Chapter 5

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~Your Pov~

Almost another month has past and I became close with the Cullen kids. A few times I would come to school with them. Every time I'm with them people would stare at us. 

I started to have lunch with them pretending not knowing their bloodsuckers is hard but I'm able to manage. I'm currently walking to Physics "Hey Y/N," Rosalie called out my name.

"Hey Rosalie, Hey Emmett," I happily said as Rosalie smiles as Emmett follows along "Well, we were wondering if you would like to come over to our house?" Emmett happily said. 

"Sure when?" I curiously asked "Tonight," Rosalie answers with a smile on her face. "I think I'm free," I answered which made Emmett and Rosalie happy.   

"Great will pick up at four," Rosalie happily said as we went different directions. 


I held a letter close to me knowing I have to lie to Harry and not telling him about the Order is the hardest thing I have to do. I grab the photo of I, Harry, Ron and Hermione in our third year. 

"I miss you guys so much," I whispered. I heard a car beeping I look outside to see Emmett and Rosalie waiting for me.  I walk out Uncle Charlie's house "Hey," I happily said sitting in the back of the car.

The car ride was quiet for a bit before we began talking. We eventually reached the Cullen's home it was quite modern. 

"You guys have a nice place," I said looking around. "Glad you like it you might come here more often," Emmett happily said. "Come on we have a surprise for you Y/N," Rosalie happily said guiding me through their home.

We walk through the Cullen's home soon we reached the kitchen it smelled good. "Y/N we're making F/F," A young woman happily said. "Y/N this is our mother Esme," Emmett introduced her. "It's nice to meet you, "I happily said as Esme hugged me.

~Esme Pov~

I helped Carlisle making F/F having a guest over who might know who we are. I could smell the scent it was so angelic  I turn around to meet the young stunning girl everyone has been talking about. 

"Y/N we're making F/F," I happily said "Y/N this is our mother Esme," Emmett introduced me to Y/N. "It's nice to meet you," Y/N smiles as I couldn't help but stare at her. I hugged her as I heard Alice coughing.

~Your Pov~

Esme let me go as I turn around to see Alice and Jasper "Hi Y/N we're so glad you, we're able to make it," Alice happily said hugging me as I noticed Jasper had a plate of F/D (Your favorite dessert).

"How did you guys know F/D is my favorite dessert," I curiously asked. "Oh we just guessed we're glad you like F/D," Jasper said smiling.

"F/F is ready," Carlisle happily said as Jasper guided me to the dining room. It felt a little awkward being the only one eating but having the Cullen's watch every move I do. 

"So...why did you guys wanted me to come over?" I curiously asked taking a bite of F/F.  "We want you to tell us the truth. Do you know who we are," I sigh putting down the fork and knife. 

"You're all vampires," I calmly said as a few Cullens stare at me in shock the others stayed calm. "When did you figure out who we were?" Alice curiously asked. 

"Since the first moment I met you all," I said as the Cullen's stared at me in shock. "Since you know what we are you have to make you apart of the family," Carlisle said which I stare at them in shock.

"W-what if I don't want to," I curiously asked. "Either you become a vampire or be killed and we don't want to kill you," Carlisle explains. I lean back on the chair 'wait everybody in the wizarding world knows about vampires and wolf' I got up from the table and looked out of the window. "I don't get it," I said not looking at the Cullens. 

{M a g i c  I n  L i g h t} Twilight x Reader x Harry Potter (1)Where stories live. Discover now