Chapter 19

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~Harry's Pov~

Professor Slughorn invited me to his Christmas party. I'm so excited to ask out Y/N. "Excited aren't we mate," Ron joked as I smiled. 

"Actually I am I'm planning to ask someone got to Slughorns Christmas party," I admit.

"Really who?" Hermione curiously asked. "Someone we know I'm not going to say anything else or it will ruin the surprise," I told them. "Is it Ginny?" Hermione curiously asked as I shake my head 'no'.

"Cho?" Ron guessed as I shake my head 'no'. "I got over her," I told Ron as Hermione stares at me in shock. 

"WHO!" Hermione yelled almost the whole dining hall stared at us. Probably the whole school heard.

"Alright I'll tell you it's-" The doors open to relieve Y/N hugging Malfoy?! They let go as Y/N smiled as well as Malfoy.

~Your Pov~

I heard a noise coming from the window. I hurried over to see an owl holding an invitation. "I wonder who sent it," I said out loud as the owl flew away. I open the invitation.

~You are invited to Edward Cullen and Isabella Swan wedding~

I stare at the invitation in shock 'Bella is actually going through with this' I thought as I couldn't read any more of the invitation. How could the Cullens allow this? I look up at the ceiling.

I can't mop around my room I gotta go to breakfast. I sigh as I got up as I walk out of the Gryffindor tower. 

"Are you ok?" I turn around to see Draco. I looked away nodding my head as I felt a grip on my hand.

"I know your not ok Y/N. Please tell me what's wrong?" Draco asked concerned. I sigh "My cousin is getting married to...a vampire," I told Draco as he stared at me in shock. 

"Y-Your kidding!" Draco said as I shake my head 'no'.

"She's in love with him," I said as Draco seemed more shocked than me. "I-I don't know what to do she'll become a vampire after she weds!" I told Draco as he seems he's trying to figure out the situation.

"I know you don't want to hear this but there's nothing you could do to stop your cousin," Draco started off. "It's better off to support her decision not going against it. I'm sure she'll be alright," Draco reassures me as he held my hand.

I smiled as I nodded my head "Would you come with me to the wedding? I'm kinda afraid to go on my own," I told Draco as he smiles. 

"I would love to go with you," Draco happily said as I smiled. "Thank you, Draco!" I happily said pulling him into a hug.

"Your welcome," Draco said as we let go as we went out separate ways. "Hey guys," I greeted them as Harry seemed shocked. "Something wrong?" I curiously asked. "Well, we saw you hug Malfoy," Hermione admits.

"Is something wrong with that?" I curiously asked. "Wel-"Yes something is wrong with that!" Harry cuts off Hermione. 

"Why?" I asked again as Harry hurried out of the dining hall. "What was that?" I asked as Ron shakes his head.

"I guess he doesn't like seeing you hugging his enemy," Ron admits as I sigh. "But Draco and I been friends since we were babies," I explain. 

"Well mate he's angry if I was you I would check upon him," Ron says as I get up from the table going after Harry.

I started to follow Harry's steps "Harry!" I called out as he stops walking. "What's wrong?" I curiously asked. "It's nothing," Harry said as he contuied to walk away from me. "Harry please!" I begged.

"Fine you and Malfoy have been so lovely dovy it's been bothering me," Harry admits. "Harry he's going through a lot so I'm trying to help. He's doing the same favor as well," I told Harry as he sighs.

"I'm stupid aren't I?" Harry asked as I nodded my head. "A little," I said as Harry sighs. "I'm sorry for overreacting," Harry apologized. 

"It's alright Harry," I happily said as Harry smiles. "I've been wondering Y/N would you be my date to Slughorn Christmas party?" Harry curiously asked.

"I would love to go with you Harry," I happily said as Harry smiles. "Great I'll pick up at eight!" Harry said as I smiled.


"Ready Y/N?" Hermione curiously asked as I sigh as I nodded my head. I walk out of our dorm heading down to the commons room to see Harry waiting. 

Hermione fake cough as Harry looks up to see me."Wow, you look amazing Y/N!" Harry happily said.

I smiled "Thank you," I replied as we walk down the halls of Hogwarts. We went into one of the Hogwarts wings I haven't been in before. 

"I've ever been down this hall before," I admit to Harry. "Well, only a few more blocks before we reach the party," Harry said as we enter the room.

"Welcome Harry this must be your date Miss L/N correct?" Professor Slughorn curiously asked as I nodded my head. "Pleasure to have you my dear please enjoy the party," Professor Slughorn happily said.

"Can I borrow Harry for a bit?" Hermione curiously asked as I nodded my head. "Thank you so much Y/N," Hermione thanked me as she dragged Harry away. I wander around the party until filch dragged Draco?!

"Take your hands off me, you filthy squid," Draco cursed as Filch dragged Draco into the party. 

"Professor Slughorn sir, I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party," Filch explains.  

"I was going to crash the party," Draco admits as I sigh "Are you alright Y/N?" Harry curiously asked. "Yeah I'm fine," I told Harry as Filch took Draco away


I sigh as I look out the window as it continuing to snow "Didn't like the party much?" Hermione curiously asked as I shake my head 'no'. "The party was fine. I guess I'm homesick I haven't seen my parents in months," I admit to Hermione.

"You can see them during winter break don't worry," Hermione reassures me as I sigh going to bed.

{M a g i c  I n  L i g h t} Twilight x Reader x Harry Potter (1)Where stories live. Discover now