Chapter 33

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~Your Pov~

I jumped off of Jacob's motorcycle to be greeted by Emily. "Y/N it's so good to see you again," I smiled.

"But what are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be with the Cullens?" She questions us as I looked at Jacob. "It's hard to explain but Y/N needs to get away from the Cullens for a bit," Jacob said.

"I understand. You can stay with us along as you want," I smiled at Emily. "Thank you," I grab one of my bags. "Guys it's Y/N!" I looked to my right to see the whole pack coming my way. 'Ah, shit' I got attacked by the pack.

"Guys change back to normal," I said but I relized that was a mistake. "Not here!" I yelled as I cover my face.

"Guys go inside," Sam ordered "You can look now Y/N," Jacob whispers as I sigh in relief. "I didn't they change back right in front of me," I exclaim as Jacob laughs. "Well, get used to it your gonna see it often,"

"Not least I'm here," I turn around "Leah!" I happily hug her. "It's great to you again," I smiled. "But what are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to stay with the cold ones?" Leah asked.

"I'll explain everything to the pack once Y/N settles in," Jacob grabs my bags as Emily guides us into the house.

"One of our spare rooms. You can stay here in the meantime," I smiled. "Thank you, Emily, for everything," I hugged her.

"Your welcome Y/N. Your partially apart of the pack so make your self at home," Emily said as she closed the door. 'I guess this is my new home in the meantime.' I sigh 'How many more secrets are they hiding?'

~Jacob's Pov~

"Alright, Jacob tells us what's going on," Sam ordered. I sigh looking at the pack "Y/N found more information on Y/N that the Cullen's hide from her. Right now, she just wants to be away from them," I said.

"I understand Y/N's pain. I'll let her stay as long as she wants," Sam said as everyone in the pack smiled.

"But we should be careful since the Cullen's might figure out where Y/N went," Sam remind us 'I can't wait to tell Y/N the great news'

~Alice Pov~

"Alice, can you hear Y/N's thoughts?" Rosalie asked as I try but something is blocking me. "N-No, I can't," I replied. "We need to find Y/N!" Emmett demanded. "Probably the wet dogs took her," Rosalie huff.

"We don't know Rose. Y/N could have probably gone back to England," Esme said trying to figure out. "Y/N wouldn't leave without telling us," Bella argues.

"It has to be wet dogs! That will only make sense!" Rosalie yelled. "Calm down will find Y/N. We'll just need to trace her scent," Carlisle said.

~Your Pov~

"You don't think they can trace my scent do you?" I asked Jared. "They could unless we cover it up," He replied. 'Mmmh how can I cover it?'

"I think your fine with your scent since you ride on Jacob's back. They're gonna think it's one of us. Not you," Sam explains

"Mmhm, I guess I'm fine," I look down at my hands "No kidding," Seth exclaims as he puts me on his back.

"Seth!" I exclaim "Seth be nice," Leah reminded him as he puts me down. "Sorry, I'm just excited that your staying with us," I smiled

"Me too,"

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