Chapter 7

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~Your Pov~

 "Dammit, Rosalie you almost scared the shit out of me," I said trying to regain myself. "Yeah, Rosalie can be scary sometimes," I turn around again to meet the eyes of Emmett. "Godammit do you Cullen's like to scare me," I asked. 

"When we feel like it," I look at my right to see Edward. "Don't tell me all of you are in my room," I asked flustered. "Well not all of us," Alice said coming out of the shadows.

"Ok have any of you heard of knocking?" I sarcastically asked as they look at each other before nodding their heads. "Now answer my question what were you doing with a werewolf," Rosalie demanded an answer. 

I looked around and sigh "Well..I've met their tribe and befriended them," I answered as they stared at me in shock.

"You can't befriend the werewolf tribe," Rosalie said in anger. "W-why?" I not understanding the situation. "Will just say Vampires and Werewolves don't get along," Alice trying her best to explain. 

"More like enemies," Emmett said as Edward nudge him. "So what's so wrong befriending them?" I curiously asked as the Cullens stared at me before looking away.

"Fine don't tell me," I stormed out of my room grabbing my leather jacket heading out. "Where are you going Y/N?" Bella curiously asked. "Just going let out steam. 

If Uncle Charlie asks where I am. Tell him I'm at Jacob's place," I said as Bella nodded her head understanding. I held my wand out "Lumos," I cast as I walk my away to the tribe. 

It was quiet in the woods until I felt cold ora's coming closer to my way. I stopped my tracks "Masking, Accio," I cast the charms hiding my scent making me smell like a Vampire and being able to see in the dark. 

I put my wand inside my boot as I contuied to walk as I knew they were behind me. I slowly turn around to face three Vampires.

~Laurent Pov~

I smelled such an anglic scent we continued to follow it but ending to dump into another Vampire. She had beautiful H/C and rudy eyes it's clear she drinks human blood.

~Victoria Pov~

We followed the anglic scent wanting to get a taste of the human's blood. But the scent began to fade away. 

We eventually caught up to meet another Vampire but not an ordinary one a stunning S/C and beautiful H/C. I wanted her as my mate.  

~James Pov~

The anglic scent makes me want the human's blood more than ever. More than that human who was with the Cullen's earlier today. 

We caught up to noticed the scent disappeared instead of finding a human it another Vampire but more like a goddess Vampire.

~Your Pov~

One girl, the two other's were boys "Sorry we thought you might have been a human," One of the vampire's apologized. 

"It's quite alright," I said as they smiled. "What are you doing out late," The female vampire curiously asked. 

"Just taking a night stroll, "I happily answered as they kept smiling. "I'm Laurent the other others are James and Victoria," Laurent introduced his little gang.

"Pleasure to meet you," I politely said. "We send the human's to the east so for sure you'll be safe," Victoria grins as I nodded my head. "We never catch your name?" James curiously asked. "It's Y/N," I said as they smiled. 

"You wouldn't mind a little company, would you?" Laurent curiously asked. "I don't mind," I answered. I started to get to know each of them before James left.

"Hunting my guess," I asked as Victoria nodded her head. "Just human blood which caught James interested," Victoria explained as I nodded my head. 

I noticed the time "I better get going," I said which disappointed Victoria and Laurent. 

"Quiet sorry but I hope to meet you two again," I said as I escape from the Vampires as I was far I wore off the charms.

I quickly walked to the werewolf tribe to see them around a fire having fun. "Look who's here it's Y/N," Paul happily said as the tribe was surprised but happy to see me. "We didn't expect to see you again Y/N," Leath said in surprise. 

"Well I'm here," I happily said taking a seat next to Jacob. "Well this is going to be your first tribe party," Jacob happily said putting his arm around me. 

They started to play instruments as they started to play a song which sounds so familiar to me. I closed my eyes.

"Are you going to Scarborough Fair? Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. Remember me to one who lives there. He once was a true love of mine. Tell him to make me a cambric shirt. Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. Without no seam, nor fine needlework. Then he'll be a true love of mine," 

"Tell him to find me an acre of land. Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. Between the saltwater and the sea strand. Then he'll be a true love of mine. Are you going to Scarborough Fair? Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. Remember me to one who lives there. He once was a true love of mine," I finished singing as I opened my eyes to see the whole tribe staring at me in shock.

"Y-Y/N how do you know that song?" Sam asked looking concerned. "I-I don't know I just knew it," I said as the tribe look at me in shock then look at each other. "W-what's wrong," I asked worried about what I did. 

"The only person that knows that song is the founder of our tribe wife. She was known as beautiful and wise in her age. Legend says she was a witch a powerful one But she ended up attracting Vampires as well which cause her to commit suicide," Jacob explains.

"S-so what does that have to do with me?" I asked concerned. "Your great-great-grandmother might be her," Sam finishes off. 

There's no way "I'm pretty sure there must be some mistake maybe someone else knows the song," I said coming up with ideas for other possible changes. 

"People heard the song but never knew the song in the correct way," Jared explains.

"No I-I'm not sure If I'm even related to her," I said thinking there must be a mistake. "Their's no mistake Y/N your the future mother wolf," Seth said as I stared at the tribe in shock. 

"Let's drop the subject Y/N needs some air," Jacob said dragging me away from the situation. I took a few deep breaths "Jacob their's no way," I said not believing what the tribe thinks.

"It's ok Y/N I know you won't believe the facts but you should take some time to think it over," Jacob recommended as I nodded my head in agreement. 

"I'll take you back home," Jacob said as I rode on his back sneaking back to my room thinking about the whole situation. 

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