Chapter 23

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~Your Pov~

I started to get ready for Bella's wedding. Until I heard a knock on the door "Come in," I called out to see it was Draco holding a letter. "This letter is for you," Draco handed me a letter that was from Bella.

Dear Y/N,

Ever since we were kids you use to sing a lot and I was hoping you sing for me and Edward for our first dance.


I sigh "What's wrong?" Draco curiously asked "I'm gonna be singing at the wedding," I told Draco as he smiled. 

"I remember when you use to sing when we were kids. Those were great times," Draco happily said as the smile soon disappeared. I stand up as I make my way to Draco as I hug him from behind.

"You know I forgave you. It wasn't you who did it," I told Draco as he held my hand. Draco sighs as he faces me "I know," Draco said as I smiled. 

"Now go finish getting ready we have a wedding to attend," I happily said as Draco smiles.


"Ready Y/N?" Draco called out. "Almost," I replied as I put last-minute touches. I walk downstairs as Draco was waiting outside with the keys to my car the Cullen's gave to me. 

I walk outside to meet with Draco. "Wow," Draco said amazed as I giggled.

"For you my lady," Draco playfully said helping me into the car. "Why thank you, sir," I playfully said as Draco started to drive to the Cullens home. 

We park close to the house. "We're here my lady," Draco joked as he helps me out of the car. "Why thank you, kind sir," I joked as I wrap my hand with Draco's as we walk to the back where the wedding was being held. 

"Wow this looks amazing," I happily said looking around. There were a few people I recognized. "Hi Y/N," I turn around to see Jessica. "Oh hi Jessica it's great to see you again," I happily said.

"Who's this?" Jessica pointed at Draco "Oh a childhood friend from London he's my date for Bella's wedding," I explain to Jessica

~Irina Pov~

I looked around the wedding as I smell an anglic scent. I look to see where it's coming from but from a beautiful girl with H/C hair. Flawless S/C and E/C that shines through the light.  But she was with a man.

Even though Laurent died I can get a new mate even if she likes it or not.

~Rosalie Pov~

I smell the same anglic scent I've always loved. I look to find Y/N. She looked so beautiful than ever but to see her with a man?! What is she doing with him?! I run to Emmett "What's wrong?" he curiously asked as I pointed at Y/N.

~Emmett Pov~

Rosalie ran to my side as I knew something was wrong. "What's wrong?" I curiously asked as she pointed at Y/N. She looked so beautiful but she's with someone else?! "Who is he?" I curiously asked Rosalie.

"I don't know. She might have brought him!" Rosalie said as I growled. I wanted to break his pretty little neck.

~Alice Pov~

I noticed Rosalie and Emmett were staring at somebody. I curiously looked to see Y/N she look amazing but she with a man?! 

~Jaspers Pov~

I felt Alice grip tighten. I look down at her to see her a bit upset. I looked at the direction she was staring at. It was Y/N she looked stunning but what is she doing with that man?! 

{M a g i c  I n  L i g h t} Twilight x Reader x Harry Potter (1)Where stories live. Discover now