Chapter 12

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-5 months later-

~Your Pov~

"Hermione it was only one time," I groan as Hermione kept lecturing me. "You could've been taken away or worst bitten," Hermione feared for my safety after I told her what I did on the day I went back home to see my parents. 

"Well we better hurry for Harry's lesson," Hermione suggested as I grab my wand.

Hogwarts changed since Umbridge came a took control of the school. Hermione and I were able to come in the room of requirements without being caught. 

"Look who finally showed up," Geroge grins as I playfully punch his shoulder. 

Ron and Hermione, we're up "Don't worry I'll go easy on you," Ron told Hermione as I looked at Hermione 'Are you going to let him' face as Hermione shaked her head. 

"Thanks, Ron," Hermione thanked him. Hermione shaked her head as I knew she wasn't going to let him go easy.

"Come on Ron," The twins called out as I grin. "I bet one sickle," I told the twins as they smirked. "Your on," The twins say in unison. I watch as Ron was about to cast a spell but Hermione was quick "Stupefy," Hermione cast as Ron yelps like a girl. 

Geroge handed I and Fred a sickle "Thank you," Fred and I say in unison. 

"Shut up," Geroge whispers. Ron came up to us catching his breath "I let her do that. It's good manners, isn't it?" Ron told us as I crossed my arms.

"Such a gentlemen Ron," I sarcastically said. 

~Ron's Pov~

Shoot why did I let Y/N see me like this. Ugh, made a bloody fool of myself.

~Your Pov~

"Alright everyone that's all for today I hope to see you all tomorrow," Harry happily said as I started to gather my stuff.

I ran out of the room of requirements trying to seek in back into the Gryffindor tower. "Hey Y/N," I turn around to see Harry "Oh hey Harry," I happily said as I notice Cho was staring at us. 

"Harry your crush is staring at us," I teased Harry "Oh," Harry said in suprised I noticed he didn't seem interested in Cho anymore. 

"You ok Harry?" I curiously asked as Harry shaked his head. "I was wondering if you wanted to catch up so more. On what happened during your summer," Harry asked as the memory's beginning to fold back on the Cullen's. The werewolves pack and Bella almost alone back home.  

"Oh I why no-" "Harry could you help me," Cho interrupted me. "Oh sure. I'll be back," Harry told me as Cho GLARE AT ME!? I rub my eyes to make sure I'm not dreaming. 

"Hermione, did you see that?" I curiously asked as Hermione nodded her head. "Cho probably mad that Harry doesn't have a crush on her anymore," Hermione told me. 

"What really? Who is it?" I curiously asked as Hermione shaked her head."Can't tell you. I made a promise to Harry," Hermione said as I started to think who it can be. 

As we enter the commons room I couldn't think who it was. I look over to see Fred and Geroge putting some sort of position into chocolate cupcakes.

"What you doing?" I curiously asked the twins. "Pranking Filch. Wanna help?" Fred curiously asked as I nodded my head. I jump over the couch sitting between the twins. 

"Let's make him think it's from Umbridge," I said as the twin's smirk. 

We started to put the cupcakes into a pink heart-shaped box wrap with a dark red bow. it was too perfect. I noticed the time "Well goodnight boys," I happily said giving them both a kiss on the cheek as I ran up the stairs into my dorm.

~Fred Pov~

Y/N ended up kissing me on the cheek. I held my cheek as my heart started to beat fast. There's no way I like Y/N or do I?

~Geroge Pov~

I had a crush on Y/N for a bit but I didn't know if it was real but now I know it's real. She kissed me on the cheek.


~Your Pov~

I started to get ready to see if the prank worked on Filch as I heard a noise from my window. I open the window to see an owl holding an owl. I grab the letter to see it's from Jacob. 

Dear Y/N,

I kept my promise to take care of Bella but lately, she's been seeing images of Edward everywhere she goes. I think you should come back to Forks soon before anything else bad happens. ~Jacob

I sigh knowing Bella isn't doing so well. I walk down the Gryffindor tower making a turn to see Filch opening the heart shape box happily eating the chocolate cupcakes. 

"I can't believe he actually is eating them" I whispered as Fred and Geroge appeared out of nowhere. 

"Neither can we mate," Geroge happily said as we sneak into the room of requirement for another lesson. We all were around a circle having a dummy come around trying to attack us as we tried to defend ourselves.

 I didn't need to do this after all I did ended up beating a Vampire. Soon the dummy reaches me "Confringo," I cast destroying the dummy into ashes.

I grin as Harry happily smiled at me. "Remind me not to mess with you," Ron said afraid of me now. I laughed as it was time to practice to unweapon our partner. 

Ginny and I practice but I had a bit more experience from what happened last summer. 

"Expelliarums," Nevile cast finally successfully unweaponing his partner. "Congrats Nevile," I happily said as Nevile smiles "Thanks Y/N," Nevile happily said. 

"So that's it for this lesson. Now we're not gonna be meeting again this holidays," Harry announced as everybody groans in disappointment.

"So just keep practicing on your own as best you can. And well done, everyone. Great, great work," Harry told everyone as we all clapped. 

I get over the corner to grab my stuff until I saw a photo of Cedric. The reason why I went to Forks in the first place.  I sigh remembering Cedric's death felt more like a dream.

Being in Forks I was so distracted from Cedric's death. "You ok Y/N?" I turn around to face a concerned Harry. 

I slowly nodded my head "I've just realized how Cedric is no longer here. I've been too distracted lately," I told Harry as he nodded his head. 

~Harry's Pov~

I knew Cedric's death had a huge impact on Y/N. I need to tell Y/N I'm here for her. "I know it must've been hard on you since you have known Cedric since childhood but your not only I'm here If you want to talk," I told Y/N as she nodded her head. I held her head as I came closer.

Only a few inches away from each other I could feel my heart beating faster and faster. I lean in "HARRY," I turn around to see Cho angry? I look at Y/N who seemed also confused.

"HOW COULD YOU!" Cho cried out loud as I watch Y/N awkwardly leaving the room not unknowing what to do. Great now I'm stuck dealing with an angry Cho.

{M a g i c  I n  L i g h t} Twilight x Reader x Harry Potter (1)Where stories live. Discover now