Chapter 13

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~Your Pov~

Winter break came either quickly as I look out the window at the order headquarters since my home is still invaded by the cold ones. 

"Y/N you ok?" I turn around to see Hermione as I nodded my head. "I'm fine just worried about my family that's all," I admitted as Bella keeps me worried almost 24/7.

Since the Cullen's left us and I had to leave Bella I couldn't help but feel I betrayed her. "Well you better come down before Ron eats everything," Hermione joked as I laughed for a bit. 

"Alright, I'll be down in a minute," I told Hermione as she left the door open.

I sigh as I look out at the window one last time before going down for Christmas dinner. A tiny Santa toy flew around the dining room. "Here we go. Daddy's back," Mrs.Wealsey happily said wheeling Mr.Wealsey in. 

We all clapped "Sit down, everybody sit down. That's it. Now, presents," Mrs. Welasey happily said."Here you go Y/N," Mrs.Wealsey happily said handing me my present as I open it to see a knitted sweater. 

"Come on then everyone. Let's clear this way," Mrs.Wealsey said as we started to pour each other drinks. "A Christmas toast. To Mr. Harry Potter without whom, I would not be here," Mr. Wealsey said.

"Harry," Mr.Wealsey said as we all lifted our glasses up "Harry," Everyone said. I sat down next to Ginny as we started to past around the food.


I woke up in the morning feeling sick. "Y/N you look pale are you ok?" Hermione asked concerned. I nodded my head. "I'm fine," I reassure Hermione as I started to get dress for class. 

I walk down to the common's room "Hey Y/N you ok?" Ron curiously asked as I nodded my head. "Yeah let's go to class," I told them.

Everything looked a little dizzy until I ended up dumping into someone "Y/N are you ok?" It was Draco. 

I slowly nodded my head "Yeah I-I'm fine," I told Draco but he still has a concerned look on his face. Ron grab me by the shoulders "I better help you get to class in one piece," Ron said as I nodded my head.

I took my seat next to Hermione as we were in defense of the dark arts with Umbridge. "Please finish the worksheet. you may ask your partner for help nothing more," Umbridge explains. 

Everything seemed to be spinning in a circle. "Y/N are pale are you sure your ok," Hermione asked more concerned.

I nodded my head as Umbridge came up to my desk "Oh dear Y/N your pale. I think it's best you go to the hospital wing," Umbridge told me looking concerned (FOR ONCE IN HER LIFE). "I'll take her Professor," Draco volunteer himself. 

"Oh thank you Draco dear please take good care Miss L/N," Umbridge said as Draco guided me out of the room. "Umbridge is right your really pale Y/N," Draco said concerned. "I-I'm fin-" Everything turned black~

~Draco's Pov~ 

All of sudden Y/N blacked out as I caught her before hitting the floor. I touch her forehead to find out Y/N is burning hot. "Shit Y/N what were you thinking," I said out loud carrying Y/N through the halls before we made it to the hospital wing. 

"What is going on Mr. Malfoy," Madam Pomfrey curiously asked until she saw Y/N in my arms. 

"Oh dear, what happened?" Madam Pomfrey curiously asked as I put Y/N down onto the bed. "She fainted but she's burning up," I told Miss Pomfrey as she felt her forehead.

"Your aren't kidding Mr.Malfoy. I'll take care of her," Madam Pomfrey reassures me. I came up to Y/N's bedside as I lean in to give Y/N a kiss on the forehead. "Feel better," I whispered as I left the hospital wing.

~Your Pov~

I slowly open my eyes as I felt a cold cloth on my forehead. "Y/N you're awake!" I look up to see Hermione smiling. 

"W-what happened?" I curiously asked looking around to find myself in the hospital wing. "Well, you weren't feeling well this morning so Umbridge sent you here," Ron explains.

I look over at the clock to see it was 6:30 pm "Wow! How long have I've been asleep?" I asked in shock. 

"According to Madam Pomfrey about seven hours," Hermione told me as I stared at her in shock. I slept for that long! "Wait aren't you two supposed to be at Dumbledore Army?" I curiously asked Hermione and Ron.

They looked at each other before sighing "Y/N the Dumbledore Army has disbanded," Hermione sighs as I stared at her in more shock. 

"B-but why?!" I asked with so many emotions going through my mind. "Umbridge found out the room of requirements," Ron said. "W-who told on us?" I curiously asked knowing our friends betrayed us.

"It was Cho," Hermione answers. "But why would she do that?" I asked again "Apparently she was mad that Harry doesn't have feelings on her anymore. So she told on us," Ron explains. Wow, that is a shallow thing to do. 

"Where's Harry?" I curiously asked noticing him not here "He's still in Dumbledore's office," Hermione said as I lean back. 

"You have a letter for you dear," Madam Pomfrey handed me a letter. I look to see it was from Forks and from Bella! I quickly open the letter.

Dear Y/N,

I know I haven't written to you since you left but I'm going to Spain to stop Edward from killing himself!

I look at the letter in total shock. Bella doesn't know what she's up against. "I have to go," I blurted out loud getting up from the bed. 

"Wait, Y/N," Hermione called out as I ran out of the hospital wing and up the stairs and into my dorm packing a few things. I heard a knock on the door. 

"Come in," I called out to relive Dumbledore "I heard you ran out of the hospital wing needing to leave why is that?" Dumbledore curiously asked. 

"My cousin she's about to face the Voturi and I need to protect her," I inform Dumbledore. "Then go I give you permission to use your magic outside," Dumbledore said as I smile happily thanking him.

{M a g i c  I n  L i g h t} Twilight x Reader x Harry Potter (1)Where stories live. Discover now