Chapter 31

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~Your Pov~

I get off of Jacobs back remembering Carlisle still injured. "Fuck," I run inside to find Sam healing Carlisle's wound.

"Never thought the alpha knew how to heal somebody," I joked. "Well, when someone in the pack does something stupid you gotta do something,"

I laughed as I look down at Carlisle "How are you feeling?" I curiously asked.

"Just a couple of shallow wounds. I think I'll be fine," I smiled.

"Now since we're all here. We would like to know the full story," Jacob said as I sigh as I examine the room.

The pack and the Cullen's wanting answers. "G/N was part of a powerful wizarding family until something bad happen to her causing her to forget her memories. Somehow she ended up in Spain meeting the Volturi," I said remembering every little detail.

"The day of her arrival I thought Aro was going to kill G/N but she ended up living with them," Carlisle said. "But I feel like their's more the Volturi is hiding," I said.

"What else do you think they're hiding?" Edward asked. "The rest of G/N past," I look down at my hands.

"And the answers to my future," I sigh "Y/ don't have to spend time with the Volturi. W-We can find a way out of this situation," Alice said.

"No there's no way out of this Alice...I need to protect you all from what could hurt you,"

"Then how do you suppose to do to protect you Y/N?" Jacob asked as I sigh "I-I don't know I-I just need some time to think this all,"

"We respect your wishes Y/N," Esme said as I slightly smiled as one by one everyone left the room. 'What have I gotten myself into?'

"You could always fake your death," T-That voice. I quickly turn around "G/N?" 'I-I'm hallucinating' "Faking your death will solve your problems," I quickly shake my head.

"NO! Faking my death won't solve all my problems because of you I have to fix all of the mess you caused!"

"...Fine have it your way but look behind the portrait for a clue," I stare at myself in shock 'What just happened!' I collect my thoughts as I remember the portrait of G/N in one of the Cullen's room.

I run upstairs into the room 'They still have a cover over the portrait' I pull down the cover facing G/N again. I turn the portrait to find a letter stick onto the back.

I yank the letter "Do you think it's time to tell Y/N?" I heard Esme. I look around the room as I hid under a desk. "We can't risk ourselves from telling her the truth the Volturi would murder us all even Y/N!"

'What do they know that I don't?' I held my hand tight. I closed my eyes as I teleported back to my room 'What are they keeping away from me?! I-I need to know!' I look down at the letter.

'Maybe this would hold the answers...' I took in a deep breath as I rip open the envelope. I-It was blank!? 'H-How can this be?!?' "Y/N are you alright?" Bella called out.

I hide the letter inside my charm jewelry box. "Yup I'm fine," I replied. "You sure?" Edward asked. I turn to the window to see Jane and Alec holding white roses.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine," I lied.

"I can tell your lying Y/N," I sigh as Jane and Alec dropped the white roses onto the ground. "We're coming in," Edward called out. Jane put her hand over her mouth to relieve a burn mark.

I took a step back 'D-Did Aro do that to Jane?!' "Y/N!" I snapped out of my thoughts to see Bella and Edward standing before me. "W-What did you do?!" I look down at my hand to see a burn mark!

I look back at the window to see Jane and Alec gone.

"Let's get Carlisle to take a look at this," Edward guide my out of my room. 'H-How did I get this?! Maybe a sign?' "Carlisle, Y/N burned her hand," He runs to my side examined my burn mark.

"Nothing too serious but I think it will be better if we wrap a bandage around the wound," I sat on the cold lab table as I watch Carlisle wrap my hand in bandages. "How did you get this burn mark?"

"I-I don't know how...," I replied as he finishes. I jump off the table as I felt a breeze hitting my body. "I heard from Edward. Why did you burn yourself!?" Rosalie exclaims. "I-I don't know," I mumble.

"What do you mean you don't know!" Rosalie yelled. I looked down 'W-Why can't you just believe me?' "Rosa that's enough!" Carlise said as I walk out of the room as I make my way down the hall.

"Auntie!" I turn around to see Reenesme coming towards me while Jacob chasing her. I pick up Reenesme " ok?" Jacob asked as I nodded my head. "I'm fine," I replied as Reenesme grab my hand.

"Auntie what happened to your hand?" She asked as Jacob took a look at the burn mark.

"Y/N who did this to you?" Jacob asked as I looked away. "I'll repeat myself. Y/N who did this to you!" I put down Reenesme "Go find daddy ok?" Reenesme ran out of the room.

"Jacob, was an accident. I didn't mean t-"Just tell me who did it!" I sigh "Jacob it was me. I-I didn't mean t-" I know it wasn't you! It was one of those cold ones!" Jacob growls. "Jacob calm down,"

"Fine but if one of them hurt you again I won't be calm," Jacob walked off 'What have I've gotten myself into?'

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