Chapter 2

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~Your Pov~

I sat on the muggle plane that was taking me to Forks, Washington which I didn't understand. I could've traveled by Floo powder but my uncle was a squib and didn't know what magic is.

 Only thirty more minutes until I'm off of this plane. I decided to look at Ron, Harry and Hermione's letters that they sent me before leaving the wizarding world.

I opened Ron's letter first

Dear Y/N,

Your parents told me or I should say my family that your out in the muggle world for the summer. That must be bloody brilliant being able to know what muggle's do. Also, my dad asked me if you could bring back a rubber duck which I have no bloody clue what is a rubber duck?

I laughed at Ron's letter him not knowing what a rubber duck is. I for sure need to write back to Ron but also get his father a rubber duck. Next, I took out Hermione's letter knowing her she'll probably tell me what it's like for non-magic people.

Dear Y/N,

You'll probably won't know so much about non-magical begins in their daily life but I know you'll do fine. I want you to be careful you'll never know if death eaters are out there so be sure to be safe and careful. 

It's even least safe out of the wizarding world great. I sigh looking out of the window to see where about to land. I grab my friend's letter's putting it back to my bags until we landed. 

Wondering around the muggle airport was new to me until I ended up dumping into somebody. Great. "I'm so sorry for bumping into you," I apologized.

~Jasper Pov~

The airport is so crowded with humans. Alice shouldn't be so far. I kept walking until I dump into someone her scent smells Anglic "I'm so sorry for bumping into you," I look to see a stunning girl with H/C and beautiful C/E and flawless S/C. She's was stunning but I can feel a lot of power in her.

"Well...I better get going bye," She left leaving me alone speechless. "Jasper their you are," Alice happily said. "What are you looking at," Edward curiously asked coming towards my way. "Nothing let's just go home," I said taking a last glance.

~Your Pov~

 I awkwardly left the situation as I walk around the airport "Hey Y/N," I heard someone calling me out I look around to see my uncle Charlie and my cousin Bella."Hey," I happily said walking up to them being attack by Bella with a surprise hug. "It's so good to see you again," Bella happily said as I hugged back. 

"It's been too long Y/N," Charlie said happily. I smiled and hugged my uncle it's been five or six years since I've seen them. 

"Well let's get back home," Uncle said grabbing my bags as I followed them into the police car. I sat in the backseat but I look through the side mirror to see Cedric??! I quickly turn around to find nobody.

"Are you ok Y/N?" Bella asked concerned as I sigh nodding my head "I-I just thought I saw somebody I knew," I confess leaning back. The car started as I sig once again but leaning against the cold window to see three people staring at me. I felt their cold ora as we drive away.

~Alice Pov~

I notice Jasper was staring at a police car "Hey you ok," I asked as Jasper snaps out of his mind. "Yea," Jasper said which I wasn't convinced. 

I look towards the cop car to feel a powerful ora but an angelic scent. "Do you smell that," I asked as Jasper nodded his head. "Your not the only one," I turn around to see Rosalie. 

{M a g i c  I n  L i g h t} Twilight x Reader x Harry Potter (1)Where stories live. Discover now