Chapter 3

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~Your Pov~

My alarm started to ring I shut it off getting ready for the first day of school not at Hogwarts but at a muggle school. I don't even know how to feel about this and how my parents agreed to sign me up even though I'm supposed to be on break. 

I think I might either be with Harry with his awful Aunt and Uncle. I stood up making my way to the closet choosing an outfit to wear since they don't wear robes or uniforms.

I make my way downstairs to have breakfast. I started to have breakfast as Bella made her way down looking a bit tired. 

"Didn't get enough sleep," I curiously asked as she took a seat next to me. "Yup," Bella answers as we finish eating Bella grabbed her keys. "We better go or will be late," Bella said as I nodded my head.

Following Bella behind as she climbs into her gift Charlie gave her. I climb in as Bella drive us to school.  "I notice your photo's on the nightstand are they your friends from London," Bella trying to make a conversion. "Yea I've known them since I was eleven," I answered seeing where close to school.

Bella makes a full stop in the parking lot "Let's hope we don't die today," I joked as Bella agreed with me. I jumped out of Bella's truck as I felt a few eyes on me. I and Bella kept close walking into the school 'So different from Hogwarts' I thought. "Your Isabella Swan and Y/N L/N the new girls. Hi I'm Eric the eyes and ears of this place," I snap out of thoughts to meet Eric.

"Anything you guys need a tour guide, Lunch date, a shoulder to cry on," Eric joked. "Just trying to figure out where our classes are," I answered looking through my schedule. "Let me help you," Eric said taking a look at my schedule. 

"Your first class is AP Wolrd History is on the second floor the third door on the right," Eric told me directions.

"Thanks," I said as Bella took a look at my schedule we only had lunch together. "You better sit with me I don't want to be alone," Bella said as I smiled "Don't worry I'll try to find you," I said as we separated. I make it to class on time "You must be Y/N," The teacher asked as I nodded my head.

"Well here is your textbook for the class have a seat," The teacher told me as I took a seat next to the window. "Hey, I'm Alice," I turn to meet a pixie cut girl.

 "I'm Y/N," I introduced myself I felt a cold ora around her. But she also seemed familiar she was the same girl I saw at the airport as I was leaving.

~Alice Pov ~

I walked into class to see the same stunning girl I saw at the airport. I smiled happily knowing I got to see her again. I made my way to her "Hey, I'm Alice," I introduced myself as she turns to look at me.

I could smell her angelic scent but her E/C shine through the light. "I'm Y/N," She introduced herself. She also had a beautiful name.

Y/N started to open the history textbook as I tried to see her future but I didn't see anything. I tried to read her thoughts but something was blocking me from reading them. I notice her ora was powerful. 

Soon the bell ringed "Do you mind if I see your schedule?"I curiously asked "Go, ahead," Y/N said handing me her schedule. Y/N had the next class with me and Jasper. "We have the next class together with my adopt brother Jasper," I happily said as Y/N smiled. Her smile is gorgeous.

~Y/N Pov~

I ended meeting Jasper he was the same guy I bumped into at the airport. "Jasper this is Y/N. Y/N this is Jasper," Alice introduced us. 

"Nice to meet you," I said as he nodded his head. We headed to class which we find out we have more classes together soon it was lunch. "I'm gonna head to the bathroom I'll see you guys around," I said waving bye to them.

{M a g i c  I n  L i g h t} Twilight x Reader x Harry Potter (1)Where stories live. Discover now