Chapter 20

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~Your Pov~

Back on the muggle plane once again. How I'm I going to tell the tribe. More importantly, the Cullen's will be able to smell my scent. 

I sigh as the plane made a landing. I walk around the airport as I could sense cold ora near.

I put on a pair of sunglasses as I look at my right. I could see Rosalie and Emmett with Bella and Edward. I looked away as I run down the airport to gate b. I hurried up the stairs as I looked around for a taxi.

"Taxi," I called out as one of them stop. I hurried inside as I told the taxi driver the address. I look out the window. I could see Emmett and Edward watching me leave. I lean back sighing 'Why did I run? Why couldn't I face them?' I thought.

I look out the window as I noticed something following the taxi. The taxi contuied to drive to the tribe house. I pay the taxi as I got out everything seemed so peaceful. Maybe too peaceful?

"Hello?" I called out as I started to walk around "Y/N?" I turn around to see Jacob. "Jacob!" I happily said as I took off my sunglasses. 

"Y/ that really you?" Jacob walks a bit closer to me. "In the flesh!" I happily said 

Jacob ran full speed bringing me into a hug. "I can't believe it's really you," Jacob happily said as I hug him back. "But where have you been? We've been looking for you for so long," Jacob curiously asked.

"Well, I escape from Victoria. Hogwarts started so I went back to school but I'm back visiting for winter break," I explain as Jacob smiles. 

"The pack is going to be happy to see you again," Jacob happily said as he dragged me inside the tribe home.

"Everyone I have a special surprise," Jacob announces "Your getting a girlfriend," Quill called out as everybody laughed. "No," Jacobs says. "You finally imprinted on someone," Embry said as everybody laughs.

"No Y/N is back," Jacob happily said bringing me out in front of the tribe. "Y/N!" The tribe yelled surprised but happy at the same time.

"Hey," I happily said as everybody attacked me with hugs. " Y/N we're so glad your safe," Emily happily said as I smiled. 

"I'm glad your all doing well," I replied. "Wait do the cold ones know your back?" Jared curiously asked as I shake my head 'no'. "Not even Bella I only came to see you all. I haven't seen you all in months," I told them.

"Well, we're glad your here," Sam happily said as I smiled. "We got our witch gal back!" Paul happily yelled as I just laugh. 

"Let's go celebrate," Seth yelled as everybody agreed. "Come on," Leath dragged me outside.

The whole pack started to transform into there werewolves form. "Get on my back Y/N," Jacob said. it's been so long I rode on his back. 

I get on Jacob's back as the tribe went full speed running through the frost.

"Where are we going?" I curiously asked "It's a surprise," Jacob said. I held on tight as we finally stop on top of the mountains near the waterfalls. 

"Wow, it's so beautiful up here," I stare in awe.  "We did hope you would like it up here," Emily said as I smiled. "And it's a great place for cliff diving," Paul excitedly said as Jard jump off the cliff diving into the river.

Soon almost everybody from the pack cliff dives as Emily and I stayed on top of the cliff just waiting for them to come back up.

"Crazy aren't they?" I asked as Emily laughs "They always been this crazy you'll get used to it," Emily happily said. 

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