Chapter 26

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~Your Pov~

I gasp for air as I open my eyes 'G/N went through so much. Too much pain' I look over my right to see my shoulder all bandaged up but still a bit of blood leaking through.

I slowly look down at my arm seeing an IV connected to me.

I gently get up to find a bunch of white roses on the left side of the room. I slowly get out of bed as I can't feel my legs.

I still crawl to the pile of white roses. but I found the same wand of G/N with her name craved and the last name riddle. 'I'm a descendant of Voldemort' I find a letter with the symbol of the Volturi.

~Dear Y/N,

We found out you were terribly injured. We offer our care to help you heal. But the Cullen's refused but If you want some help to learn more of your great-great-grandmother we're willing to tell you anything you want to know. You know how to contact our dear.

~Aro, Caius, and Marcus.

I sigh 'Well I already know. I figured out that G/N went through so much pain. But it felt so real' I pick up one of the white roses "Y/N!!?" I looked up to see Jasper and Alice. Jasper ran to my side helping me up.

"Y-Your awake since when!?" Jasper asked as he placed me back on the bed as Alice sits on my left side. "Only a few minutes ago," I replied. Before I knew it I hear screams across the halls. "What's going on?!" I worriedly asked.

"Bella is going through labor," Alice answers as I shot up from the room running across the halls into Carlisle's office. "Bella?!" I yelled as I see Edward holding a crying baby and Jacob right beside Bella.

"Y-Y/N," Bella calls out as I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. I slowly make it to Bella's side seeing my niece for the first time."Meet Reenesme your goddaughter," Bella happily said.

More tears shed as she looked so much like Bella when we were young."You did great Bella," I happily said as Bella smiles.

Bella's happy reaction soon turns to emotionless. "Y/N take the baby," Edward order as I wrap Reenesme in a towel.

"Come on it's ok your mommy is going to be ok," I said calming down Reenesme as I started to clean her up. I find a pair of white baby clothes as I dress her up. "Having fun dressing up your niece?" I turn around to see Rosalie standing near the doorway.

"She looks so much like her mother," I told Rosalie as I held Reenesme in my arms.

"She really does," Rosalie happily said as we walked into the living room as I held Reenesme in my arms while Rosalie wrapped her arms around my waist placing her head on my shoulder.

~Rosalie Pov~

This moment with Y/N felt so right. It's almost like us in the future with Y/N having our children being happy and enjoying each other company. I want to protect Y/N. I need to protect Y/N for anything that will try to hurt her.

I looked at Y/N she seemed so focused on Renesme. I don't blame her. If Bella dies Y/N is willing to take over to help raise Reenesme.

Y/N looked up at the window focusing on something but I knew that scent. Wet Dogs.

"Rosalie can you hold Reenesme for a bit," Y/N handed me over the baby as she grabs her wand heading outside. Now that's mine no matter what.

~Your Pov~

I grip my wand as I stand behind Edward, Jasper, and Alice. "We're outnumbered," Jasper says. "By a lot," Alice said. "I won't let them hurt my family," Edward replied. He really is the one for Bella.

I slowly raise my wand up in the air. I took in a deep breath. "Fianto Duri. Cave inimicum. Fidelius. Disillusionment," I kept repeating different protection spells around the house.

Edward, Jasper, and Alice stare at me in amazed as I knew the pack was going to hate me but I couldn't bear knowing Reenesme killed.

"That should save us 24 hours of protection," I told them as I looked back at the pack.

"I already found out the truth about G/N now please for the seak on her grave. Forget all about this. The child is pure and sweet how my cousin use to be. Sam...for me," I begged as I stared into his eyes.

"...Fine," Sam said as I sigh as the pack left. "Edward go and meet your daughter," I told him as he headed inside. Alice and Jasper stared at me.

"So you know everything that happened to G/N?" Alice curiously asked. "Almost everything but her old past was so much pain it was like I was really living it," I told them.

"At least you know some," Jasper said as I nodded my head. "Now you two need to meet your new niece," I happily said as Jasper smiles. We headed back inside as I stop infront of the door looking back at the distance.

Familiar ruby eyes staring back. I notice I still held the white rose in my hand. I held it up they came out of the shadows. It was Jane.

"Y/N?" I jump "You ok?" Alice curiously asked as I nodded my head. "Come on," Alice guided me back inside as everyone is in the living room. Before I knew it Reenesme started to cry.

"She probably wants her dad," Rosalie tries to hand her over to Edward but it seems she didn't want him either. "Y/N?" Rosalie handed me Reenesme as she started to claim down.

"She really likes her godmother," Esme said as I smiled.

I rub Reenesme back before I knew it she fell asleep in my arms. "I guess we already know who's staying with Reenesme tonight," Emmett jokes. "As along Edward fine with it. After all, he's the father," I said.

"It's fine Y/N. I think she wants to get to know her godmother," Edward replied. "Well good luck tonight," Emmett joked again as I playful slapped him in the chest.

"I won't let anything harm you," I whisper into Reenesme ear as I see a smile slowly forming on the baby's face.

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