deep breath."Look, Eva, I know you know a lot about me. Probably more than I even know. I need answers. I need to know who...what I am."

Eva crinckled her nose as if there was a horrible scent in the room. "I...I don't know if I can tell."

"See! You didn't deny it, you know the truth. And I'm sure you are aware that I have a right to know as well." Amber held back her tears. "Please, no one will tell me..."

Eva's face turned to full sympathy and Amber had thought she'd got her, before Eva looked away from her. "I'll have to speak with my master," she said to the lamp nearby.

"Who's your master?"

"Joel," was the response that Amber expected.

She knew Joel was on her side, so why wouldn't he tell her? He just had to. He said himself that this wasn't fair.

"There are so many things you don't know. So much of a past of your own that you don't get or remember. But I unfortunately have no right to telling you."

That's when Amber lost it. Not wanting Eva to see her cry, she jumped off the couch and ran to the nearest door that led outdoors.

It was night, and the moon was full. Amber stared up at it as the tears ran down her pale cheeks.

"What am I?" She asked the moon.

Amber jumped as two arms were suddenly around her waist.

She pulled back and found Eva standing right behind her. "Amber..."

Amber quickly wiped at her eyes and face, which was pretty much useless since the tears continued to fall. Once she was crying, she never could stop.

"You'll find out everything," Eva said as she picked up Amber's hand. "I promise. Nothing will be hidden from you...someday. Someday you'll know."

The two stared in each other's eyes for several moments. Amber stared into Eva's looking for a tint of truth or lies. Would she tell her? What did she mean by her words?!

Before Amber worked up herself to ask, Eva dropped her hand and went back inside the house, leaving Amber out in the cool, dark night.

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