Chapter 32

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~Your Pov~

I stare back at the blank letter 'What could it be?' "Hey Y/N, the rest of us are going hunting can you watch Reenesme for a bit," Bella said as Reenesme jumped onto me.

"I don't mind," I replied as Bella picked up the letter 'Shit' "Oh, are you going to write to your friends?" Bella asked. "Y-Yeah, it's been almost a month since I've ever spoken to them," Bella puts the letter on my dresser.

"We'll be back soon," Bella left my room as I looked at Reenesme. "So, what do you want to do?" I asked.

"I want to know how you have magic and my mom doesn't," Reenesme answers. "Well, our fathers are brothers born from the same parent's my father was born with magic early on. But Charlie didn't show any sign's of magic which makes them a squib,"

"They lived in a non-magic town for charlie to go to school while my father went to Hogwarts," I explained. "What's a squib?" Reenesme asked. "A child with no magic," I replied.

"Why can't I have magic too?" Reenesme pouts as I giggled. "Your already half-human and half-vampire. Isn't that enough?" I asked as Reenesme nodded her head. I hear noise from my window.

I slowly walk up to see Malfoy's owl. I grab the letter "Thank you," I said as I walk back to Reenesme. "What is it?" Reenesme asked. "A letter from an old friend of mine," I replied.

"Can we read it together? Please!" I laughed "Alright," I replied as I open the letter.

Dear, Y/N

It's been a while since our last meeting since the war. After my parent's found out about you being a Riddle. They non-stop keep asking if I've known about your family. I guess I'm trying to say how's being in the muggle world again with bloodsuckers and werewolves.

'I am a Riddle but...can I change that?' "What's bloodsucker's?" Reenesme asked again. I hear a door knock I look up to see Edward. "Daddy!" Reenesme runs to Edward as I put the letter onto my nightstand.

"How was Reenesme?" Edward asked. "She was good just asked a lot of questions," I replied as she looks at her dad's face.

"What's a bloodsucker?" 'Ah shit' "Where did she learn that word?" Edward asked. "Well, my friend wrote the word in the letter," I explained.

Edward sighs "I'll tell you when your older," He said as Reenesme pouts. I sigh as I scan the letter once more 'I really am a Riddle...' I stood up to grab the letter that was blank "Aparecium," Letter's soon appeared on the paper.

My last letter to you before my last breath. I can't handle this life anymore so can't my family. That is why I'm taking my own life as long the Volturi believes I'm dead my family can live in peace. Tell my family the truth don't keep it in any longer

Sincerely G/N~

I let go of the letter 'W-What else are they hiding from me?! Could I even trust them now?' I sat down on the bed as I heard a knock on the door "Y/N it's me, Jacob," He called out. "Come in," I called out.

"Hey, are you ok," I shake my head no. "What's wrong?" I picked up the letter handing it to Jacob to read it himself. "How long...How long have they kept this from you!" Jacob growls.

"I-I don't know I just found out," I admitted as I looked away.

~Jacob's Pov~

I look at Y/N 'The Cullen's hurt Y/N too much to this point' "Pack your bags," I said as Y/N looked at me a bit shock but relieve. "Where are we going?" She asked.

"To the pack. I'm sure Sam and Emily would be fine with you staying over," I reassure Y/N as I help her pack up. I grab Y/N bag as we walk outside to my motorcycle without the Cullen's noticing.

"Ready?" Y/N nodded her head as we set off to the pack's home.

~Rosalie Pov~

"Y/N...I wanted to apologize about my outburst I didn't mean it. I was just so angry. Can you forgive me?" No responses. "Are you there Y/N?" Still no respons. I open the door to find Y/N room empty.

"C-Carlisle!" I called out. "What's wrong Rose?" He asked as he saw all of Y/N belongings gone. "Get the family together. Will find her," Carlisle order.

'Where did you go Y/N?!'

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