Chapter 4

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~Your Pov~

The past two weeks being in Forks wasn't too bad but I still missed my real home. With my friends at Hogwarts getting ourselves into danger like every year. 

I walked out of school with my headphones in listening to music. I felt the bloodsuckers eyes on me I know who they are but I can't put myself in danger.

I walk across the parking lot to see Bella with her friends talking as I made my way to Bella's truck to wait for her. "Y/N!!" I turn around to see a black van going to hit me. I grab my wand about to cast a spell but one of the cold ones held his hand out and stopped the van from hitting me.

I stared into his eyes he looked just like Cedric! I started to feel dizzy out of nowhere as everything turned black~ 

~Edwards Pov~

I gently stroked through Y/N's beautiful H/C. Her scent is so angelic. I wanted to take her out of this place and make her my wife but I knew I couldn't do it. I laid her gently down on the ground leaving the scene.

~Your Pov~

I woke up in an unfamiliar place "Y/N your awake," Bella said in relief. "How do you feel?" Uncle Charlie asked concerned. "Fine I guess just light-headed," I answered looking around. 

"I see Y/N awake. I'm Dr. Cullen," Dr. Cullen said entering the room. He had such a cold ora "How are you feeling?" He asked curiously "I'm good just light head," I explained.

"Probably from fainting but everything seemed good but I need to ask you a few questions privately," Dr. Cullen said as Uncle Charlie and Bella leave the room. "What did you see when you almost were hit by the car," Dr.Cullen curiously asked.

I sigh knowing I have to lie to a bloodsucker putting myself in danger "The car about to hit me and everything turned black," I pretend to admit to him. "Is that all?" Dr.Cullen asked as I knew he wanted me to tell the actual truth. "What I could recall the rest is just blurry," I said running my hands through my hair.

"And what do you know about my family?" Dr. Cullen asked. I guess he means Jasper and Alice "Well I have classes with them that's all," I said. Dr.Cullen stared into my eyes. "I can tell you know the secret of my family. Y/N why don't you say the truth so nobody can get hurt," Dr. Cullen said almost threating me. 

"I've been through hell and back since I was eleven I'm sure it's nothing I can't handle," I smirked as Dr.Cullen smiled. "Alright, then I'll send your family back," Dr. Cullen leaves the room. I sigh laying back "Goddamn these bloodsuckers can be manipulating," I said out loud staring up at the ceiling.

~Carlisle Pov~

I was given a file of a young girl named Y/N who was almost hit by a van. I heard about her from almost everyone in the family except Esme "Fine I guess just light-headed," Y/N answers."I see Y/N awake. I'm Dr. Cullen," I introduced myself but I was shocked it was almost like a goddess standing before me. Y/N ad beautiful H/C and clear S/C and her eyes E/C were like enchanting me.

Her scent was so angelic I almost lost control of myself. Only by looking at her she will belong to the Cullens. I snapped out of my thoughts "How are you feeling?" I curiosly asked. 

"I'm good just light head," Y/N answers. I soon remember Edward telling me that Y/N might know were vampires. "Probably from fainting but everything seemed good but I need to ask you a few questions privately," I answered as I took a few notes.

The Cheif and his daughter left the room as I looked at Y/N. I could see her being a Cullen in the future. "What did you see when you almost were hit by the car," I asked knowing that Edward saved her. 

"The car about to hit me and everything turned black," Y/N said as I knew Y/N was lying. "Is that all?" Giving her a second chance, to tell the truth.

"What I could recall the rest is just blurry," Y/N said running her hands through her hair. I felt so much power coming from her. "And what do you know about my family?" I curiously asked as I knew that question caught her off guard. "Well I have classes with them that's all," Y/N said telling half of the truth.

I lean in staring into her eyes "I can tell you know the secret of my family. Y/N why don't you say the truth so nobody can get hurt," I smirked looking at Y/N. "I've been through hell and back since I was eleven I'm sure it's nothing I can't handle," Y/N smirks as I smiled she'll be a perfect Cullen. "Alright, then I'll send your family back," I said leaving the room.

~Your Pov~

I was finally discharged from the hospital they gave me back my stuff. We were about to leave until I saw him. Cedric, I just can't believe my eyes I snap out of my thoughts as I also saw the bloodsuckers talking to Dr.Cullen. I sigh leaving and jumping in Uncle Charlie's car.


I lay in bed bored to death. I finish my homework. I wrote back to my friends and the wolf hasn't come and visit after a while. 

I heard a knock on the door "Come in," I said as Bella enters my room. "Hey Y/N wanna come with me to La push," Bella curiously asked "Sure let me change first," I said as Bella left my room.

 I changed into something warmer so I wouldn't catch a cold.

I walk out to jump into Bella's friend Van but I notice the same figures watching me entering the van. Soon we arrived at La push it was cold down at the beach I sat inside the van while Bella helps her friends get ready in the water. 

"Hey Y/N," I turn around to be greeted by Jacob. "Wanna take a walk along the beach?" Jacob curiously asked.

"I would like that," I happily said "Ooh Y/N might end up getting ask out to prom," Jessica said as I nudged her. I walk along the beach with Jacob "I'm starting to wonder where the wolf is," I accidentally said out loud. 

"A wolf you say. Aren't you scared of them," Jacob curiously asked "When I was younger but as I got older I was no longer scared of them for some reason the wolf I meat was calm. It would be nice to meet him again," I happily said as Jacob smiles. "Have you heard of the legend?" Jacob curiously asked as I shake my head 'no'.

"A well long time ago my great grandfather faced the cold ones off their tribe as long they kept off their tribe we wouldn't reveal their secret," Jacob explains the local legend. I stopped my tracks. 

"You also know about the cold ones," I curiously asked as Jacob nodded his head. Jacob gave me a concerned look "Wait Y/N you know what they are?" Jacob asked as I nodded my head.

"Vampires," I replied as Jacob stares at me in shock. "B-but how do you know," Jacob asks me again. Well, I guess it's time to tell Jacob. 

"Jacob I only have known you for a bit but I know I can trust you so please listen to what I have to say," I said to Jacob as he nodded his head. I grab out my wand "Well I'm a witch from a pureblood family," I said as Jacob stares at me.

"I kinda figure you were a witch," Jacob awkwardly said which I stared at him. "How did you figure out who I was?" I curiously asked. "I could senes your powers and how powerful you are," Jacob admitted as I put my wand away. "Well since you told me your secret I guess I can tell you mine," Jacob said grabbing my hand.

We walk into the woods which was warmer than the beach. Jacob started to take off his clothes "Umm Jacob what are you doing," I said looking away blushing knowing Jacob is undressing. 

"Ok, you can look now," I slowly turn around to see the same wolf I meat. I slowly walk up to Jacob "So you were the wolf I meat," I curiously asked as Jacob nodded his head.

"Well, I'm glad we told each other secrets," I happily said as Jacob transform back into a human. "So do I," Jacob happily said as he changed back into his clothes. "So are there anymore wolfs," I curiously asked as Jacob smiles. 

"Yea we have a whole tribe you should meet them since you already know our secret," Jacob suggested. "I would love to meet the rest," I happily said.

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