Chapter 35

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~Your Pov~

Only four months being here. I stare out of the window 'How much longer will I be here?' I heard a noise. I look out to see an owl holding a letter. I grab the letter to see it's from Hermione. I quickly open it.

~Your invited to Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley's wedding at the burrow on July 20th at 2:00 pm~

'They're finally getting married! But can I attend?' I stood up walking towards the door. I look up and down the halls.

'Now it's my chance' I hurried over to the Volturi main room. I took in a deep breath as I knock on their door.

The doors open as I walk inside. "Ah, Y/N do you need something?" Caius asked.

"I would like to ask permission on attending my close friend's wedding this weekend," I said. Aro, Caius, and Marcus looked among each other. 'Please say yes'

"You have our blessing for going to the wedding but will have guards in the distance watching over you until you return home," I smiled as I walk out of the room.

~Aro Pov~

I smiled to see Y/N agreeing with our decision as I look back at Caius and Marcus. "Do you believe our decision will keep her safe?" Caius asked.

"I believe so. After all, she'll be on watch under our guard's supervision," I said.

Marcus looked back at me "Do you suspect the Cullen's would try to crash the party?" Marcus asked as I nodded my head. "But they won't win. We have the upper hand,"


I stand in front of a mirror as I stare at myself 'Is this what my life is gonna be like now?' I sigh as the doors open.

I turn around to see a few of the Volturi guards. "Ready?" Felix asked as I nodded my head.

We walk out of the Volturi home as I knew they were a secret passage to the wizarding world in every country. I walk up a building as I pull the torch to find ourselves in Diagon Alley.

"Alright hold my hand," I order as I teleported us to the Weasley home. "Y/N!" I turn to the guards "Go, before they see you," I said as they immediately disappeared. "Y/N!" I turn around to see Harry.

Harry spins me up in the air before giving me a hug. "It's been so long since I've seen you," Harry exclaims as I smiled. "It's good to see you again Harry. Has the wedding started?" I curiously asked.

"Not yet. But I'm sure everybody is gonna be happy to see you again," Harry said as we walk inside the Weasley home. "Y/N, it's so good to see you again," Mrs.Wealsey hugged me.

"You can go upstairs Hermione is getting ready," I nodded my head. I knock on the door "Come in," I open the door to see Hermione in a wedding dress. "Y/N!" Hermione hugged me as I hug back.

"Look, at you. Being given away to our friend," I said as she smiles. "I never thought I'll ever get married. But it's the first for everyone," Hermione said as I smiled.

"It's time!" Ginny exclaims. I look back at Hermione "Good luck," I walk downstairs to the venue.

"Look, who finally arrived," I turn around to see the twins. "Good to see you two again," I happily said.

"Well, mate aren't we going to sit down?" George said as I nodded my head as we walk to the venue to see some old friends from school. I look back at the forest to see the guards hiding and watching every move.

'At least I get to be here' I look down the aisle to see Hermione walking down to Ron. "Do you Ron Weasley take Hermione Granger as your lawful wedded wife?"

"I do,"

"Do you Hermione Granger take Ron Weasley as your lawful wedded husband?"

"I do,"

"The power invested in me. I pronounced you, husband, and wife. You may kiss the bird," I happily clapped for them. "It's time to go home Y/N," T-That voice. I turn around to see the "Cullens," I spoke out.

"What are you doing here!" I asked. "To take you home Y/N," Emmett grab my arm. "She's not going with you cold ones," Harry pointed his wand at Emmett. "She belongs with us mate," Fred said.

"No, with us," Rosalie growls. "She belongs to neither," The Volturi guards came out they're hiding spot.

"It's time to go Y/N," Felix said as Edward grabs my arm. "She's coming with us," Edward demanded. "She belongs here in the wizarding world," Hermione said as I back up.

'Not again. I don't want to be apart of this anymore!'

I hit the railing as I look down to see the ocean 'M-Maybe I can' I look back at them arguing. 'N-No I shouldn't' I held onto the railing leaning back. "Y/N!" I felt myself falling. I stare back to see them watching.

I splash into the water as I felt the darkness consume me.

'This is the end for me?'


"Alec! I-I think there's a body on shore!" Isabelle yelled as she runs to your body. "There's no way a body-wow," Alec stare's at your conscious body. "Where do you think she came from?"

"I don't know but her clothes seem like royalty," Alec said as he noticed you slowly started to wake up.

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"Where am I?"

{M a g i c  I n  L i g h t} Twilight x Reader x Harry Potter (1)Where stories live. Discover now