Chapter 27

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~Your Pov~

I slowly open my eyes as I looked around to see Reenesme slowly starting to wake up. I smiled as I kissed her forehead as she finally opens her eyes. She smiles as I smile back.

I got dressed as I dress up Reenesme into a cute little outfit. "Wakie wakie," I turn around to see Emmett and Carlisle. 

"How was having your niece for the night?" Emmett curiously asked. "Surprisingly she didn't cry the whole night," I happily said.

"That's good since you deserve some sleep after you been injured for a month or so," Carlisle said as I held Reenesme in my arms. "Is Bella awake?" I curiously asked as they smiled. 

"They just went out hunting. They should be back any minute," Emmett replied. 

I smiled as I walked into the living room with Reenesme still smiling. "How long has she been smiling?" Jasper curiously asked.

"Ever since we both woke up," I admitted as the Cullen's stare at Reenesme at in shock. "Now we know that's Bella and Edwards kids," Esme joked as we all laughed. 

Jacob came running to my side as soon as we hear soft footsteps coming our way.

~Bella's Pov~

"Welcome to the family," Esme said. "You look amazing Bella," Alice compliments me. "Someone has been waiting to meet you," Carlisle said. "Y/N," Edward called out. Y/N turns around holding Reenesme.

I stare at Reenesme. She's my baby girl I've been waiting to meet for so long. Y/N handed me Reenesme as I got a better look at her. 

Her gentle hands place on my cheek as I see a vision of me during childbirth. "What was that?" I curiously asked. "She showed the first memory of you," Edward happily replied. "She'll be happy," I said.

"Well, I hear thoughts. On how Alice sees the future. She's gifted," Edward replied. I notice how Reenesme grew a bit more. "I've only been out for two days," I said. 

"Growth rate is impressive," Carlisle replied. "Alright that's enough experimenting for one day," Jacob tried to take Reenesme. "Jacob. She's doing great," Edward said. "Yeah...let's not push it through," Jacob tried to take Reenesme away from me.

"What's your problem?" I curiously asked Jacob. "Oh do tell her Jacob," Rosalie said. "This should be good," Emmett smirks. "Hold on a second," Y/N took Reenesme out of my arms. 

"It's a wolf thing," Jacob tries to explain as I growl. "What's a wolf thing," I furiously asked. 

"Umm you know we have no control over it. We can't choose who it happens with. It doesn't mean what you think Bella. I promise," Jacob tries to explain. 

"Take Reenesme out of the room," I order as I hear Y/N's footsteps slowly disappearing.

I grab Jacob by the neck furious knowing what he did to my daughter as I threw him out of the house.

~Your Pov~

I held a teddy bear to Reenesme as she looked so amazed at the stuffed animal. I laugh as I hear "YOU IMPRINTED ON MY DAUGHTER!" Bella yelled as I look out at the window to find Jacob on the ground. 

"Well, Uncle Jacob fucked up," I said as Reenesme laughs. "Probably not a good idea to swear infront of Reenesme since she going to remember this," Rosalie says as I laugh. 

"I know but she'll probably not going to say it," I pointed out. "I still can't believe that wet dog imprinted on Reenesme," Rosalie says. 

"Well I know he only did it to protect her for the meantime," I told Rosalie as she nodded her head but I think she ended up noticing the pile of white roses and the letter.

"W-Who gave you those roses?" She curiously asked as she saw the symbol of the Volturi. Rosalie grabs the letter.

"Aro, Caius, and Marcus," I answer as she stares at me in shock. "Does Carlilse know?" Rosalie asked again.

"I'm not sure. Why?" I curiously asked as Rosalie left the room. Reenesme stares as me "I guess Auntie Rose is worried," I told Reeesme as she looked back at the teddy bear.

~Rosalie Pov~

I run through the halls trying to find Carlisle. I walk into the living to find everyone "Carlisle," I called out as he appeared.

"What's wrong Rosalie?" Carlisle asked. "It's the Volturi. They sent Y/N this letter," I handed over the letter as I could tell he worry in his eyes. So is everyone else.

"They're really trying to push Y/N to go to them," Carlisle said. "What should we do?" Jasper asked. "If Y/N really wants to know the truth then will tell her when the time is right," Carlisle said as everyone agreed.

"But for how long," Bella asked as we looked at her. "Long enough before it's time for her to go back to London," Jasper replies.


~Your Pov~

I walk outside as I held my wand up in the air putting down the protection spells during Bella's birth. "Y/N the pack wants to talk to you," Jacob said as I sigh. "Alright," I said as kick off my shoes as Jacob transform. I got on his back as he takes me back to their territory.

I jump off his back as the pack comes outside to see Jacob and I. "Did you find out the truth Y/N?" Jared asked as I nodded my head.

"It was like I was almost reliving her pain," I told the pack as I see sorrow eyes appearing in there eyes. "At least you've learned the truth that's been hidden for ages," Sam said as I nodded my head.

"But I still have more to learn," I told Sam as he nodded his head. "Understandable but we don't have much to go on," Sam explains. 

"Anything will be a great help. I know I'll find more answers," I told the pack. Paul ends up handing me three books during the time-line of my great-great-grandmother. 

"Some of the information in the books will help you. It's not much," Paul said as I smiled. "Anything will help for learning the past," I told Paul. "I should take Y/N back or the Cullen's will kill me," Jacob jokes.

"Thanks for everything," I happily said. "Your always welcome," Sam said as I nodded my head. I jump back on Jacobs back as we headed back home. I jump off Jacobs back as Esme comes outside with Reenesme.

"Guess who wants you," Esme handed me Reenesme as she smiled seeing me. "What do you have there?" Esme noticed the books the pack gave me.

"Oh just a couple of books," I told Esme as I walk back inside with Reenesme. I felt a breeze hitting me as I notice my books were no longer in my arms. "Why do you have these books," Edward curiously asked.

"They were given to me," I told Edward as he shakes his head. "No really how did you get them!" Edward demanded to know. 

"Edward clam down. If Y/N was given to then she's telling the truth," Bella defended me. "Fine but I'm telling Carlisle," Edward gave my books to Bella as I held Reenesme. "I'm sorry Y/N. They're just trying to protect you," Bella apologized.

"It's alright I know they're trying their best to protect me but my focus is right now is to protect my niece," I told Bella as she smiled. 

"I know you'll do anything to protect Reenesme," Bella happily said. I smiled as I past Reenesme over to Bella. "For now I'm going to finish reading these," I told Bella as she nodded her head as I headed back to my room.

~Edward's Pov~

I hurried to Carlisle's office to find Emmett and Jasper talking to Carlisle. "We have a problem, Carlisle," I spoke out as they looked at me. 

"What's wrong Edward?" Carlisle asked. "It's Y/N she got ahold of the books that hold G/N real past," I said.

The whole room kept quiet. "We need to keep an eye on her. If she gets too close to the real truth we have to stop her," Carlisle said. "What if she doesn't figure it out?" Jasper asked. 

"Then will postpone from telling her...the truth the real truth," 

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