Chapter 6

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~Your Pov~

I got ready as I was kinda nervous meeting the wolf tribe for the first time. "Y/N Jacob is here for you," Uncle Charlie called out as I made my way down the stairs and to the front door to see Jacob and Uncle Charlie. 

"So what are you two are going to do?" Uncle Charlie curiously asked knowing he going to tell my mom. "I'm going to introduce Y/N to a few of my cousins," Jacob making up an excuse.

Uncle Charlie looks at me then Jacob "Alright have fun you two I want her back by ten o'clock," Uncle Charlie said as Jacob nodded his head. 

We walk out of Uncle Charlie's house "I think the pack is going to love having you," Jacob happily said as I smiled. "I hope so," I said. Jacob transforms into a wolf. "Get on my back will get there faster," Jacob said as I got on his back. 

Jacob ran fast through the forest as I held onto him kinda scared. I felt a nice cold breeze until but I noticed four figures behind our tail. 

"Jacob somebody is following us," I whisper as Jacob nodded his head. I grab my wand and turned around "Revelio," I cast to relived the four figures were Carlise, Emmett, Edward, and Rosalie. "Go faster Jacob," I whispered.

~Carlise Pov~

I smelled Y/N's scent with a werewolves scent against her. Edward looks at me nodding his head as I, Emmett, Rosalie, and Edward followed the scent to see Y/N on werewolves back. 

We contuied to follow them curious to know where they're going. Y/N turns around trying to see us. Y/N ended up grabbing her wand out.

"Revelio," Y/N said then stares at us in shock she slowly goes down to the werewolves ear whispering something to his ear before we lost sight of them.

~Your Pov~

Jacob has gotten faster until I lost sight of the Cullens. I sigh 'Why are they following me' I thought until Jacob slowed down. 

"Hey look it's Jacob and he has a chick with him," a shirtless guy called out. I got off of Jacob's back as he transformed back to normal. 

"Guys this is Y/N who I told you about," Jacob introduced me to the pack. "Ah the witch gal," Another guy said as Jacob send him a glare.

"It's nice to meet you guys," I awkwardly said. As an older man came out with a girl with him. "This must be Y/N," The older man asked as I nodded my head. "I'm Sam the alpha of this pack," Sam introduced himself. 

"This is my fiancee Emily," Sam introduced his fiancee as I smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you two," I happily said as they smiled. 

"These two are Jared and Paul the rest of the pack is out hunting they will be here in a bit," Sam explains as I nodded my head understanding. "For now why don't you come in and have breakfast with us," Emily suggested. 

"I would love to," I happily said as Jacob smiled. We walk inside the house while the boys raced to get some muffins. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Boys ladies first," Emily snapped as the boy's faces were stuff with muffins. I ended up laughing out loud "Sorry about them," Emily apologized "It's ok," I happily said as the pack smiled at me. 

"The biscuits are ready," Emily said making her way to the kitchen. "Do you need any help," I curiously asked. "Sure can you get the biscuits while I get the orange juice," Emily asked as I nodded my head.

I put on the oven mitts grabbing the biscuits out of the oven. Setting them on the counter.

~Seth Pov~

I ran through the forest until I smelled breakfast was ready. "Time to go back," Leah said as we raced back home. We got back home as everybody else was digging into breakfast I noticed a person with H/C and beautiful E/C taking the biscuits out of the oven. 

"Your staring Seth," Paul joked as I nudged him. "Seth, Leath meet Y/N," Sam said as Y/N came up to us. "It's nice to meet you two," Y/N smiled as I couldn't help but stare.

~Your Pov~

I got to meet other members of the pack which they all we're friendly. "Never thought a witch would find out about our tribe," Jared said still suprised. 

"Well we know a lot about wolfs and the ones who were born as a wolf or been bitten," I explained as the pack seemed interested to know more. 

"I guess your world knows about us," Paul curiously asked as I nodded my head. "So how long are you staying at Forks," Embry curiously asked. "Until my summer break is over then I go back to London," I explained.  

"Why don't you stay?" Seth curiously asked "Well I'll miss my fifth year and I either not miss it and besides I'll come back during the next summer," I said which cheered up the tribe.

Jacob looked at his watch "I better take you back Y/N your I won't hear the end of it from Charlie," Jacob said as I nodded my head getting up. 

"Well it was nice meeting you guys," I happily said as the tribe smiled as to say their goodbyes to me. 

"Ready?" Jacob curiously asked in his wolf form. "Ready," I smiled waving bye to the wolf tribe before getting on Jacobs's back. Only a five-minute ride on Jacob's back we arrived at my Uncle's house either quickly.

Jacob transforms back as we walked on the front porch. Jacob knocked on the door to relived FRED AND GEROGE! "Look who it is Y/N you finally came back from your little date," Geroge teased as I blushed. 

"Hey Y/N your friends came to visit you," Uncle Charlie casually said as I stare at them in total shock. I opened my mouth but nothing came out.

"Look at that Geroge Y/N is speechless," Fred teased as I covered my mouth. Fred and Geroge looked at Jacob and instantly knew what he was. 

"Y/N we didn't know you had a boyfriend I'm Geroge this is my brother Fred," Geroge introduced himself and Fred to Jacob. "Nice to meet you two I'm Jacob," Jacob introduced himself.

Fred and Geroge looked at me with grins on their faces. "Thank you for bringing Y/N back," Fred thanked Jacob as I stared at the twins in suspicious knowing the twins too well. "Bye now," Geroge said slamming the door in front of Jacob's face.

 "That was rude," I scolded the twins as they shrugged it off. "We have to tell you about the Order," Fred started off as I knew it was serious.

"Let's talk about it in my room," I said guiding the twins into my room closing my windows and locking my rooms. I sat down on my bed "Alright what's going on?" I curiously asked. "The Order is trying to figure out what's Voldemort's next action," Geroge started off first.

"We think he's recruiting magical creaturs to join him but so far we don't have any leads," Fred finished as I started to think.

"We should keep our eyes applied for any signs of Voldemort and what he's planning," I said as the twins nodded their heads. 

"We better go before our mother relized we're missing," Fred suggested as Geroge agreed with him. "It was good seeing you again Y/N," Geroge happily said as I smiled. "It was great to see you two again," I happily said giving them a hug as they teleported back home.

I opened my windows and door as I sigh sitting down on the bed. "Why were you with a werewolf," I turn around to see Rosalie.

(Hi guys I won't update next week since I'll be busy with finals I hope you all understand)

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