Chapter 34

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~Carlisle Pov~

Time is running out we need to find Y/N! "Carlisle there's still no sign of Y/N. It's been months now. The wet dogs took her just admit it!" Rosalie exclaims as we hear a knock on the door. I open the door to the Volturi.

"Aro, Marcus, and Caius. What brings you to my home?" I asked. "We came to pick up Y/N since she made a deal with us," Caius explains.

"Where is she?" Marcus asked. I look back at my family "Y/N disappeared," I answered as they stare at me in shock.

"There is no way she disappeared. If your lying your family will end up with a deep consequence," Aro threaten as they walk out of my home. 'Where did you go Y/N?'

~Your Pov~

I took in a deep breath 'Finally I get to live in peace and quiet' I felt a breeze hit me "Y/N," I open my eyes to see Jacob. I smiled "Hey, got back from hunting?" I asked as he nodded his head.

Sam stood up looking towards the forset "Jacob take Y/N inside," Sam ordered. 'What's going on?' I took a step inside the house "Y/N!" I quickly turn around to see the Cullens. "Y/N it's time for you to come back home," Carlisle said.

"How could I? Living under a house old full of secrets and lies!" I yelled. "We wanted to protect you," Edward exclaims. "From what? Learning the truth!" I argue back.

"She deserves to be with people who won't lie about her family past," Jacob said. "Oh, like none of you lie to her!" Rosalie got up close to the pack.

"We told her everything that we know. Now she apart of this pack," Sam said as I smiled.

"Well, we're taking her back," Jasper said. "She's staying with the pack," Jared growls. I look back at the Cullens and pack ready to fight each other.

"Ah, there you are Y/N!" I turn around to see the Volturi. "It's time dear," Caius said. "Of course," I replied as the guards went inside to get my stuff.

Marcus wraps a black cloak on me as I hang my head low. "Ready to head back my dear?" Aro held out his hand. I turn to look back at the Cullens and the pack.

"Yes," I took his hand as I see the last glimpse of them. 'Goodbye,' I closed my eyes. I open my eyes to find myself inside the Volturi home. "Heidi, please take Y/N to her room," Aro order as I was taken away.

I look around the room to find it old fashion. "Welcome back home Y/N," Heidi said as she closes the doors. 'Welcome back home? What does she mean?' I took off the black cloak as I look out of the window.

'My new home'

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