Chapter 30

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~Your Pov~

"Bloody hell," We landed in the forest that is already covered in snow. I grab my bag grabbing four black clocks. 

"Here if you were them. They won't be able to harm you so much," I explain. "So these Vampires. How do we know which one is evil?" Harry asked.

"The ones wearing red or black clocks," We walk through the forest as I stop my footsteps. 

I turn to look at my friends "Stay here. I'll call you guys out if we need more help," I explain as Hermione looked at me if I was crazy. 

"Your nuts you know that Y/N!" I laughed. I took in a deep breath. As I took steps closer.

"For the first time in our history. Humans pose a threat to our kind. Their modern technology birse their weapons that could destroy us," Aro spoke out.

"No, they can't," I spoke out as Aro stares at me in shock. 

"Ah, my dearling Y/N. You finally came," Caius happily said as I make my way over to the Volturi. 

"So my dear have you made a decision?" Aro asked. 

"I already know almost everything about G/N,"

"H-How my dear?" Marcus asked. "While I was unconscious I got to relive the final years of her life. Being with the Volturi. The wizarding world," I look over at the Cullens. 

"And almost with every family member of the Cullens,"

I smiled at them as I look back at the Volturi "No matter what you say about G/N I have already figure out the truth," I turn away from the Volturi as I began to walk to the Cullens. 


I turn around to see Carlisle infront of me being attacked by Aro "Carlisle!" I exclaim "Go!" My friends came out of their hiding spots. 

I grab out my wand "Confringo!" I blasted Aro as I run to Carlisle's side. "Carlisle please stay awake!" I begged as Sam runs to my side.

I pick up Carlisle putting him onto Sam's back "Take him back home," I mutter as Sam nodded his head as he headed back to the Cullens home. Aro landed as I look back at the Volturi. I could tell Jane's eyes were on me.

"Don't even think about it Jane," I hissed as I knew Harry, Ron, and Hermione were behind me. 

"Y/N you need to get out of this fight. They only want you now," Bella said as I shake my head.

"Fuck no I'm going to fight alongside my family," The Cullens smirk as I knew what was going to be the Volturi next move. 

"Atta-"Stupefy!" I stunned Aro before he gave his command. "Well this is entertaining," Emmett laughs as I smiled. 

"Make this easy for yourself Y/N. If you come with us nobody gets hurt," Caius offers. "Then I'll go through the same pain my great-great-grandmother went through!" I cried.

"It's your choice dear. The easy way or the hard way," I sigh as I looked back at the Volturi then back at the Cullens.

~Hard way~

"Over my dead body," I growled. "Alright then dear. Jane!" Jane looked over at us. I started to whisper as many protection spells around all of us. 

"It's time," I told Bella as the Volturi guards run full speed to us. 

I walk behind the pack as I clutch onto my daggers. I look up to see one of the guards about to attack Jared. 

"Jared duck!" I throw my dagger straight throw the guard's face. 

{M a g i c  I n  L i g h t} Twilight x Reader x Harry Potter (1)Where stories live. Discover now