Chapter 17

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~Your Pov~

I hurried as I packed my clothes "Y/N you better hurry," Hermione called. I sigh "This is going to be impossible," I mumbled. I looked around as I noticed nobody around.

I grab my wand as I flick it all my clothes were packed.

"Never thought I'll be seeing you doing underage magic," I turn around to see Geroge leaning against the doorway with a smirk on his face. "In 3...2...1," Geroge counted but nothing happened.

"Strange the ministry of magics was supposed to send a letter," Geroge pointed out as I closed my suite case.

"Well, they didn't so I better g-," Geroge blocked my way out of the room. Geroge had a huge grin on his face.

"Your hiding something mate," Geroge grins. "No, I'm not," I told Geroge trying to get Geroge out of the way. "Come on mate just tell me," Geroge said as I sigh.

"Fine while I was outside the wizarding world. Dumbledore was able to permission for me to use magic outside and inside the wizarding world," I explain to Geroge.

Geroge looked a bit shock before he shaked his head "Well at least Fred and I would know you'll be safe," Geroge happily said as I smiled.

"Y/N hurry dear," Mrs.Wealsey called out. "Coming," I replied.

"You better hurry or you'll miss the train just like in your second year," Geroge reminded me about the 'incident' with Ron and Harry. "Yeah that was fun," I laughed as I hurried downstairs.


"So are they friendly?" Hermione curiously asked "Yes for the last time Mione. They treat me well not bitting me at all," I reassure Hermione.

"I still think it's bloody scary you meat a couple of vampires," Ron frighten about the thought.

"Well, I'm fine now. Nothing more happened to me," I lied not wanting them being more concerned about me. "You sure Y/N?" Hermione curiously asked. I nodded my head "I'm sure," I reassure Hermione.

I sigh "I'm gonna walk around to clear my mind," I told Ron and Hermione as they nodded their heads as I walk out of the compartment as I walked around the train "Quibbler?" Luna curiously asked. "Sure," I happily said as Luna gave me a quibbler.

'I wish Bella is doing well. I wonder what the tribe is doing?' I thought as I ended up dumping into somebody.

"I'm so sorry," I apologized to look to see it was Draco. "It's alright," Draco said but I noticed something wrong about him.

" there something wrong?" I asked concerned. I've known Draco since we were babies.

Draco stared at me before looking away "Something wrong right?" I curiously asked as Draco slowly nodded his head.

"What is it?" I curiosly asked as Draco sighs. He rolls up his sleeve to relive the death eater mark. I gasp "D-Draco h-how w-what happened," I asked in shock.

"I was forced to become one. My mother tried to stop it from happening but it wasn't good enough," Draco explains.

"At least she tried it must've been hard on your mom," I told Draco as I looked out the window. "Yeah but I wish I didn't become one," Draco admits as I held his hand.

"If you ever need to talk you know you can always count on me. I'm here for you Draco," I told Draco as he smiles.

"Thanks, Y/N," Draco thanked me as I smiled. "Your welcome I'm here if you need me," I happily said as I walked back to my compartment.

~Harry's Pov~

"I wonder what's taking Y/N so long," I said as Hermione and Ron just shrugged.

"Y/N had a long summer. I don't blame her for taking so long," Hermione pointed out as I sigh. "I'm gonna check on her," I told them as I left our compartment.

I walked around the train as I took a turn I saw Y/N but with Malfoy. I hurried and hide "At least she tried it must've been hard on your mom, "Y/N told Draco as she stared out of the window. The sunlight shine through her H/C.

"Yeah but I wish I didn't become one," Draco admits as Y/N held Draco's hand?! Dose Y/N like Draco??!!

"If you ever need to talk you know you can always count on me. I'm here for you Draco," Y/N told Draco as he smiles.

"Thanks, Y/N," Draco thanked Y/N as she smiled back?! "Your welcome I'm here if you need me," Y/N happily said as Y/N was coming to my direction. I put on my invisible cloak as Y/N passed by me.


"Where's Harry?" Ginny curiously asked as I shrugged "No idea," I told Ginny as I looked around the dining hall.

"I don't see any signs of him," I told Ginny who seemed worried. Until the doors open to relieve Harry with a bloody nose?!

"Where have you been? What happened to your face?" Hermione asked concerned seeing Harry with a bloody nose.

"Later," Harry replied sitting next to me. "What I miss?" Harry curiously asked taking a sip of pumpkin juice.

"Sorting hat argued us all to be brave and strong in these troubled times," Ron explains "Easy for you to say, huh? it's a hat, isn't it," Ron curiously asked as I shrugged. "No idea he could be human who's under a curse," I joked.

"Really?!" Ron asked in shock. He really believed me. "No silly," I laughed. "Very best evenings to you all," Dumbledore said. I whipped some blood off of Harry's face. "Thanks," Harry said as I smiled.

"First off, let me introduce the newest member of our staff...Horace Slughorn," Dumbledore said as everybody applause.

"Professor Slughorn, I'm happy to say has agreed to resume his old post as Positions Master," Dumbledore announced.

I smiled knowing Snape no longer the master of the position. I think he hated me for a month for making the whole classroom explode.

"Meanwhile, the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts will be taken by Professor Snape," Everybody started to whisper around as Slytherin the only table clapped for Snape.

"Now, as you know each and every one of you was searched upon your arrival here tonight. And you have the right to know why," Dumbledore took a brief moment.

"Once, there was a young man, who, like you sat in this very hall. Walked the corridors of this castle slept under its roof. He seemed to all the world a student like any other. His name? Tom Riddle. Today, of course, he's known all over the world by another name," Dumbledore states as everyone stayed silent.

"Which is why as I stand to look out upon you all tonight. I'm reminded of a sobering fact. Every day, Every hour this very minute perhaps dark force attempts to penetrate these castle walls. But in the end, their greatest weapon is you. Just something to think about," Dumbledore serious mood said.

We all got up as we went towards the Gryffindor tower. I threw my bag on top of the bed "Long unpacking ahead of us," I joked as Hermione grins. "No kidding you got more then me," Hermione pointed out.

"Well, it's just in case. You'll never know when I have to leave again or not," I told Hermione unpacking everything from my suitcase.

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