Chapter 19: Bursting Bubbles

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Ren: "Why did you decide to stay? I mean, I don't mind it, the more the merrier, but I'm still curious."

(Y/N): "Someone fell asleep on my shoulder."

Ren: "Oh? Who was it?"

I froze a bit at hearing this question. Should I really tell them? I mean, what if she finds it awkward. But at the other side, they're her team mates. They won't care much. I pointed towards Pyrrha because I had my mouth still full of pancake and it's rude to talk with food in my mouth, I was raised well.

Ren: "Pyrrha?"

I swallowed the bite I had taken and nodded to confirm it.

(Y/N): "Yep, it was Pyrrha."

Pyrrha: "Hehe, sorry about that."

(Y/N): "It's ok, no need to apologize for anything, worse things could've happened, I'm glad Simon didn't break a controller or any of the furniture here. I don't know why and how he got so wound up, that normally never happens."

Ren: "It's ok, no harm was done. I wonder if we ever host a party again whether we should immediately re-roll the matchups if Nora and him have to play against each other for something."

(Y/N): "I don't know, maybe they can't play against each other, only with each other?"

Nora: "You shouldn't have stopped me, I would've broken his kneecaps."

Jaune: "Clear talk, next topic. It's still a sunday right?"

Ruby: "I think so... Wait our teams should all do something fun together now we still have the chance to! On weekdays it'll get harder to arrange something."

My mind was first screaming 'what is she doing here?! When did she come here?!' and then 'NO! NO! NO! NO! NO ACTIVITIES WITH THE ABUSERS!' which I completely agreed on, since, well, it was my mind and I actually felt it was 100% right here. I don't want to forgive them for what they did, they would've changed their ways in the past when I was still here if they really felt sorry.

(Y/N): "I don't know if it's that good of a moment to do something all together now, I have to see about that one assignment still."

Jaune: "What assignment?"

(Y/N): "You know, the team assignment one."

I looked at Jaune as he seemed to get the signal I was trying to give off and he quickly nodded in agreement, as if there was actually was such an assignment.

Jaune: "Oh that assignment you mean, I thought you guys finished it already."

(Y/N): "Nope, we might have forgot to do that..."

Jaune: "Well, good luck then, if you need any help, we already did it, they won't notice it if you change it up a little."

(Y/N): "Thanks, but I think it'll be fine."

Having finished my pancakes, I thanked them for the breakfast and the party last night and walked back to my dorm, back to my teammates who actually did have a proper bed to sleep in.

I knocked on the door, remembering my pair of keys was still inside and Mike and Ian were the only ones who took theirs with them last night. The door was opened by Ian, who looked at me and then... smirked?

(Y/N): "What are you so happy about?"

Ian: "Nothing, nothing. Maybe it has to do with you having to sleep on a damn couch."

(Y/N): "Damn Ian, I never thought you were one who liked to see others suffering for entertainment."

Mike: "I doubt that's the only thing he's on about."

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