Chapter 28

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Luna finally stopped dragging Amber once they had reached Samuel, who grinned widely as he watched Luna approaching him.

Amber let out a sigh as she came to realize how boring this was about to be. All she wanted to do was go find Eva and find out who those people were.

She glared up at the obnoxious and cheesy couple as they went on to say how much they meant to each other.

Amber searched for excused to leave them and once finding one, she gently tugged on Luna's dress.

As hoped for, Luna's attention was gained. She moved her gaze down to Amber, once again proving how short Amber was compared to her. "Uh.." Amber swallowed. "I have to use the restroom."

Luna raised an eyebrow. "Go on, then. But try to come back," she told her before going back to talk with her man.

Amber scrunched her nose in disgust at them before running off. No way would she be coming back.

She searched the room for Eva to see if she had shown back up, but she knew she could never be certain due to the large mass of people crowding the area. So instead, she looked for the hallway her date had escaped from.

She unfortunately did not find that, either. This room was too large to remember where anything was!

Amber pouted as she stood in the middle of the room looking about  for Eva.

Her continued search was not completely useless, though, when something caught her eye. Returning her focus to it, she knew it was a someone instead of a thing. A fairly beautiful someone at that.

Amber stared at the woman she had spotted. She was long and lean and looked to be barley older than Amber; maybe eighteen or nineteen. You never really knew with vampires, though. Her hair was short and large. It consisted of a mix between brown and dark blond curls. Her skin was a rich and light caramel as she wore a short dress. Unlike everyone else's' dresses which were mostly just one simple shade, her's was a unique cheata print one. It was strappless and the bottom clung to her mid-thighs. Her breasts were large and she wore brown heels.

She reminded Amber of lions and Amber's mouth was filled with saliva just by looking at this beautiful creature. The best thing, though, was the fact fact that this woman was walking straight in the direction of Amber.

She seemed to be walking towards her in slow motion and Amber's palms grew moist. Was she really coming straight at her?

She was answered as the woman finally reached her. She stopped walking right in front of Amber and looked her up and down. "Hey, cutie. You lonely?"

Amber inhaled quickly and this caused her to have a cough attack. She could feel her cheeks blush a deeper pink with each cough. The girl began to pat her back with a worried expression. "You okay there?"

Amber finally collected herself and nodded. "Thanks," was all she could manage to say.

After a hesitation, the girl held her hand out to Amber. "I'm Hailey."

"Amber," she introduced herself with a smile as she gazed into Hailey's deep brown eyes.

"Well, why don't you go and grab us that free table over there while I go grab us some drinks, hm?"

Amber followed Hailey's outstretched finger to find an empty table. She blushed lightly and nodded to Hailey. The girl winked and walked off to go get their drinks.

Amazed at how lucky she had got, Amber quickly took a seat at the table and waited for the beauty to return.

It did not take her too long as she was soon back with two glasses in hand. She set one down in front of Amber before taking a seat beside her.

Amber gazed at the orange liquid in the fancy glass. "What is this?"

"Punch," Hailey replied with a chuckle.

Amber pinched herself for sounding so stupid and smiled tensely at the girl.

"I don't mean to sound creepy or anything, but is your last name Hunting?"

"It is," Amber told Hailey slowly.

"Ah! How exciting," Hailey stated before taking a sip of the punch.

Amber let out a casual chuckle, hoping she did not sound as puzzled as she was. "How did you know?"

"Oh, well there's been talk going around," she replied with a smile.

"Good talk, let's hope," Amber said in attempt to make Hailey laugh even though she was still wondering why Amber's showing was such a big deal as she had been told something similar from Eva the first time she met her.

She was successful as Hailey let out an adorable laugh. She smiled into her cup as she took a drink of the punch. Tasting how amazing it was, Amber ended up drinking almost half of it in a matter of no time.

She felt slightly embarrassed as she set it back down, but Hailey did not seem to notice anything.

"So how does it feel to finally see your family again?"

Amber was completely puzzled by her question. Didn't she mean it the other way around? Amber was torn from her family, not put back with them.

"Um...what do you mean?"

"I mean, you're with Luna!"

Amber let out a nervous laugh. "Oh, no, she's not my actual...mother."

She watched as Hailey's face dropped. "Oh...of course," she said simply.

Amber stared at the girl. "What's wrong?" She was becoming extremely worried and stressed as she wondered what Hailey actually meant.

"Nothing! I just had a moment..."

Amber opened her mouth to speak, but Hailey cut her off. "I'm hungry! Is there a snack bar around somewhere?"

Amber was upset that Hailey changed the subject, but answered her question anyways. "Yeah, follow me," Amber said as she stood from the table.

Hailey soon got up as well, and Amber successfully led her to the table her and Eva had been at before she got sick. The thought of Eva worried Amber and she hoped she was alright.

She watched as Hailey frowned while scanning over the food. "None of this sparks my intrest, let's go to the kitchen and grab something that does."

Before Amber could respond, Hailey had a hold of her wrist and was already leading her through the crowd.

"How do you know where the kitchen is?" Amber asked as she was pulled through the other party guests.

"I come here often, Amber. It's my second home," Hailey glanced back to inform her.

Amber blinked. "Oh." She felt lucky to have this gorgeous girl holding onto her and speaking to her, but at the same time nervous. Something was giving her a weird vibe.

They finally reached the kitchen and once entering it, Amber was about to speak but let out a squeal instead as she was shoved into a nearby closet.

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