Chapter 22

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~Your Pov~

"Only two more months before your cousin's wedding. Are you excited?" Hermione curiously asked.

"I guess I'm not really sure what to expect," I told Hermione. "Well you know she's marrying somebody," Ron pointed out the obvious. "Wow, thanks captain obvious," I sarcastically said. "Your welcome," Ron happily said as Hermione hit him.

I looked around the Gryffindor table as I notice Harry was missing. "Have you guys seen Harry?" I curiously asked Ron and Hermione. They shake there heads 'no' as I also notice Draco was missing.

"I'm gonna go and search for him," I told them as I left the dining hall. "Harry," I called out around the halls. I went up to a couple of people asking if they have seen Harry but none of them have.

Until I heard whimpering around the boy's bathroom. "Harry?" I curiously called out but no response but I keep hearing a whimpering noise.

"Harry if that's you. I'm coming in," I said as I try to open the boy's bathroom but the door was locked.

I take a few steps back as I kick the door down to find Harry hovering over Draco's body who was bleeding. "What's going on here!" I yelled.

~Harry's Pov~

"Harry?" I heard Y/N calling out my name. Shit, what I'm I going to do! I ran to the bathroom door locking it. I ran over to Malfoy who was still crying in pain.

"What's going on here!" I turn around to see Y/N. "It's not what it looks like Y/N," I blurted out loud. "Yeah seeing my childhood friend injured on the floor with you standing over him," Y/N yelled running to Malfoys side.

"Draco are you ok?" Y/N asked frantically as Professor Snape ran into the boy's bathroom. He stares at me before looking back at Malfoy. 

I couldn't bear to be here any longer for Y/N thinking I almost killed her childhood friend.

~Your Pov~

"Sshh it's ok Draco I'm right here," I said as Professor Snape came in. "Vulnera Sanentur," Snape cast a charm to lead all of Draco's blood back into his system.

Draco groans in pain as I held his hand giving it a squeeze "Miss L/N help me take Mr.Malfoy to the hospital wing," Snape ordered as I nodded my head. We lifted Draco up as we hurried to the hospital wing.

"What happened?" Madam Pomfrey curiously asked as we lay him down on one of the beds. "Oh, poor dear we should let him rest. I'll go call off his classes," Madam Pomfrey left Draco alone.

I sigh as I look down at Draco seeing him emotionless. "Are you ok Draco?" I curiously asked as he didn't respond. I notice Draco never did let go of my hand I sigh as I run my hands through his hair.

"Y/N I think it's better off if you let Mr. Malfoy rest," Madam Pomfrey says as I nodded my head. 

"Alright," I replied getting up but Draco didn't let go of my hand. "One more minute please," Draco told Madam Pomfrey as she sighs. "Alright just for a few more minutes," Madam Pomfrey replied.

We stayed silent for five minutes "Draco I gotta go," I told him as he let go's of my hand. I started to make my way to the door "Will you forgive me after what I have done," Draco said as I turn around to face him.

"Why would you say something like that Draco? Of course, I will forgive you for anything you'll do. You didn't choose to do it you were forced to," I told Draco as a slight smile appeared on his face.

"Thanks, Y/N," Draco thanked me as I smiled at him before I left the hospital wing. 

I kept walking towards my dorm tower until I saw Bellatrix with a couple of death eaters. "Y/N dear it's good to see you," Bellatrix happily said.

"Good to see you again to Bellatrix," I said as she smiles. "I just found out you helped my nephew. I'm glad you did he could learn a couple of things from you," Bellatrix started to walk circles around me.

"Would you like to join us? We were about to terrorize the school," Bellatrix curiously asked. "Thank you but I have to go to my dorm," I told Bellatrix as she understood. 

"I understand dear since you don't want to be expelled from this school. Now go and run along," Bellatrix said as I hurried into my dorm.

~Harry's Pov~

"Draco...years ago, I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices. Please let me help you," Dumbledore said Draco pointed his wand back at Dumbledore.

"I don't want your help! Don't you understand? I have to do this," Draco said fear and pain in his eyes. "No, you don't have to Draco. You have choices," Dumbledore said to Draco

"I HAVE TO KILL YOU. Or he's gonna kill me," Draco yelled as I stare at him in shock. "Well, look what we have here," Bellatrix says as she walks behind Draco whispering something to his ear.

"Good evening Bellatrix. I think introductions are in order, don't you," Dumbledore casually said. "Love to, Albus, but I'm afraid we're on a bit tight schedule," Bellatrix grins. "Do it," Bellatrix yells at Draco.

"He doesn't have the stomach just like his father, Let me finish him in my own way," One of the death eaters said."No! The dark lord was clear the boy is to do it. This is your moment. Do it," Bellatrix yells.

"Come on Draco. NOW!" Bellatrix yells in more ager wanting the job done. "No," Professor Snape appears. "Severus. Please," Dumbledore says.

"Avada Kedavra," Snape killed Dumbledore. He killed him. I run from my hiding spot as I run down the stair whales as I make it to the courtyard to find everybody crowding around Dumbledore's died body.

I felt a hand on my shoulder I look over to see Y/N with tears in her eyes. Y/N pulled me into a hug "It's going to be ok," Y/N whispers in my ear as I held her tight in my grip.

{M a g i c  I n  L i g h t} Twilight x Reader x Harry Potter (1)Where stories live. Discover now