Chapter 15

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~Your Pov~

I sat in the Cullen's house as Alice dragged me from Spain back to Forks. I'm still mad at them leaving me and Bella during the worst time they could even leave. 

I sigh as I look out of the window as the Cullen's stand around the living room discussing if Bella should become a vampire. 

I don't know If I would like my cousin becoming a bloodsucker but...she'll be happy with Edward. 

"You ok Y/N?" I turn around to see Rosalie. I looked away not wanting to talk to the Cullens. I felt a cold breeze coming to my side "Y/N please talk to us," Jasper begged. 

I sigh turning to face Jasper before lowering my head. "Please...say something," Alice said coming up to me. 

I sigh "This is just too much to think about," I finally spoked out which caught everybody's attention. "What do you mean Y/N?" Esme curiously asked. 

"Just everything knowing Bella will become a Vampire and the Volturi reading my future," I said as the Cullens looked at me in shock. 

Carlise ran to my side "What do you mean the Volturi reading your future?" Carlisle curiously asked. 

"Aro told me to be careful what I choose that's all," I told Carlise as he whispers something into Esme's ear. They nodded their heads before facing me "We think it's better off you stay here for a bit Y/N," Carlisle said as I stared at him in shock. 

"I-I can't my headmaster only let me off-campus to save Bella that's all," I told them.

"I don't think your headmaster will mind you staying for a bit," Esme said as I looked away. "I can't stay I have a war I have to fight in. I can't let them fight on their own," I told the Cullens. 

"Something is going to come and get you and if we're not by your side you'll be taken away," Emmett sadly said.

"I'm gonna miss my finals at Hogwarts," I told them as I notice a smirk appearing on Carlisle's face. 

"I think I can arrange that," Carlisle grins as I started to back away. "NOPE I'M GOING HOME," I yelled running out of the Cullen's house.


I sigh as the Cullen's captured me as Emmett held me over his shoulder with a tight grip. "You can put me down Emmett," I told Emmett as he chuckles. "Knowing you, your just going to run off," Emmett said as I groan.

 I look around to see a familiar person coming closer to us. Or should I say pack?

I try to wiggle out of Emmett's grip but he made it tighter and tighter. "Oh come on really Emmett," I yelled as Emmett snickers. 

I groan as I look up to see a wolf running towards our direction. I look closely at the wolf is was Jacob! 

"Jacob!" I happily yelled as Emmett turned around it was too late Jacob ended up attacking Emmett as I hit the ground hard. "Never thought I'll be attacked by a wet dog," Emmett taught. 

"Y/N go with Sam and the pack," Jacob order me as a werewolf came next to me 'I guess that's Sam' I thought.

"Y/N come back inside," Carlisle order. I looked at the werewolf pack then back that the Cullen's. 

"I-I," I didn't know what to do. I started to look around as I notice far away from a black figure who seems so familiar. I look closely to see it's Victoria!? "Y/N who are you going to choose," Edward called out.

"Us," Edward started off as I looked at the Cullen's and Bella "Or us," Jacob called out as I looked at the werewolf pack. 

Who should I choose? Why can't I just go back home? "Y/N are you ok," Bella called out I slowly shake my head as everything felt fuzzy?

~Rosalie Pov~

Y/N started to look pale as she looked back and forth. Something doesn't seem right "Y/N are you ok," Bella curiously asked. 

Y/N slowly shaked her head as I knew something wasn't right. Until I saw Y/N losing her balance I ran to her side before hitting the ground. 

"Carlisle what's wrong with Y/N," Bella asked worriedly as I held Y/N close to me. "She must've been overwhelmed making her decision. 

"We better take her inside," Carlisle said as I nodded my head holding Y/N in my arms. I knew Y/N is my mate I want to keep her safe.

"Your not taking her inside," Jacob growls "Jacob their helping her. Let them," One of the werewolves stopped Jacob. 

"Your welcome to come inside to wait for Y/N to wake up," Carlisle offered. "Thank you but will guard outside," The alpha told Carlisle as I walk inside with Y/N in my arms.

We walk inside as I took Y/N inside one of our guest rooms that had a bed. I gently lay her down as I let her rest. 

"I'm so sorry you have to make this decision," I whispered while stroking her hair. I sigh as I left the room.

~Your Pov~

I slowly open my eyes to see a full moon 'How long have I been out?' I thought as I looked down to see I'm in bed. 'H-How did I get here' I see a light coming from the slightly cracked open door. 

My feet feeling the cold marble ground as I make my way to the door. "What should we do," I heard a frantic voice.

"Y/N will be safe staying with us no matter what we won't leave her side," Another voice said as I open the door to see all the Cullen's talking. "W-what's going on?" I curiously asked as I caught all of their attention. 

Alice makes her way towards me "Y/N we can't have you leave Forks. There's someone after you," Alice began telling me. "But I can protect myself," I told as Alice as Emmett came up. 

"We know but this is something more dangerous we're not sure you'll be able to handle," Emmett said as I notice his worried look.

I sigh as I look out to see the tribe waiting around "They're out guarding," Edward said as I nodded my head. "C-Can I still write to my friends?" I curiously asked as the Cullen's nodded their heads. 

I walk outside as the pack came up to me "Y/N your suppose to be inside it's too dangerous," Jacob worriedly told me. 

"Are you and the Cullen's are getting along now?" I curiously asked the tribe as they looked at each other. "Not exactly but we're both willing to get along as long your safe," Seth said.

I sigh "You guys know I can handle myself remember I'm the witch gal," I brought up my nickname the tribe gave me since day one. 

"We know but will feel better knowing your somewhere safe," Jared reassures me. 


I sat happily sitting around the fire with the tribe listening to stories and jokes. I felt more myself around the pack without knowing I'm in danger. 

"Y/N you better come in," Emmett called out as I sigh "Alright," I call back. "Well, I hope to see you guys again," I happily said. 

"Y/N if you ever need to talk you know you have us," Jacob happily said as I smiled "Thanks Jacob," I happily hug Jacob as he hugged back. After a whole minute, Jacob let me go as I enter the Cullen's home. 

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