Prologue: Quite Literally A Hell Of A Life

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(A/N): small bit of important info here real quick: you, AKA the reader and (Y/N), are 1 year younger than Yang and 1 year older than Ruby. And no, the Rose/Xiao Long family isn't your biological family here. 

"Stuff that is said."

'Stuff that is thought by whoever the POV has moved to.'

Other shit, like stuff that happens, for example: (Y/N) looked confused at the wall as he wonders WTF this actually is about. Let's just get on with it.

(Y/N): "Hello there! Welcome in my mindscape! Wha- no, we won't be here long, neither will I be narrating like this, just for one chapter."

Author: "*sigh* What did I say about breaking the fourth wall? It's hard to fix dammit."

(Y/N): "Sorry, I didn't mean to."

Author: "Nah, it's ok. Just hang on a little bit before you continue please."

__A few weird noises that sound like a construction site later.__

You see, my name is (Y/N). It used to be (Y/N) (L/N), but my parents died in a car crash after going to the funeral from the last family member they had except me: my uncle, so my dad's brother. Now, it is (Y/N) Rose. Or was it (Y/N) Xiao Long? I don't remember, I haven't felt like part of that family for years. Who are my family? Well, there's Summer, my 'mom'. Then there's Tai, my 'dad'. And to conclude, there's Yang and Ruby, my 'sisters'. Why don't I feel like a part of this family? Well, getting beaten up and being treated like a slave won't make me feel at home exactly... Let me show you a few examples:


Yang, my older 'sister', was seen throwing two plates at the ground, causing them to break in a lot of small pieces.

Yang: "Daaad! (Y/N) broke two plates!"

Tai, my 'father' rushed into the kitchen, clear anger showing in his eyes.

Tai: "Did you do this?!"

(Y/N): "No, I didn't, it wa-"

Tai: "Don't lie to me, you piece of crap!"

I then got a few hard punches from him. Yang joined in after a while, but she didn't punch harder than Tai luckily. They were shouting and yelling at me, but I couldn't hear what they were screaming exactly, because everything started to slowly become a blur... Then, Ruby, my younger 'sister' walked into the kitchen, obviously because of all the noise she heard.

Ruby: "Dad, can I help beat up (Y/N) aswell?"

This luckily caused them to stop for a bit, so Tai could answer her properly. Meanwhile I tried to crawl away, in the hopes of maybe reaching a safer spot. If there were any...

Tai: "No sweetie, you wouldn't hurt him enough. Why don't you go to mommy?"

Ruby: "Ok dad, bye Yang, see ya later."

Tai and Yang turned around to see me crawl away. I didn't get far sadly.

Tai: "Where do you think you're going?! You're not allowed to go away until I say so!"

I then received multiple kicks and punches from both Tai and Yang before passing out.

__Wooo back to present__

(Y/N): "Now, you see, things like that aren't uncommon. I don't know how this all started, the whole cycle of it. I'd ask them, but I'd likely get yelled at for being disrespectful or something before receiving more violence. And over time, Ruby started to join in aswell on the beatings. My 'mom', Summer, already was doing so, as she agreed with Tai that I was a waste of life. Don't I have other family? Well, there's uncle Qrow and aunt Raven. Raven most of the times just ignores me or denies my existence. Qrow on the other hand, got a drinking problem, which often results in him being drunk already when he arrives at this house and joining in now and then. Luckily, he isn't always around. Holidays? Well, they celebrate them, leaving me out, in the attic or basement. I'd only ruin the fun they once told me."

__Flashback to Christmas a year ago__

'Everyone was happy: it was Christmas, a time for happiness, gathering with the ones you care about and beating up the ones you don't. I was ordered to help Summer and Raven make dinner, making sure that every time I did something that didn't completely match their plans to cut me in my fingers, before cleaning them. You wouldn't want blood on your food either, would you? Most of those cuts healed, but like 2 stayed and became small scars. Meanwhile Ruby and Yang were playing. Qrow and Tai were sitting in the living room, drinking something, I assume something with alcohol. As usual, Qrow was already drunk when he arrived with Raven. This was one of the rare times I actually was allowed to be downstairs for longer and I was ordered to open the door for them. After we were done cooking, I made a mistake. A big one. I walked to Summer and asked her if I was allowed to stay downstairs with them:'

(Y/N): "Mom, can I stay downstairs and celebrate with you? I don't even want to eat the food, I just want to-"

I was rewarded with a big slap to the face.

Summer: "You're a disgrace, we wouldn't want you near us on such a joyful holiday!"

'It's just what you call joyful' I thought, while Tai and Qrow walked in.

Tai: "Is everything alright dear? Did he hurt you?"

Summer: "No, he wants to stay downstairs with us."

Tai: "What?! How dare you, you little shit?!"

I was, once again, punched full in the gut, before being dragged to the attic and thrown into a corner, hurting my head.

Tai: "Next time, don't you even dare asking such a thing! Understood?!"

(Y/N): "Y-yes..."

Tai: "What did you say?!"

(Y/N): "Y-yes, s-s-ir.... S-sorry..."

Once again thrown onto the ground, they walked away as the blood from my head was creating a shower for my back. During all of this, Qrow didn't say a single word. He just followed Tai, while having a look of constant rage in his eyes.

__Back to the present times once again__

(Y/N): "So you see, life isn't that great here. But it's the only way of life I ever had since i got adopted, so I just kinda got used to i-"

Summer: "(Y/N)!!! Get down here and make us dinner!"

(Y/N): "I should get going now..."


Small and maybe important note from yours truly, the author:

This is my first book, so if I ever make any mistake in grammar or logic compared to how it is supposed to be according to the rules of the show (talking about stuff like eating Grimm flesh and possible side effects of it for example), feel free to point it out so I can improve it in the future. I don't know how often or regular I will update this story with new chapters, as I'm also still in school, I just have summer holidays right now, giving me the time to actually start on a thing like this. I would like to thank everyone reading this for the support, it means a lot to me. Cya in chapter 1 hopfully!

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