Chapter 1

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~Your Pov~

The death of Cedric Diggory kept repeating in my mind...I just couldn't believe he's died one of my closest friends...died. Now the dark lord has raised again and after my best friend...Harry Potter. 

He's in more danger than ever. Knowing that one of my best friends might die like Cedric scare's me. The wizarding world is no longer safe...I can't stay here but I need to protect the people I love. 

"Y/N," Hermione calls out to me, making me snap out of my thoughts. "Are you ok you seem worried. Is something bothering you?" Hermione asked concerned. After all, We're best friends and we know almost everything about each other. 

"I'm fine Mione...just a lot on my mind right now," I reassuring Hermione who understands I was still grieving over Cedric's death.

"Well you better finish packing your things won't pack for themselves," Hermione pointed out my things still not pack even though summer vacation starts today. I took out my wand only flicking it making all my stuff packed neatly and done in one minute. 

Hermione slowly clapped "Well done," Hermione sarcastically as I just laughed it off grabbing my suitcase then taking a last look at our room.

"Coming," Hermione curiously asked me as I took a deep breath then looking back towards her. "Yup," I smiled as we made our way down to the Gryffindor common's room to find Harry and Ron talking about their summer. 

"Well I'm gonna be stuck with my terrible Aunt and Uncle," Harry said not wanting to go back home. "Summer is going to go by fast don't worry Harry you survive," trying to cheer up Harry.

"Thanks, Y/N," Harry slightly smiling as I smiled back. It was silent "Well we better get going we don't want to miss our ride back home," Ron recommended as we all agreed getting our stuff together. 

We walk down the halls as I noticed Draco in the fountain starting down. I knew Draco my whole life even when we weren't in the same household we were still friends.

"You coming Y/N?" Harry asked me as I look back at him "You guys can go ahead I need to do something first," I told the group as they look at each other concerned then looking back at me with a weak smile on their faces. 

"Alright will save you a seat," Ron promises as I nodded my head making my way to Draco. 

I stood next to Draco who looks to be deep in thoughts. "You alright," I asked Draco worried knowing his family and him my whole life I'm sure something wrong. 

"Yea just a lot on my mind right now," Draco looked at me not trying to get me concerned. "You know you can tell me anything Draco. We have known each other since we were little," I said to Draco.

As Draco nodded his head I got ready to leave to find the group on the Hogwarts express. But I felt a gripped on my wrist as I turn around to see Draco holding on to me. Then looks away I sat on the fountain 

"Tell me what's wrong," I worriedly asked Draco as he turns back to look at me. "I'm being pressured to become a death eater like my father," Draco admits while I stare at him in complete shock.

"A-are you?" I stand up "No my mother doesn't want me to. So as long she's with me I won't become one," Draco said relieved as I hugged him. I felt Draco hugging back "I'm glad you told me Draco," I whispered as we kept holding each other. 

"I'm glad I have a friend like you Y/N," Draco whispers back. We only hugged each other until it was time to get on the express. We walk to the station to see we were about to be the last ones.

"You two better hurry or you'll miss your only way back home," Hagrid hurried us on the Hogwarts express. I looked around the compartments trying to find Ron or Hermione but no luck. 

"Hey, there mate," I look over to see Geroge and Fred Weasley "Hey guys," I said happily "Why aren't with your little group," Fred asked curiously. "Don't know," I admitted as I felt being lifted.

I look to see the Weasley twins dragging me somewhere "Where we going," I curiously asked not caring that I'm being kidnapped. 

"To our compartment," The twins said happily as I enjoyed the ride not being the one carrying me. We made it to the twin's compartment to find Lee eating a chocolate frog. "Hey Lee," I casually greeted Lee who looked at the twins in shock.

"I'm not going to question it this time," Lee said getting back to his chocolate frog. The twins put me down with huge grins on their faces. "So...why did you kidnap me?" I curiously asked as the twins gave each other glances then back to me. 

"Well, you always hang out with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. So we wanted to hang out with you more," Geroge admitted as I smiled.

"If you wanted to hang out with me I would have been happy to. Just tell me first not kidnap me," I joked as the twins smiled. The whole train ride I was with the twins the whole time telling jokes and playing pranks. 

"Only a few minutes away until we're off to our parents," I said as I was all ready to get off the express.

"What are you doing this summer Y/N?" Fred curiously asked "I think I'm just going to spend time with the family. What about you guys?" I curiously asked "Probably going to do the same thing pull pranks, get in trouble, then do it again," Geroge said as I laughed. I felt the express making a full stop. I look out the window to see my parent's waiting for me with smiles on their faces.

I practically ran out of the twin's compartment just to be with my parents again. I ran towards my parents ended up in a huge group hug with my parents. 

"We missed you, sweetheart," Dad said not letting go. "Well let's go home," Mom suggested as I nodded my head happily being able to come back home.


I kept having flash back's of Cedric dying. I sat in bed clinging onto my pillows for dear life. "Y/N can you come down here," Mom called me down. 

I sigh getting out of bed going downstairs to find my parents sitting down with serious faces. "Something wrong?" I curiously asked as I took a seat between my parents.

"Lately we notice you haven't felt safe because of the rise of you know who. So your mom thought it would be best for you to stay with your uncle and cousin for the rest of the summer," Dad explains but I haven't been out of the wizarding world since I was ten. 

"At least I get to see my cousin again," trying to look for the bright side.

~Bella's Pov~

I started to unpack my stuff into my new room until I heard a knock on the door. I turn around to see Charlie "Hey Bella I got some news for you," Charlie said holding his phone. "What is it?" I curiously asked. 

"Well your cousin Y/N is going to come and stay with us for a while so you won't be alone," Charlie announce which I was happy I haven't seen Y/N since I was ten. At least I won't be alone in this new town.

{M a g i c  I n  L i g h t} Twilight x Reader x Harry Potter (1)Where stories live. Discover now