Chapter 9

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~Your Pov~

I woke up early in the morning to make Bella's birthday breakfast. Until I heard a noise coming from my window. I walk over to see an owl holding a letter.

Dear Y/N,

As Dumbledore told us your a member of the Order we need you to come soon as possible back to London. There's more about you know who we need to speak of. But still, try to enjoy your summer dear. ~Molly Weasley

I sigh as I closed the letter placing it on my desk as I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. I started to make pancakes until the thought occurred to me that the Cullen's seemed to be a bit distance. 

I guess it's from my lash out at the prom. I sigh as I look down to see I made way too many pancakes.

"Morning Y/N," Uncle Charlie greeted me "Morning" I happily said as Uncle Charlie brought out two presents for Bella. 

"She's going to kill you," I sarcastically said as Uncle Charlie shrugged it off. "The wrapped one is from her mother but the unwrap one is from me," Uncle Charlie said as I put the pancakes on the table.

"I think you made too many pancakes Y/N" Uncle Charlie pointed out. "I know I kinda got carry away," I reported as he nodded his head. 

"I'll give some to Billy he'll like them," Uncle Charlie said as I knew the tribe would like the pancakes. I nodded my head as I carry a tray of pancakes up to Bella's room.

"Happy birthday" I and Charlie happily said as Bella woke up. "I thought we agreed, no presents," Bella pointed out as I set the tray on Bella's lap. 

"Oh wow thanks Y/N," Bella happily said as I smiled. "I'll give you, your gift later," I happily said as Bella smiles. 

Remembering the Cullen's throwing Bella a birthday party surprisingly I was invited even though they been avoiding me. 

"It goes with this one from your mom. We coordinated. Well, she coordinated me," Uncle Charlie said as Bella opened her gift.

I went to my room to get ready as Bella finish opening her gifts. I walk out of my room seeing Bella ready for school. "Ready?" Bella asked as I nodded my head. We head out.

~Bella's Pov~

I drove to school alone since the Cullen's got Y/N a brand new car for prom. I get out of my truck as I looked to see Y/N heading inside of school. 

I stared at my cousin 'What is she hiding? Why hasn't she explain about her holding a wand?' I thought "Today's the big day Bella. A and J essay due," Jessica happily said. "Oh yea," I remember the essay that was due today.

"Wherefore art thou, Bella?" Mike said as the group laughed. "Let me take a picture of you guys. My mom wants me to put together, like a scrapbook full of memories," I asked the group. 

"Cool yeah," Mike said putting his arm around Jessica's shoulder."I take them.I'm not in them," Angela said not wanting to be in the picture. 

"No, no, no you come here," Eric grabbed Angela into the picture. "You'll photoshop this if my nose looks big right?" Jessica curiously asked. 

"Don't worry, I'm in the picture. No one will be looking at you guys," Eric playfully said as I took their photo. "That's good," I said looking at the photo I took.

But I soon saw they're smiles disappearing "Oh good Cullen's here," Mike said as the Cullen's came out of there car. "We'll talk to you later," Jessica said as the group headed inside. "Happy birthday," Edward happily said. 

{M a g i c  I n  L i g h t} Twilight x Reader x Harry Potter (1)Where stories live. Discover now