Chapter 47

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Amber shut her Chemistry book with a sigh. After two hours of homework, she was finally done. She never imagined private school being so advanced. Back at her public school, the students had fifteen minutes of homework at maximum. Here, the lowest was an hour.

Just as she was shoving her book into her backpack, there was a knock at her room door. She zipped up her backpack and went over to her door to open it.

On the other side of the wood stood Eva, whose hair sat comfortably in a bun at the top of her head. Her green eyes appeared brighter than normal and she wore her usual green dress.

Amber could feel herself grin at the girl's presence. "Eva!"

She was excited to see the girl; school had completely weakened their already fragile relationship. She didn't even know what Eva was to her anymore. She used to be more than a friend, but now they only acted like friends.

This upset Amber to no end. She couldn't help but feel she had lost Eva due to her own issues. She knew their weak relationship was because of school and Hailey. Hailey was double the problem, though, since Amber felt guilt hitting her in the gut for not being honest with Eva about it all.

"Amber!" Eva yelped excitedly as she pulled her into a hug.

Amber hugged her back tightly, and thought about what Hailey had said. This was her second home...maybe Eva knew her. She had been living here for quite some time, Amber knew.

As they pulled back from the hug, the thought of this was the only thing on her mind. Amber decided she would ask her.

Without saying anything, Amber took a hold of Eva's wrist and gently pulled her inside her room. Eva didn't question her action, she just held a simple smile on her soft, pale face as she let Amber gently drag her.

Amber shut the door once the two of them were inside the room. She then let go of Eva and bit on her lip for several moments as she wondered how to word what it was she wished to say. Eva stared at her, obviously being able to tell she wanted to say something.

Amber cleared her throat before she actually did. "I have a question.."

Eva nodded. "Go on," she instructed as she gave Amber a confident smile.

"Yeah, you know a Hailey Deprey?" She asked before inhaling a nervous breath to wait for Eva's response.

Eva's green eyes roamed up to the ceiling to prove she was searching her mind for that name. It appeared that she found it, as her face lightened up and she returned her gaze to Amber. "Yes...Yes!"

Amber practically jumped with excitement. "Oh, good. How do you know her?"

Eva chuckled before she said, "She comes here sometimes."

"What does she do when she's here?" Amber inquired, dying to know more.

She watched as Eva let out a short laugh. "Why are you asking these questions, Amber?"

Amber began to feel uncomfortable as she did not know what to say now. Should she go on and explain to her what had happened at the party? Yes.

Amber sighed as she maneuvered her way to the edge of her bed. She plopped down before explaining what she should have a long while ago. "You know that Fourth of July party?"

As she looked up to face Eva, the girl furrowed her brows. "Mhm," she hummed.

"And you know how I blacked out?" Amber asked, feeling herself beginning to slightly shake. What was she afraid of? She could trust Eva, and even better, Eva might be able to help her.

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