Chapter 16

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~Your Pov~

"Why can't I go outside?" I curiously asked Carlisle as everyone else was at school. While I was under house arrest at the Cullen's home. 

"For right now it's dangerous. It's for your own good Y/N," Carlisle said as I sigh gazing out of the window. 

"Maybe when everybody else comes back," Esme happily said as I smiled. I look out of the patio window to see the forest. Looking so peacefully. I want to be out there. 

"We're back," I heard Alice's voice as I jumped off the couch. "Now can I go?" I curiously asked Esme. "No," Rosalie replied. "B-But why?!" I wanted to go outside so badly.

"Alice saw something that could hurt you. We need you to stay home alone just for a bit," Jasper said as I lower my head. "Fine," I replied leaving going upstairs and into the guest room.

~Alice Pov~

I sigh seeing the vision Victoria having a hold of Y/N turning her into a vampire. "She's miserable here," Emmett pointed out. 

"But what could we do. We're doing our best to protect her. We're only getting along with the werewolves because they also want Y/N safe," Carlisle explains.

"We should get going before Victoria tries to get her hands on Y/N," I told everybody was we locked everything in the house knowing Y/N will be safe. 

I took one last glance at Y/N's room seeing Y/N just laying in the guest room.

I sigh as we run into the middle of the woods waiting for Victoria to appeared. "Are you sure this is where you saw her?" Carlisle curiously asked me again. "She's almost here," I told Carlisle as I started to look closely into the woods.

Until I saw her running "On your left!" I yelled as we started to run after Victoria. "Wait!"Carlisle stopped us. "She's in their territory," Carlisle pointed out as Esme jumped to the other side. 

"She'll get away," Esme yelled chasing after Victoria as we notice werewolves coming after Victoria. 

"No, she won't!" Jasper yelled. Victoria jumped to the other side as Jasper and Emmett we're close catching up with Victoria. 

"Emmett, no!" Esme yelled trying to stop Emmett. One of the werewolves attacked Emmett who ended up in the lake soaking wet.

~Your Pov~

I sigh finish reading Edward's book he let me borrow. Until I started to hear noise coming from downstairs. "Edward? Bella?" I called out as I knew they were coming back today. 

But no respond I grab my wand as I slowly take my steps downstairs. I look around the corner to see Victoria!? "I know you there Y/N," Victoria called out in a seducing tone.

I grip my wand as I took a step back up the stairs. "Where do you think your going?" I turn around to see Victoria. 

"Victoria! You scared me half to death," I said trying to regain myself. "Sorry love I was just curious," Victoria happily said.

"Now pack your stuff your leaving," Victoria happily said as I stare at her confused. "Why?" I curiously asked as Victoria enter my current room and finish packing everything within a minute. 

"They don't want us together love. They're the evil ones not me," Victoria explains.

"I-I can't Victoria," I told Victoria as she looked at me in shock. "Who says you can't you. Your coming with me, either way, you like it or not," Victoria angrily said. Their's no way I'm going with her.

"Stupefy," I cast as Victoria doge my spell. "Playing hard to get? My love, I'm already in love with you," Victoria whispers in my ear as those words shivered down my spine.

I turn around quickly to see Victoria with a huge grin on her face. I ran to my left about to open the patio doors but Victoria was already there blocking my way. 

I ran to the other glass door seeing Victoria was behind me "Confringo," I cast as I ran through the shattered glass.

"AH," I groan as I noticed my arm had cut from the shattered glass. I look up to see Victoria trying to restrain herself from my blood. 

I ran through the forest. Holding my wounded hand. "Sam! Jared!" I frantically called out but no response. I kept running and running for my life."Paul! Seth! Leath!" I kept calling out but nothing. 

"J-Ja-acob," I didn't have energy left everything was spinning everything turned black~

~Jasper Pov~

"She has gotten away again," Emmett angrily said. "We'll get her soon enough, for now, we have to protect Y/N," Carlisle reminded us. We ran back home as Esme open the door to find it unlocked. 

We slowly walk in to find one of the patio doors broken. Glass pieces shattered everywhere. The only thing I can think of causing this is Y/N.

"Y/N," Alice called out. No answer "Y/N," I call out as I hurried upstairs to find Y/N's room empty. Rosalie and Emmett ran around the house kept calling Y/N's name. 

Alice gasped as I knew she saw another vision. "S-she took Y/N," Alice cries out loud as I ran to her side. 

I held her hand seeing Y/N tried to put up a fight before losing too much blood from doing so. "N-No," Rosalie cries as Emmett held her knowing how much Y/M meant to all of us.

"W-what's going on?" We turn around to see Edward and Bella. "Bella we're so sorry but Victoria took Y/N," Esme said as Bella expression soon fell. 

"N-No this can't be," Bella cries as Edward held her close. "We have to get Y/N back," I said as everyone looked at each other.

"I'm with Jasper. We can't have Victoria win," Emmett agreed with me. "We have to plan ahead without Victoria thinking what we're doing," Carlisle reminded us as I nodded my head. I promise Y/N will get you

(Sorry it was short but I'm going to take a small break. I just need a time away from work for a bit I hope you all understand.)

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