Chapter 11

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~Your Pov~

Something warm hit my eyes as I slowly open my eyes to find it bright outside. I looked around the room everything was packed. 'I can't believe it. I'm actually going home' I thought as I started to get dress.

I took one last glance at the room stayed for what seems a year being here in Forks. I sigh as I grab my suitcase as I gently closed the door.  I slowly walk down the staircase knowing I'm gonna leave Bella alone. 

"Your taxi is here," Uncle Charlie said as I looked outside. "Y/N," I turn around to see Bella looking sad.

"I'll give you two some time to talk," Uncle Charlie said leaving the room as Bella came up to me. "I know everything is hard for you Bella I wish I wasn't leaving so early," I said to Bella as she shaked her head. "I'll be fine don't worry," Bella said as I knew she was lying. 

"Wear my necklace anytime you feel your in danger hold it and call out my name I'll be at your side," I told Bella as she nodded her head. 

"I will," Bella said as I hugged her for the last time will ever see each other. "Stay strong ok?" I asked as Bella nodded her head.

I grab my suitcase as I walk out of Uncle Charlie's house as I took one last glance I'll ever be here. I headed inside the taxi as it took me to the airport apparently Uncle Charlie paid for my ride. 

I arrive at the airport as I sigh carrying my luggage through the busy airport.

"Need a hand?" I turn around to see Jacob. "Jacob, what are you doing here?" I curiously asked. 

"Well I wanted to say good-bye but I'm not the only one," Jacob said as I stared at him confused. Jacob grabs my hand and guides me to my gate but also to see the tribe there waiting.

"What are you guys doing here?" I happily asked. "Well, when Jacob told us your going back home. We decided to see you go off," Sam answers as I smiled. "That's really sweet of you guys," I happily said. "I have a favor to ask you, Jacob," I said catching Jacob's attention.

 "What is it?" Jacob curiously asked. "I want you to watch over Bella over me. Since the Cullen's left she hasn't been the same so please watch over her for me," I asked Jacob. "I promise Y/N," Jacob answers as I smiled giving Jacob a kissed on the cheek.

"Thanks, Jacob," I happily said. 'Gate 6 please aborad' They called out my gate as I gave each member of the tribe a hug.

I took a minute to look back at the tribe. They all smiled as I smiled back before boarding the plain.


I groan from jetlag as I finally landed back home. I started to look around the airport "So many muggles," I heard as I knew it was Mrs.Wealsey. 

I started to make my way through the crowd to find the Weasley family and Hermione. 

"Y/N," Fred and Geroge happily yelled as I was startled. "Fred, Geroge don't scare the poor girl," Mrs.Wealsey scolded them.

I laughed as Mrs.Wealsey smiles "Welcome back my dear," Mrs.Wealsey happily said pulling me into a hug. "It's good to be back," I happily said as Hermione hugged me. 

"How did you enjoy your time in the nonmagic world?" Hermione curiously asked as I started to remember the Cullens, The werewolves pack.

"Peaceful," I lied as Hermione smiles "I'm glad you needed time away from all this chaos," Hermione admitted as I put on a fake smile. 

'There's more chaos back at Forks' I thought. "Oh Mr.Wealsey I brought what Ron inform me to bring," I remember bringing out a rubber duck. 

{M a g i c  I n  L i g h t} Twilight x Reader x Harry Potter (1)Where stories live. Discover now