Chapter 28

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~2-year-old Reenesme~

"Reenesme it's time for your bath," Bella called out as Reenesme ran behind me. "Auntie help me," Reenesme said as I laughed. 

The Cullen's watch as Reenesme hides behind me. Bella saw as she smirks. "Y/N have you seen Reenesme," Bella jokes as Reenesme laughs. "Nope no little girl here," I said as Emmett laughs. 

Bella pretends to walk back to the bathroom. 'I'll do you a favored cousin' I grab out my wand. I wave it infront of Reenesme as I teleported to the bathroom. "AHHH AUNTIE," Reenesme screamed as I laughed.

"You needed a bath anyways!" I yelled back as I laughed. "At least we found a way to make Reenesme take a bath," Jasper pointed out.

~4-year-old Reenesme~

"Auntie I wanna wave your wand!" Reenesme happily said. I cringe knowing she can't hold the wand. "Can she?" Alice curiously asked which caught the Cullen's eye. I look at them then back at Reenesme. 

"Do you guys have good insurance?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" Esme asked.

"Just watch," I told the Cullens as I handed my wand to Reenesme. She waved it which caused a window to break. "Because of that," I pointed out. 

Reenesme handed me back my wand walking away from the situation.

~Your Pov~

I got dressed for the day as I touch the locket 'I hope she likes it' I cast a protection spell as I see a letter with the Hogwarts symbol. Why I'm I getting a letter from Hogwarts? I slowly open the letter.

Dear Y/N,

Hogwarts is taken over from Snape. I tried to reach Harry, Ron, and Hermione but I haven't heard a response. The school became like a hell hole with death eaters keeping watch on us even torturing us. The War is coming closer to each day goes on. We need your help. We need The Order and Harry to fight.

Sincerely, Neville

The tears rolling down my cheek. How could he let them be torture! This war is getting colder by the minute. I slide slowly down to the floor as I look out of the window while gripping the letter. 

Soon a melody played that felt so familiar to me.

I whip the tears away as I get up from the hard cold wooden floor. I hear a crash on the other side of the room. I walk to the living where everyone is in.

"The Volturi. They're coming for us. Aro, Caius, Marcus, the guards, and Irina," Alice named them off. 

I grip the letter 'Too many wars are going on' I tuned out everyone as I felt a tug. I look down to see Reenesme. 

"Who's that letter from?" Reenesme curiously asked which caught everyone's attention. "From a friend. Reenesme auntie is going to be gone for a bit. Will you be a good girl to your parents and listen to them?" I asked as she nodded her head.

I grab out the locket "I want you to have this. When you feel your in danger this locket will protect you but if you need me just touch it and called out my name," I told Reenesme as she nodded her head.

I put the locket around Reenesme as she gave me a hug. "I love you, Auntie," She said as I felt a tear roll down my cheek. 

'Will I live after this war?' I hugged her back. "I love you too," I said as we let go. I stand up as the Cullen's stare at me. 

"Rose can you take Reenesme into another room," I asked as Reenesem was taken out of the room.

"What's going on Y/N?" Carlisle curiously asked. "The time has come. I have to go back home. The war has begun," I told the Cullen's as they stare at me in shock. "There's no way," Emmett says.

"I'm sorry but there's a war I have to fight in," I told the Cullen's. "But we need you here if we do have a war," Edward says as I sigh. 

"I can switch off from the two. Nothing can stop me," I told them as I left the room to start packing. I started to write a letter to the pack as I hear a knock on the door. "Can I come in?" Jacob asked.

I nodded my head as I folded the letter. "Jacob I want you to give the pack this letter. It's important for them to get this," I told Jacob as he nodded his head. 

I gave him a hug. "Please be safe," I told him as he hugs back. "I will but your the need to be safe your going into a war," Jacob said. "I know but I don't know if I'll live," I told Jacob. "I know you'll live," Jacob said.

"Thanks, Jacob," I said as I closed my luggage. "Need a ride?" Jacob asked as I nodded my head. I grab my bags as I walk outside the Cullen's watch me as I got ready to leave. I took a few steps back as I waved my wand.

'This protection spells for last all the way to next summer' I sigh as I got on Jacobs's motorcycle. "Bye Auntie!" Reenesme yelled as I waved goodbye as we drove away from the Cullen's home.


Something didn't feel right. I look back as I could tell something was following us. "Confringo!" I cast to relive death eaters. "Jacob we need to hurry. Someone following us," I whisper in his ear. 

"Don't worry I got this," Jacob whistled as I see the pack attacking the group of death eaters. I smiled as we get further away. I look at the distance to see Aro and Jane. "Jacob stop!" I said as Jacob stopped.

"What's wrong?" Jacob asked as the pack came up to us. "The main leader of the Volturi is here with his guard. Promises me don't do something stupid while I'm gone," I said as they nodded their heads.

I cast protection spells on the pack as I look back to see Aro and Jane coming closer. "Now go!" I yelled as they runoff. I grab my bag as I see Aro and Jane only a meter away. I teleported back to the order headquarters.


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