Chapter 10

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~Your Pov~

I slowly open my eyes 'I'm so tired' I thought as I rolled over to my left side to see my clock saying it was 11:30 am.

'Wow, I slept in' I got out of bed as I look down at the letter Dumbledore sent me yesterday. I gently pick up the letter slowly opening the envelope.

Dear, Y/N I know you wouldn't want to hear this news but it's for your own good. Your family is in danger not only from Voldemort and his death eaters but also from the Volturi a powerful vampire family that is after your great-grandmother's belongings. We need you to take the next trip back to London to talk more about the situation face-to-face. ~Dumbldore

I-I can't believe it I slowly back away until I hit the wall. "H-How did this even happened," I cried out loud sliding down onto the floor bringing my knees close to me. I buried myself into a ball.


I heard a noise coming from my window. I look up to see Jasper, Emmett, Alice, Rosalie, and Edward standing around me.

"W-what are you guys doing here?"I asked confused. They all look at each other with concern looks on their faces then back to me. 

"W-what is it?" I curiously asked as they all looked at each other before looking back at me. 

"We're leaving tonight," Rosalie admitted as I stared at them in shock. "W-what," I blurted out staring at them in shock. 

"We have to go Y/N," Emmett repeated as I couldn't believe it. I shaked my head 'Bella going to be alone' I thought as I stood up looking out of my window.

"Why?" I asked as they looked at me "People are becoming suspicious on Carlisle," Jasper answers as I sigh not wanting to face them. 

"It's time," Edward checked his watch before looking at me once again. "We have to go Y/N," Jasper said as a single tear rolled down my cheek."Then go," I whispered loud enough for them to hear. 

I felt there cold ora disappearing as I stand in my room alone. "Y/N," I turn around to see Uncle Charlie looking worried "Do you know where is Bella?" Uncle Charlie curiously asked as I shaked my head 'no'. 

"She's missing," Uncle Charlie said as I couldn't believe his words. 'Did the Cullen's take Bella with them?' I thought. "Can I help?" I asked as Uncle Charlie nodded his head.

"The more people help the faster will find Bella," Uncle Charlie said as I grab my coat and hide my wand as I walk outside I see a lot of people on the phone or looking over the town map. 

I look over my right to see some of the members on the tribe helping out. "Have you guys try searching in the woods," I asked Uncle Charlie. "No, not yet," Uncle Charlie answers.

"I'll check the woods," I said as Uncle Charlie shacked his head. "It's getting dark," He said as I held a flashlight up. Uncle Charlie looked at me before sighing. 

"Alright you can go but take company with you," Uncle Charlie said as I nodded my head. I was about to enter the woods "Y/N where do you think your going?" I turn around slowly to see Sam crossing his arms.

"Going to look for Bella," I answered grabbing my wand out. "Your not going alone," Sam said as I cross my arms. "I'll be fine I'm a witch remember," I sarcastically said as I walked into the woods. 

Sam turned into a wolf "If your going I'm coming with you," Sam said as I nodded my head. "Lumos," I cast the light as we started to search for Bella.

"Bella," I called out her name as I kept walking around. 'Maybe the Cullen's took her' I thought "I found her," Sam called out as I ran to his side to find Bella cold as ice. 

"Let's take her back," I suggested as we walk back to Uncle Charlie's place to see him running to Bella's side. "She's alright," Sam reassured Charlie.

Sam gave Charlie Bella "I got her. Thank you, Sam," Uncle Charlie thanked him as he took Bella inside. 

The tribe came up to us as I kept my head hang low "What's wrong Y/N?" Jacob curiously asked. "I know this isn't the right time but I have something to tell you guys," I said as the tribe looked at me concerned.

I took a deep breath "I'm leaving tomorrow," I admitted as they stared at me in shock. "First the Cullen's now you," Paul said. 

"But why?" Jared curiously asked. "My summer break is over so it's time for me to head back home," I answered as that was partly true but I couldn't let them now the other half of the truth. 

"Does Bella know?"Quil curiously asked as I shaked my head 'no'. Soon it became midnight as I walk back inside Charlie's house I remember I have to tell him. 

"Alright, she'll be ready by then bye," Uncle Charlie finish his conversation on his cell. "I'm guessing that was my mom?" I curiously asked as Uncle Charlie nodded his head. 

"She told me your leaving tomorrow," Uncle Charlie said as I nodded my head. "I hope Bella takes the news well," I said hoping she will be ok without me around for a while. 

"I'm sure Bella will be ok," Uncle Charlie reassure me as I nodded my head as I head upstairs to my room. I look around my room to remember the memories I made here in Forks.

I started to pack all my stuff until I relized it was late and I ended to get some rest. I laid down on my bed for the last time.

(Sorry that this chapter was short also happy new years eve!)

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