Chapter 21

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~Your Pov~

I walk around the forest it was beautiful with the snow everywhere. The last time I'm going to be here until the wedding. "Y/N!" I turn around to see Jasper and Alice.

"You have a letter from the Volturi," Alice handed me the letter. I looked at Alice and Jaspers's concerned looks as I open the letter.

~Dear Y/N,~

We heard you have returned to your cousin for the break. We are blighted to sent you a gift hoping you'll love. Remember to be careful about your future my dear. One day we will see each other once more.

~The Volturi~

"What did it say?" Alice curiously asked. "They just found out I came back to Forks but they also sent me a gift. But where is it?" I curiously asked. Jasper and Alice look at each other before guiding me back to the Cullen's home.

I walk inside as Esme handed me a box I looked at the Cullen's as I slowly open the box to relieve a beautiful ruby diamond ring which came with a pair of matching earrings.

"That's sweet of them but why?" I asked. "When the Volturi is looking for a new ruler they would look for a suitable mate. Which so happened to," Carlisle explains.

"W-What n-no this can't be?" I said as I closed the box gently placing it down. I walk over the window seeing the snow peacefully falling.

I look back at the Cullen's "W-What happened to the last mate?" I curiously asked. All the Cullen's looked at each other before facing me once again.

"The last mate she committed suicide not wanting to go through the process becoming a vampire," Edward explains.

"That left the whole Volturi depressed," Jasper pointed out. 'Wait the tribe's founder wife also committed suicide. Can they be the same person?' I thought.

"W-What was her name?" I asked once again. "G/N (Your great-great grandmother's name)," Alice responds. I stare at them in total shock 'No it can't be! or can it?'. "Are you ok Y/N?" Esme asked concered.

I sigh as I place my hand on the cold window feeling the breeze from outside. "Y-Yea I'm just tired," I lied as Emmett came to my aid. "You should rest then," Emmett suggests as he guides me to the couch.

I ran my hand through my hair 'This can't be. There's must be some sort of mistake?' "Are you sure your alright Y/N?" Esme asked again. I nodded my head once more as I kept thinking.

"Y/N your heart is rasing way too high," Carlisle hurried to my side. "Y/N just tell us what's going on your mind," Edward said.

I look down before looking back up "The last mate of the Volturi was my great-great-grandmother," I admit.

The Cullen's stayed silent for only a minute "So that's why the Volturi want Y/N so badly," Edward putting the pieces together.

Rosalie slowly made her way towards me. "Y/N we won't let the Volturi take you away from us," Rosalie said as I locked eyes with her.

"Promise?" I asked holding my pinky out. "Promise," Rosalie happily said pinky promising.

I look outside to see nightfall "I better go back before the tribe gets worry about me," I stood up as Carlisle stopped me.

"We're not letting you walk outside during the nighttime. I'll go tell the tribe your staying with us for the night," Carlisle said as I was too tired to argue so I only just nodded my head.

"Let's watch a movie!" Emmett happily said as we all agreed. I ended up sitting in the middle. Rosalie was on my right and Jasper on my left. I focused on the movie but my eyes started to get heavier and heavier.

I yawn "I guess your tired?" Esme curiously asked as I nodded my head. "Will show you to your room Y/N," Alice says as they guide me upstairs.

We walk down the halls and we made it to the guest room. I jump on the bed as it was super soft.

"I feel like I'm in heaven," I mumble as I curled up with the soft blankets. "I guess the bed won Y/N's heart," Edward jokes.

~Thrid Person Pov~

"I'm gonna kill it then," Emmett said about to punch the bed until Rosalie put her hand on Emmett's shoulder.

Emmett looked at her confused until Rosalie pointed at your sleeping body. The Cullen's turn off the lights as they carefully leaving the room not wanting to wake you up.


~Your Pov~

I slowly open my eyes to find myself in the guest room. I rub my eyes as I walk out of the room. I started to explore the house. I walk inside a random room to find a painting covered.

I pull the cover to see a certain painting of a woman. She seemed familiar. Her features of H/C and fair pale skin. I look closer to see the same E/C as me.

'Could this great-great-grandmother?' I stare at the painting until I heard a noise.

I hurried to put the cover over the painting. I teleported back into the guest room 'W-why do the Cullen's have a portrait of my great-great-grandmother' My thought's got interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in," I called out as the door relived Jasper and Alice. "Slept well?" Jasper curiosly asked as I nodded my head. "We can tell you have a bedhead," Alice giggles as I look at the mirror to find my hair a mess.

I started to brush it out "So what are you guys doing here?" I curiously asked "Just here to take you down for breakfast," Jasper replies.

"Oh ok," I said as I followed Jasper and Alice downstairs. 'Should I ask them?' "Look's who's awake," Esme happily announced.

I smiled as I walk into the kitchen to see Carlisle and Rosalie trying to make F/B (Favorite breakfast).

"I see you guys are having fun," I laughed as they noticed me standing near the doorway. "Never thought F/B will be hard to make," Carlisle joked as I smiled. I look over the counter to see the time.

"Hey Emmett," I called out as I felt a cold breeze running to my side. "Yea Y/N?" Emmett said. "What day is it?" I curiously asked. "January 1st," Emmett replied.

I stare at him in total shock. "Crap I gotta go," I hurried to put on my shoes. "Where are you going Y/N?" Alice asked.

"I'm late I'm supposed to be at kings cross station in London," I replied as I grab out my wand teleporting myself back in my dorm.

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