Chapter 8

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~Your Pov~

I spent a few days with the tribe learning a bit more about the situation. I sigh laying in my bed as I heard Bella in her room making noise.

I walk out of the hall looking through the crack of her door to see Edward helping Bella pack her stuff talking about leaving Forks.

I gasp as I quietly went back to my room. "I guess you know," I turn around to see Emmett.

I gulped and nodded my head "Will need your help either way so pack a few things," Emmett said as I grabbed my bag packing things I would need.

"Y/N what are you doing," Bella asked confused. "You'll be needing my help," I casually said jumping into the back of Bella's truck with Emmett.

I kept my head low as I quietly cast the same charm a few days back. Emmett helped me out of the truck as we walk inside Edward growled at Laurent "Wait. He came to warn us about James," Carlisle said.

"This isn't my fight, and I've grown tired of his games but he got unparalleled senses absolutely lethal. I've never seen anything like him in my 300 years. And the women Victoria don't underestimate her," Laurent explains to Edward and Bella.

We ended up making eye contact "It's good to see you again Y/N," Laurent smiles. I smiled back "Likewise," I grin as Laurent left.

"When did you and Laurent met," Carlisle asked a bit jealous. "Taking a midnight stroll when we met," I cut the whole conversation short as we walk into the garage. "I've had to fight her kind before. They're not easy to kill," Jasper explains.

"But not impossible," Emmett said as they went through the drawers. "We'll tear them apart and burn the pieces. I don't relish the thought of killing another creature even a sadistic one like James," Carlisle said.

"I have it was hard but you'll make it through the fight just be careful," I said grabbing my weapons out of my bag. "Can't you just use your magic," Emmett asked. "It's more fun in hand to hand combat," I grinned.

"I got to change first," I said "I'll show you to the bathroom," Rosalie said as she guides me to the bathroom I quickly changed.

"At least we know not to mess with Y/N," Emmett smirks as I held out my wand. "Can you guys stand together," I asked as they did what I wanted them to do.

"Protego Horribbilis," I cast the charm as I put my wand away.

The Cullen's seemed confused from what I did "I cast a protection charm if James tries to hurt you he'll end up feeling the pain instead," I explained.

"Thank you Y/N," Esme thanked as I nodded my head. "Y/N you better join us on spreading Bella's scent," Edward saias I nodded my head as Rosalie handed me Bella's jacket. "Wait," Rosalie yelled which cause all of us to stop what we were doing.

"Y/N what happened to you," Rosalie asked concerned. I gave her a weird look "What do you mean," Again not understanding.

"Rosalie right I can't smell Y/N's scent," Esme said then looks into my eyes to find my eyes red. "Who bit you," Esme asked concerned. "Oh I cast a charm to make me seem like a Vampire," I explained as the Cullen's sigh in relief.

"Will be taking Bella south," Alice explains. "Bella before you go I want you to have this," I said giving Bella a locket.

"You'll be safe wearing this," I said putting the locket around Bella's neck. "Y/N can you explain how you know the Cullen's?" Bella curiously asked as I sigh.

"Not now you have to be safe everything will be explained later," I mumbled as Bella nodded her head. Before I felt her bringing me into a hug. "Please be safe," Bella whispers as I hug back.

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